Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.2041767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846 >>2068 >>2285

>>2041367 (lb)

I'll agree we've baker issues...on BOTH sides. the other night I was digging on Scalia..posted a good bit of sauce, some were getting quite..."angry"..saw that a few others made "notables" from the sauce...but the baker left all the notables out, I went back to find the posts...scratching head...the posts were themselves gone (meaning the collection of notables)...I didn't holler and scream...just logged that info away...there are people from all sides of this spectrum...and of course people unwilling to believe the sauce on Scalia but willing to believe the sauce on Hill..


Q IS a LARP...but in the context of crowdsourced intelligence...they teach ANON at the Naval War College...can't beat us, join us...because at the time I was saucing this info, that's the reason I was given...they cannot figure out how to "beat us" folk are taught how to LARP..I know one UBER XIAN intel wienie who had to LARP going into a bar...and being gay, and hitting on a man...and it had to be Q is LARPING, but IMHO a good way...but that doesn't mean we need to get all stoopid here...because what is used for good one day can also be used for ill...and we need to keep this in mind. One can LARP for truth in the same way one can LARP for misdirection...and evil.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.2041790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2041377 (lb)

Had been doing some digging on who I think was Hillary's FIRST murder...Sandi Servaas...murdered just before Hill married Bill.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.2041888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2041464 (lb)

THIS is troublesome...(if charges are true) should be easy enough to discover...makes me wonder...are we borrowing a page from the DNC playbook..and using "comp'd" republicans to play ball? not sure how I feel about it...worth chewing on tho

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2041909   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2041465 (lb)

>It isn't remotely credible, and you should feel embarrassed that you are so worked up over it.

worked up? Asking for a debunk I may have missed? Probably would have been easier to pass the debunk on to me...cause I don't think anyone here would disagree that CBTS is completely comp'd...PAYtriots and the bumbling Corsi...

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.2042150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2041496 (lb)

>Q wasn't rejected from CBTS; he had to vacate because the board became compromised and security could no longer be assured.


I don't recall that, I recall half completely rioting Q the fuck off half because there was yet another email floating..I dl a copy...somewhere but it's irrelevant at this point..coms between the two...also that VOC was trying to run shit


>Part of that fuckup was AFLB. Im sure you remember how at the end, the shills were filling the threads so fast you couldn't even post.


That bitch was banning people left and right in particular anyone posting expository info on jewpedos...good riddance to infiltrating bakers...that it's a SHE OBVIOUSLY from the high level of bitching and moaning...just makes that info ring in my head from the CBTS email about someone's there's that...maybe BO was taken in...what possible reason for that bitch to 1. gain so much loyalty despite the crazy JIDF mass bans, and 2. get back in? 3. absolute refusal to stop namefagging...


That being said anyone can get sucked in by a vagina. She's gone now...and that's that.


>and we don't reject/eject CBTS from here. Im 4/pol, and a whole lot came over. But its serious now. When I want bantz, I go back home to /pol. Here is where work happens. Anons have the spirit, and if you're from /pol you know how to spot shills so Im surprised you'd mix their arguing for 'spirit is missing here'. That said, this has been going 8 months so Im dragging a bit, but the heart is still there.


Spotting and dealing with shills...that's what I'm talkin' about. Takes much too long to deal with the bad actors...and they're super skilled at infiltrating the mod ranks..(see TD, and VOAT)... what I mean by the "spirit" missing is that in many many ways we've become "too nice" in order for the normies to "feel comfy" like they do at FB and TD...meaning...I couldn't give a shit about the pron or other things, I scroll on by...I'm looking for sauce...oldfag know how to ignore shit posting or shitpost when I want...the ENDLESS filter shills...etc...I realize we've got to put up with more "delicate" members of society, but there are those times I wish we were back on half.


>Corsi/Jones turned on Q; changed their tune after a specific Q post that said merely to us 'Be careful who you follow'. Unlike you, I wasn't 'on' to Corsi till he turned, so that was helpful.


I just couldn't wrap my brain around Corsi being some genius after listening to CBTS hawk him as such..OMG CORSI IS ON WITH US..then actually listening to Corsi...I was like WTAF??? He was helpless unless he was reading OUR I shut them off..was not surprised to see many of them become PAYtriots...kek a 24/7 stream of babbling and creepy background music. Turning on Q..well yeah, he did take that personally..but jaysus it was obvious Corsi is an idiot just by listening to him...and that made me wonder why CBTS was sucking his dick.


>Q has provided far more proofs and confirmations than FBIanon or Meganon. its next to impossible to deny at this point, after the totality Q has provided.


Yes, at this point I'd have to're correct...but as I always do i check the "other side"...helps me make better decisions, that's why I asked for any and all sauce on the email writer so as to make a better decision on the contents of the email. SRSLY coming from half...there are many many anon capable of completely bullshitting their way through an email like that...kek...the dossier? that's why I asked.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.2042195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2041523 (pb)

>Guess who came out of abusive Utah programs?


>At least two #TeamGeeljire members


ya'll's team is one thing...GEELJIRE...quite another. In any case, the school I dug was in Arizona and I have never seen it linked to the blinds..if people have as much trouble finding it as I have REFINDING it...I'm not surprised why it hasn't been linked thus far.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.2042346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear complain tards…the more you complain about pron the more pron you're gonna get…(wait, wut? maybe that's what you want?)


"people coming here seeing this"


"makes us look bad"


blah blah blah…


OH for the days of half's flashing gore background…keeping tards away.


Stop complaining about shit that is part and parcel (kek finally got to use Sadique's phrase) of being on a chan…also…remember this…if it exists, there is pron of it…so just stop complaining, scroll on by…why you cannot learn this….is beyond me. You will not change us…so either ignore what trembles your tendies, or self deport! TIA.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2042417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>another variation of Qlarp shilling narrative




LOL telling people to ignore..which part? The FACT that I KNOW US intel wienies are taught to LARP and why? the FACT that I've had several convos with a JAG teacher from naval war college discussing teaching ANON there? (Stand alone complex, hive mind) and that they cannot figure how to "beat us" re-cut of our head we grow another, when one falls 10k rise up? That we are a leaderless collective?


Come on use your head…the FACT that this is being used for what most of us AGREE is a good cause does not rule out that what is used for good can also be used for ill. Nothing wrong with knowing that.

Anonymous ID: 9ca1a2 July 5, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2042447   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mr. Cooper served as a coordinator between the overlapping worlds of Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Clinton and the foundation.

He was also accused of installing spyware on WJCs computer….kek…the emails are rather enlightening regarding Mr. Cooper.