Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:20 a.m. No.20429990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9996 >>0029 >>0093 >>0367 >>0474 >>0488 >>0503

Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs 1/4


February 16, 2024 | Sundance |

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”


CTH readers have discussed this issue for several years. What Benz describes in the video below is thereality of what systems and tech architecture are in place right now. The big picture of who wants control over the domestic internet apparatus and how. WATCH:


It is important to begin with the end in mind. Perhaps some people are unaware that internet services, meaning the actual experience of using theinternet for communication and commerce, are not the same in every nation. In fact, it is quite a different experience depending on where on the globe you are located. The differences are driven by internal controls, the intranet of the regional internet per se.


The internet in China is not the same as the internet in Europe, which is not the same as the internet in Australia, which is not the same as the internet in North America, which is not the same -at all- as the internet that now exists within Russia. Even in some continents, theinternet traffic flows are controlled at different levels within each nation. The “world wide web” is a format, but when you get down to the national level, things change.


This baseline helps to understand thatinternet freedom is defined by access to information and commerce.


To the extent the information or commerce is defined as against the interests of the authority structure, or potentially athreat to the national securityinterest of the government therein, the internetcontent is filtered, modified, censored, removed or just simply blocked from view. This isone layerin the information control system.


Another layer is the flow of commerce that floats atop the flow of information. This is where advertising, product sales, purchasing and general e-commerce takes place. This layer represents another option for control; therefore, this e-commerce layer should be considered running in parallel to the information, albeit perhaps indirectly attached.


(Pic map of the world split up)


When western government applied economic sanctions against Russia via financial restrictions writ large, the layer of internetcommerce control merged with the information and national security controlsystems of the internet.


Russian citizens were blocked from e-commerce access, specifically from western nations in alignment with the sanctions, and the mechanisms of online purchasing were restricted. However, the entire world did not participate in the sanctions, and there is a massive amount of e-commerce that takes place, even with the systems of western control financial blocks in place.


Additionally, there is alarge black-market systemfor commerce and financial transactions that started organically in the aftermath of the Russian sanctions. Crypto currency, as a financial transaction mechanism, was predictable; however, over time people became even more strategic and alternate transfer systems were created. You can purchaseadvertising in Russia, but are you really purchasing advertising– or are the purchasers really just transferring funds? Think about it.


I share that Russia example, because I do not want people to get too disheartened inwhat is going to happen here in the United States. There will always be a market for information, regardless of the control systems that are created to stop it. Additionally, there will always be smart rebellious people who think of ways to subvert the intents of the control mechanisms.Freedom may be diminishedfrom a raging fire to a small burning flame,but it will never be fully extinguished. WE just need to learn to adapt.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.20429996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9999 >>0029 >>0093 >>0367 >>0474 >>0488 >>0503




It took me over two years to assemble The Benghazi Brief, because the background story was so large and complex that it took time, research and retrospection to appropriately contextualize the truth of the issue. {GO DEEP} The Benghazi attack was a small, albeit deadly outcome, of a much larger story. The brief walks through everything in context.


In a similar construct, theShadow banning of The United States internetis a big and complex story, and I am only about halfway through the assembly of all the data to put context to it. However, as time becomes critical, it is important for me to push the information forward – because many of the timelines in the construct are likely to surface before I am complete with the fully assembled story.


I am going todrop some linksthat will help serve as a flashlight into the rabbit hole. Each story may seem initially disparate or disconnected. However, I would encourage you to think big picture with each of the puzzle pieces that are presented. This is likely to become a series, and I will create a new “Internet” category on the side bar where I will tag any future elements.


Please keep in mind, theissues of e-commerce: ie. information monetization, advertising, deplatforming and debanking,are not disconnected from the issues of information control. The same larger national security system that has mandated (and will mandate), information blocks, content censorship, content restrictions, content removal and various platform control elements, is all part of one interconnected compliance system. Electronic Commerce and Electronic Information are all subject to the online control process.This is a public-private partnership on the internet.


The origin of the public-private partnership goes all the way back to the origin of the tech system in relationship to theDARPA programsand government sponsored research labs. The outcome of themodern partnership is evident in the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS)collaboration with the various communication platforms or pipes of information.Systems likethe Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database, are simply outcomes of the partnership. There are hundreds more.


There is a rush now to provide context because Artificial Intelligence (AI), or smart data systems, are launching into the United States internet control mechanisms almost daily. We are close to the time whenAI will be triggered to help control the content of the internet under the guise of national security.


Thetimeline for full deploymentof the modern United States internet control system, is likely aroundlate fall and early winter this year, in advance of the 2024 U.S. election cycle.


Everything will change. Every route of online traffic including Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to filters and rerouting on Domain Name Systems (DNS), to the Internet Protocol (IP) itself will be subject to change in theform of background shadow banning. If the DHS partnership is successful, you will not initially notice – much like a shadow banned platform user doesn’t notice their new defined status. The shift will become more obvious over time.


