It is also important because Q came here knowing this is how we would approach the information, and often plants a "disprovable" drop, only to immediately add more context or a spin on it as soon as we "disprove" it.
If we lost all skepticism and logic and just turn into a fucking fan page, then we have hamstrung Q's methods of communication, and the entire thing that made us useful as a group in the first place.
Do you think people who scream shill and shut down any skeptical discussion of any points are trying to help our research, or hurt it?
Autists are defined by the ability (or curse) of not being emotionally attached to ideas. This allows us to dig and dive into theories without stepping in the quick sand that is having ego stakes in our ideas (i.e. famefags).
Once all the normies started joining the boards, they put an end to that. They get so emotionally attached to ideas that they react violently whenever those ideas are pushed.
Even if that idea is something like an initial interpretation of a Q drop.
It won't matter if an anon is suggesting something that invalidates that interpretation, but opens up a more interesting and useful way to look at the drop, while still believing Q is legit.
They will just yell "kys shill" and talk about clowns and filter the board until it goes back to an echo chamber facebook group they can log into and emotionally recharge every day.