are you serious?
read the Q posts at the top of this bread – Q had it all nicely framed out—disinfo is real
are you serious?
read the Q posts at the top of this bread – Q had it all nicely framed out—disinfo is real
yep Q double-downed on a larp
does not look at all staged.
check out the expression on the face of the kid in the yellow shirt.
truly, an epic fail re. this board. maybe it had relevance to bad actors, but it bombed here.
again, check out the State → Maryland = bad actors
and herein lies the problem → Q named the pic "Welcome Aboard," ostensibly implying that he was proffering proof of his access to AF1, as per his earlier post.
this is the problem anons are having w/ this pic
it proves nothing, BUT Q was offering it as proof of his access to AF1.
CT anons challenged it. Non-CT anons screamed shill, etc.
your logic is fallacious, though i'm sure many low-IQ anons will buy into it.
good job, shill.
you are correct, anon.
ignore the others, they'll never understand what Q tried to do. dense as they come.
UNLESS, they come back (after the raid) and say false alarm, it wasn't TB vials after all.
nope. check out his following post to the welcome aboard pic → where would you need to be to get this pic (paraphrasing)
he wanted us to accept this as proof of his access to AF1, and it wasn't. maybe he'll come back with real proof. but so far, he hasn't proved it. i don't think Q is a larp, but this pic was an epic fail.
name calling again.
been here since oct., anon.
perhaps you are the clown, glowing ever so brightly.