WHO was directing the British Intelligence assets for the benefit of certain US Dem players?
WHO was HRCs British pen pal during this time?
WHO was directing the British Intelligence assets for the benefit of certain US Dem players?
WHO was HRCs British pen pal during this time?
They put menthol in the cigarettes so you won't taste all the chemicals they put into the processed tobacco and papers to make the cigarettes addictive and burn more evenly.
We just need to find out WHO in Britain was working for the benefit of HRC to overthrow a sitting president and install (Ruth Ginsberg) a new pResident.
CONgress should be passing legislation to have all food sold in the US clearly labeled at to its true nature. Genetically modified foods need to be clearly labeled on the front of the package in bold letters.
WHO was directing them?
Nothing should be small on the label. Everything should be clearly labeled and easy to read.
Why do you think the US is in control of this operation?
The "dipshit" who is smart enough to realize that some fuckwad in a suit and tie and a briefcase who just waddled off a plane from the US is telling Britain which way the wind fucking blows and barks orders at the British Intelligence machine. Thats who.
The DC agents in this game were following orders.