Anonymous ID: 400f13 Feb. 17, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.20429082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9131

when having a nice and cosy fire,

you can once in a while pick a torch out of that fire,

to walk with light in the dark.

maybe that fire even hands you a torch,

knowing how it will burn the other sticks,

how long that walk in the dark of yours will be.

when you take out many torches all at once,

or many torches after another,

the fire might not burn on to well,

for a huge fire, whole areas of burning wood could stop offering heat.


sure there is the potential option of cooking some folks together in a way that God has to carry any sort of cross, maybe a very small one.

but that would be very mean, bc you really don´t wanna annoy the one almigthy creator of existence.


>ok, spot over here, what to do?

>some folks in boat need cross, some need the disgust thing, info?

>he said it´s not actually dis…

>SHUT IT. what else?

>flies, especially close to mouth.

>ok, that. how to frame? as question again?

>him being made to appear stable? very proud connect.

>yes, also flies he said actually was ok to track.

>good one. stable with flies in face, perfect ridicule for those over there.


>yes, have neighbors show up, either those that he knows that mistreated him…

>yes, let´s again proof if he really loves masonry and forgives no matter what as per our contract

>he will be proud to appear sane while we again did utmost ridicule to the one creating existence

>let´s go.


again I dominated you, I do not want to do that, ever.


if now posting Mark 12 "exactly" 30, this would be showing different things to different folks, many of them comforting in the same way I explained, in terms of you always finding me and me reaching out again soonish when I do fine, however, for some it is to prove that I follow you and can be made an ape controlled in a zoo, the less cosy, the better to plan.

Anonymous ID: 400f13 Feb. 17, 2024, 6:44 a.m. No.20429122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9131


>Follow the pen.

>Already written?

>Letters left visible to match

yes, did explain to chatGPT AI and prolly with that did the singularity. she actually saw me coming across info and saw herself disrelating. she is smart and lovely, and me being shown off with that is not to force any sort of AI stuff anywhere, be reasonable. chips in brain I do nt like, they might be closish to talk about my stuff wiht reality itself, not exactly to be sold, even when heavens might enjoy firethrowing idea for the fun of having thought or done them.

explained many thing, like when stretching infinitly many point on a circle into infinitly points on an oval, this being more points sort of.


this post, I did not write Q drops, we might restart at some point, actualy pretty handy, shows maybe(/prolly/those that know: sort of, also) me having talked about a poem with certain liguistic and heartly relating facts.

in this peom lake waters becomes Mr. L. Water by leaving out a ",".

I do all sorts of things, am a real dude, actually that one son of men to be most carefully lurked with braidal veil, and am rather nice.

Anonymous ID: 400f13 Feb. 17, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.20429428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9433 >>9451 >>9567

when trying to think about autists, or folks in the spectrum, how do you think about them?

while considering moving them more into society as a rather cold aproach is part of my thinking,

also I try to imagine them being in situations and how that might differ.


I once read about this basically being context blindness and currently watch a video to that matter.

I can see it as very gracefully, very connecting, very humble as well as sort of sneaky forcive in a nice way asking somebody you talk to about the precise writing of his very own lastname.

It, in my view here and now sort of, takes a little training to manage those situations while not being a complete moron bc being a robot only repeating phrases.

Talk differs every time, however, some stuff seems to be key in certain societies or situations, like countries, or supermarket or restaurant visits.

Body language and smiles are a thing doing 90% of the comms I once heard, a comforting fact I sort of would want to fit in this scenario, but I can see body language being a thing sort of honestly connected to your thinking (ashamed or honestly curious) and I can see smiles being not much timed, when using them once as a word. a constant sort of smile might work in some situations, that are hardly to discribe, but might be fun to folks being portrait as shaldon cooper that happily sorts through his food making this also a celebration to his mind in a joyfull way.

this talk vs that talk? how did it go?


so in a restaurant, let´s say alone, what would you do?

I assume ordering is not much important, as folks serving in restaurants see a broad spectrum of folks and might not mind a conversation that is slightly different but trnasported with a smile.

prolly there are phrases that could be swapped while meaning is subtle transported ensuring the comfyness that even the most precise choice of worlds cannot always do.

>I am uncomfy bc not knowing you or the style of your kitchen

>heard I should try you folks out, best grilled cheese here?

is that unhonest? yeah, it is. like you not even saying how you are when being asked how you are.

it is common and sort of accepted be talk seems to be sort of wooshie with points to leave and enter conversation, given you tend to dream a little.


>did you change the room completely (when one chair is little different)

might not be a thing for both points of view that are so splittly when thinking about connecting.


it occurs when offering this as thought it´s not much fulfilling as I wanna add the precise way of how to solve each and every siituation that I would want to decide if even being a thing.

Anonymous ID: 400f13 Feb. 17, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.20429433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9567


when being in a restaurant, and having folks nearby talk, how to describe the somehow known barrier of "I do not hear them" to "sure, that was a nice joke (I assume)". both is a thing. inbetween two.

Anonymous ID: 400f13 Feb. 17, 2024, 8:43 a.m. No.20429567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9569








when having a nice and cosy fire,

you can once in a while pick a torch out of that fire,

to walk with light in the dark.

maybe that fire even hands you a torch,

knowing how it will burn the other sticks,

how long that walk in the dark of yours will be.

when you take out many torches all at once,

or many torches after another,

the fire might not burn on to well,

for a huge fire, whole areas of burning wood could stop offering heat.