Kinda gay for a guy to say that to another guy
See, trying to blend in by posting an innocent, angelic Pepe. You tried to rile me up over the past 6 to 8 months and then flip the script, pretending to be the innocent one so you can point, "Look, he's the unreasonable one, I'm just being all innocent here." It's an old script and tactic pre-dating the internet, and it's not going to work.
But you're the shill, Loretta. Better luck next time.
This you? You've left quite a trail for the past 8 months, clown. Filtered.
Oops. Treasures to find when you go back and examine what that clown was writing when filtered on this end. Poor bastard.
Eddie wasn't liked by a lot of people, he was kind of an asshole, but there's no denying the extent of his talent and how he changed the landscape of guitar playing in the late 70s.
Still cookin' with that old time, lost-lost recipe.
You're not paid to be that stupid, are you?
Snake oil salesman.
This you? Everything about you is fake. Even your piety. Speaking of morning rollcalls, how is the propagation of your two letter morning rollcall across the multiple platforms it's being used on, that appeared on one Monday morning across those multiple platforms? Every time you pipe up with your fake performance I'll dig up a post of yours from the past. Your move.
I don't project, at all, it's too close to lying and tactics that clowns use. You've moved on from calling me a shill, to a narcissist, to saying I project now? You poor bastard. There's a special place set aside for you for eternity.
>where is he wrong in that post?
I don't IP hop, I don't talk to myself. I made notables a few days ago with merely a question. Not a narcissist, not a glownigger, not an egofaggot.
>Ah hyuk hyuk. What's your notable ratio? Measurable metrics. Ah hyuk hyuk.
When it's proven clowns try to control the kitchen as much as they can but are not in it all the time, and run multiple devices, that's kind of proof of them gaming and inflating that "measurable metric" for their benefit. It's a compromised "measurable metric."
>you never attempt to contribute something that may be found noteworthy because 'clowns in the kitchen'? Anons nominate notables, moran.
I made notables a few days ago. I'm not coming to the defense of shills and trying to make an issue out of how many notables the person that is engaging the shills has. You're defending shills, fucktard.
Remember this? You're the one that can't let it go.
You started with Sam, then moved onto Swordy, then me, then Pig. Because posting "Good morning, frenz," "God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever," and "America Winning" were messages you never controlled and it's all about control with you clowns. Now you're putting on a false piety act, but who you tried to rile up to behave like this post of your displays isn't going to work. And of course, one vocal critics of shills became an obsession, because he had no narrative, had no daily message, so you had an AI generate poetry to attack him, copypastas to attack him, a bingo card devoted to one single Anon. And all that began after the MuhJoo spam started being removed. Where is it now? You clowns attack individual Anons here that stand up to you, rather than posting your favorite carefully crafted copypastas and ethnic accusation spam. Whatever happened to the Finklestein spam that OSS liked to put in notables when the Den of Absolute Retard clowns ran the board form May 2021 until Jan 2022?
Go on and point out the projection in that post. Do it. You're not trying to teach a lesson, you're trying to control how every Anon behaves by using one individual as the example. It's not going to work. This is not about ego or personality, this is about the malicious and malevolent behavior you've displayed for 8 months now after your ethnic accusation spam started getting removed. The exact same tactics you used to attack Jews with your spam you just adapted to individuals here that stood up to you.
So nothing but indifferent deflection? You said I projected, I asked you to point out that projection, and you failed to do so, just went on with your NPC script. You're not going to like what's coming for you. You can't stop it either.
>Smoking pepe is an ascended former archangel who lives within the grace of God
Uh… lives within the grace of God, yeah, but the ascended former archangel part makes me uncomfortable. If I was to call myself anything it'd be shitposter or memer.
>Real Anons don't exist to argue all day on this board
You speak for all real Anons, huh? We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. What is the point of having that in the bread header if no one is willing to do battle in the sphere, and just follows the lead of a clown trying to control the board?
You don't speak for anyone but yourself. "Real Anons don't" this or that is just attempts at consensus generation. You know, what you accuse others of, while also accusing them of projection.
>No real Anon can show you yourself in the mirror. You need to look into it on your own.
Still waiting for you to point out where I projected in that post, you know, like you accused me of doing. Who's the "we" that are praying for me. I'm at peace with myself and know myself, I don't spend all day putting on a performance of obfuscation and fake and projection and deflection to make it through the day, like you do. Oh, how is negativity to point out what you're doing and what you've done? I think you're praying to a different "god" that isn't a god than I do.