the nice thing is that no matter the sect, all the religious bullshit people follow in these group are bullshit all based on ancient lies that people are willing to kill over to this day and persecute others based on it.
look ma a faggot. My analysis was rather good. Sad that bible fags are so fucking stupid.
kill yourself
not an atheist but I do think you are scum and should end your fucking life.
no just your presence is enough for me to say that. You fucking stupid assumption of my beliefs is enough to know that whatever you believe is most assuredly stupid. Resulting in the fact that your presence in this realm is not needed. So kill yourself.
seems more like the faggot bible fag was. Kill yourself.
Yet christians latch on to jewish culture and belief in addition to the belief in christ. They also tend ot ignore everything about their own history because if they did they would have logical questions about the inconsistencies of doctrine.
yes because I was able to read books and research and question on my own and not suck off the brainwashed teet of the church. But like a faggot christian they always go to the you are damned and you do not have the eyes to see. I do have the eyes to see ant that is why I know it is a lie.
its a much larger story than that and none of its matters since it was all copied off of more ancient stories that got lost in a game of telephone.
No, its called the ability to question and observe and not think dinosaur bones were created by satan.
yes, but I also question yours.