One odd outcome will be a regional targeting system. Depending on where you are in the USA, your online experience will be different. There will also be enhancements to your internet travelbased on your profile. Good thinking users will have benefits that enhance the experience of the user and supports the interests of the national security guardians.


Deployment of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is irrelevant in this construct. A VPN is like you renting a car without a license plate. You travel past all the Automatic License Plate Readers, arrive at your destination, leave the keys in the ignition and just abandon the car. Your personal travel was essentially invisible to the APLR system. However, when the internet roads are controlled by the national security state, and there is no longer an offramp to the destination,your VPN use is irrelevant – you cannot reach your destination. That’s part of the shift.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:22 a.m. No.20429999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0002 >>0010 >>0021 >>0029 >>0093 >>0367 >>0474 >>0488 >>0503




You will notice I use theterm “definition” quite often. That is because the root of every control mechanism is grounded upon defining things. When you accept the terms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, and/or ‘malinformation’, you are buying into the process that permits definitions to determine your travel.Those who define both you and your destination, ultimately control your online experience.


Now, before getting to a recent example of this construct as it is being built, it isimportant to return to the e-commerce aspectand overlay the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) index into the world of online commerce.


♦ Right now, you can physically boycott Bud Light by choosing another brand. However, for total goods and services the amount of online purchasing is now exceeding the amount of purchasing in real life (brick and mortar shopping).Overlay the economic control system(think Russian sanctions approach) with the national security requirements for DEI, amid all online commerce, and apply that layer of analysis. In the e-commerce world, choosing not to buy Bud Light will become a little more difficult; and those who do support the boycott become subject to the previously mentioned “definitions”.


I’m jumping ahead, becausetoday there was a big development. As you read this, do not think small as presented –think bigger. Think beyond the use of AI moderation on a platform, andthink of AI moderation on the U.S. Internet System. Online moderation conducted by AI.


OPEN AI – […] GPT-4 is also able to interpret rules and nuances in long content policy documentation and adapt instantly to policy updates, resulting in more consistent labeling. We believe this offers a more positive vision of the future of digital platforms, whereAI can help moderate online traffic.


[…] Content moderation demands meticulous effort, sensitivity, a profound understanding of context, as well as quick adaptation to new use cases, making it both time consuming and challenging. Traditionally, the burden of this task has fallen on human moderators sifting through large amounts of content to filter out toxic and harmful material, supported by smaller vertical-specific machine learning models. The process is inherently slow and can lead to mental stress on human moderators.


We’re exploring the use of LLMs to address these challenges. Our large language models like GPT-4 can understand and generate natural language, making them applicable to content moderation. The models can make moderation judgments based on policy guidelines provided to them. (read more)


Do you remember me telling you aboutwhat I noticed in the most recent Google spider crawls?


“The Alpha/Google spiders are not crawling around with their enhanced AI looking for words, phrases or content issues.Enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given the spiders the ability to look for context. The new Alpha/Goog AI spiders are crawling the internet looking for information provided with a detrimental and accurate context.Those who are applying truthful context are the subversive voices that must be targeted. Keep this in mind.”


I can get in big trouble for sharing this next graphic, but f**kit… I’m all in.


(Report on CTH limited)


(Pic spiders on the internet)

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:23 a.m. No.20430002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0029 >>0093 >>0367 >>0474 >>0488 >>0503




As we have shared, •=the crawl is not headlines, the crawl is in content. Yes, even content in the comment section== is now flagging to the control systems. Why? Because we operate a proprietary constructed private commenting system that doesn’t have a backdoor and protects you, the user.


The Google Spiders are newly enhanced withAI instructions, dispatched looking for content and ‘context’ that is against the interests of the Vanguard, Blackrock, Larry Page (Alpha/Goog owners), and the public-private partnership.


Look at the one I have highlighted above titled “Have you ever noticed this.” Do you remember it? [Reminder Here]This content is considered “dangerous or derogatory”. Think about that for a moment. Discussing the humor of Donald Trump, and the fellowship it creates, isconsidered “dangerous” to the interests of Google.


Do not get alarmed, get informed.


I share this information with youso that you understand what is being constructedand what is about =to be deployed on a large scale throughout the U.S. internet operating system. The U.S. internet will be different. The social media restrictions became more prevalent and noticeable in the past several years; now it is time for DHS to expand that process to the entire U.S. internet==.


When I wrote about Jack’s Magic Coffee shop, people initially thought I was crazy – but the guys inside the coffee shop didn’t. Eventually DHS control over Twitter was revealed in the Twitter files. The same background is true here.The entire American online apparatus is going to change.


More will follow….




