2021: It's happening!
Just like Comey, only pictures of me, me, me. No family or friends
Hillary and Huma still flying all over the world making millions. Bill the rapists' book is in every Target store. Awan/DWS laughing their asses off.
Sessions is still asleep. Some Awakening.
Demand action from Q.
Stop doing research. This is the Satanic Illuminati Freemason cult fight club.
Some people here believe every pizza joint is a pedophile hangout. It's a soccer team.
Barbell accident?
Never happen since ONE fail proves something else.
>if one guy can shoot down every claim by simply asking "why?" then what good is any of this?
oh boy, you have short circuited the brains of the non-thinking cultists now.
Think logically folks.
Don't talk about WalMart, that's where I get my guns.