i wasnt left behind i got smart. corsi was pretty blatent in exposing himself, musta hit the goal for book sales. then expell him and claim you have a clean house so normies will believe. all the clowns like antifag and jordan get problems from YT but not patriot soapbox. the most effective way to get truth out, untill they take you over re: thumper/gooddog etc. but anons know how counter intellegence works. keep begging for money pretending to be a patriot if u like but nobody believes you. thats why nobody is watching. butthurt kek. i wouldnt be caught dead on that stream again. no way in hell i would associate myself with the enemy. you shoulda done the right thing faggot with a girls name. you have a family to think about for gods sake, unless that child isnt actually yours. wouldnt be surprised. how deep are you in faggotanon??
why keep spamming anon? we are ignoring you for a reason. its not at all relevent.
theres a reason you wannabes wont/cant dispute my claims. you know they are true. just go into troll mode like my feelings are gonna get hurt and i go away kek. you traitors have already lost and you know it. PS exists in its own bubble. normies find it, enjoy it for a bit but wonce they are woke they come here and see u for what you are. honestly you help us by staying on. everybody sees right thru your weak tactics of disinfo and emotional string pulling. if u were real patriots your stream wouldnt have 50 percent aloted for the members tiny thumbnail. its would be all Q on the screen like it used to be. face it pam, u chose the wrong side and everyone knows it. now u have to deal with the concequences. i wonder what your clown handlers will do with u once they realize nobody is going to watch. good luck, your gonna need it.
its not division fagging when nobody is coming to your defence traitor. pepe pistol means nothing. wanna act tough come find me, i know your able to look beyond my VPNS but i would warn you i carry more fire power than your cartoon does to take a shit. please, please be that stupid. muh divisionfags but you have no defence. just insult and veiled threats. if there were anyone left on the board that was still on the fence about PS…youve completely exposed yourself now.
>remember anons they thing you are stupid. >they think you are sheep.