Yeah he promised a proof from AF1 interior. Then he posted a bullshit pic that could have been easily faked. Q is not a guy sitting in his basement. He gets too much info too quickly to not be connected to some degree with what is going on at a reasonably high level. Q has to have a team behind him. But yes, the question becomes which side is that team on?
If a deep state op, the only strategy I can see with producing Q would be to get the base all riled up and hopeful, only to become disillusioned and drop out of supporting Trump when they learn it was all bullshit. Also perhaps to keep the base docile and inactive while "trusting the plan." Seems to be a stretch that deep state would conceive of something this elaborate, and keep it up this long for that purpose, but it is possible. It is also strange that Trump wouldn't call it out as bullshit if it was a deep state op, or at least have his supporters in the media call it out to put a stop to it.
On the other hand, it may be Trump team. There are problems with this theory too though. Why post a bullshit pic that can be shown to be faked or at least fakeable? Why make so many predictions, many of which haven't come to pass? Why not tell friendlies in the socials and some lower level media guys to ring awareness to it? Why call out Alex Jones, who along with Roger Stone has been a major asset to Trump in the election and up to the present? Why after the fact claim that they tried a hit on the Roths and failed, and then we hear nothing more about them? What happened to the impending drop of the HRC video?
Its all very strange.