Buh bye German Hillary.
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit is not just a drop of salt in the partisan wounds, it is the whole shaker.’”
The deep state DOJ in DC are not going to give up control anytime soon.
This deal with Awan does not seem to pass the smell test.
More Clinton corruption coverup by the deep state?
This corruption has to be eliminated from the roots up.
Brown Shirt DNC operatives strike again.
Freedom of expression is only OK with these thugs as long as it is what they demand you think and say.
We will NOT be intimidated by the hate police on the loony left.
Democrats’ Fourth of July Message: America Sucks and It’s Trump’s Fault
"Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez issued a bleak message for the Fourth of July, portraying the United States as a deeply troubled nation, and suggesting that President Donald Trump’s policies are to blame."
The loons on the left are the ones that are deeply troubled.
Trump closes in on Supreme Court pick; 3 judges top list
"Trump's top contenders for the vacancy at this time are federal appeals judges Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Raymond Kethledge, said a person familiar with Trump's thinking who was not authorized to speak publicly."
Take this info with caution since it is again the unattributed source thing.
How about a 5am raid on the offices of Coie Perkins by the FBI?