Using AI for Content Moderation


Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS


Zoom with allow Content Scraping by AI


AI going into The Cloud


U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI


Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:37 a.m. No.20430074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you think God isn't capable of equipping us? God will raise up stones as children to Abraham this moment if He so desires. God isn't a vending machine, He is the Almighty.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:47 a.m. No.20430115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And they were called out in red text, we all saw. Don't come back with any bullshit about being God over notables, either.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:50 a.m. No.20430129   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:55 a.m. No.20430151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0170 >>0219

==Tucker Carlson Visits a Grocery Store in Russia and Get’s Red Pilled – “Radicalized Against Western Leaders”…


February 16, 2024 | Sundance1/2

As Tucker Carlson talks about feeling “radicalized against western leadership,” I find myself rolling my eyes and saying, “welcome to the party pal.” But seriously, it’s good to see him awakening more people.


When I began talking about the western created propaganda in 2023 people had a difficult time understanding it. {GO DEEP} As I began researching and explaining the futility and fraud of the Western sanctions against Russia, the confusion expanded. {GO DEEP}


Nothing makes sense until you realize we are being lied to by every element of Western review, government, media, corporations, academia, financial punditry, the works… all of their claims are based on lies and false information.


Tucker Carlson visits a grocery store in Russia {Direct Rumble Link} and immediately starts to get red-pilled on the truth. WATCH:


Keep in mind that Carlson is only looking at the ‘goods’ side of the ledger.On the ‘service’ side, the disparity in pricing is beyond jaw-dropping. {Example: A 30-mile cab ride for $5}.==


From a production side perspective,Russia actually has a larger economy now than Germany, the largest EU nation. The cause for this is “autarchy” or self-sufficiency. Indeed, as the timeline of the sanctions completes the second full year, the Russian production economy is even stronger than when the sanctions began.Quite simply, they are making even more of their own goods now.


The sanctions typically fall into the service side of the economy, as well as financial and economic roadblocks. However, that aspect of the Russian economy was much smaller than most suspected and there were sanctions going back to 2014 which made the outcome of the 2022 western imposed restrictions far less impactful.


I’m very serious when I share with people thatalmost everythingwe understand about the geopolitical purposes andimpacts of sanctions against Russian economic interests is entirely fabricated. However, because the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible.


It’s not that situations are ‘shaped’ or information is ‘manipulated,’ as in the definition of the term “disinformation.” Butrather the entire construct of reality regarding the economic issues-as presented- is fabricated, created by massive financial interests, andflat-out lies; I mean, total unadulterated nonsense. Complete fiction.


This article from Reuters, and the accompanying graphic from ZeroHedge, only scratches the surface.


We are through the looking glass folks. Literally captive to the narrative as sold by our Western government officials, and there’s a huge one-way mirror; beyond which, massive segments of the grey zonearelooking at us as if we are pathetic victims of professional propaganda.


The worst part of this dynamic is how the USA looks insufferably weak, because we are playing this massive game of pretending that only the Yellow Zone is participating in.


MOSCOW, Dec 27 (Reuters) – Almost all of Russia’s oil exports this year have been shipped to China and India, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday, after Moscow responded to Western economic sanctions by quickly rerouting supplies away from Europe.

Russia has successfully circumvented sanctions on its oil and diverted flows from Europe to China and India, which together accounted for around 90% of its crude exports, Novak, who is in charge of the country’s energy sector, told Rossiya-24 state TV.

He said that Russia had already started to forge ties with Asia-Pacific countries before the West introduced sanctions against Moscow following the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022.

“As for those restrictions and embargoes on supplies to Europe and the U.S. that were introduced… this only accelerated the process of reorienting our energy flows,” Novak said.


He said thatEurope’s share of Russia’s crude exports has fallen to only about 4-5% from about 40-45%. (read more)…

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:59 a.m. No.20430165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0181

The board team were chosen for a very specific reason. They're familiar with the subjects on a personal level, but more importantly they like the subject. BIG FANS.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 10:59 a.m. No.20430170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237



What Alexander Novak shares is stunningly accurate, only theramifications are far more serious. This is why I am spending so much time trying to break the issue down into digestible portions.


Russia and Iran are now trading oil (and other things) in their own national currencies, not the petrodollar. This is the epicenter of a process initially triggered by the BRICS economic alliance and is now taking place in real time while the proverbial WEST pretends it is not happening. Now, it might sound esoteric, as if it is a disconnected or academic issue that doesn’t have real substantive ramifications, but that’s not true.


I can literally see how global trade is now cost-shifting as the dollar starts to weaken(become less used) as a trade currency. Again, like our domestic social issues, this de-dollarization process is “slowly at first,” but eventuallythis is going to come all at once.


As USA consumers we cannot see it yet, because we are inside an economic system that is entirely dependent on dollars. However, as the devaluation of the dollar continues slowly to happen, outside our dollar-based economy, the cost of goods, products and stuff in the ordinary life of people within the GREY ZONE is now stunningly less. It’s not showing up in currency markets (dollar -vs- fill_in_blank), because the currency trades are not part of the trade/cost dynamic outside the YELLOW ZONE.


Go into the grey zone and compare the price of “product X” to what you would pay in the United States for “product X”, and you will see the difference in the end consumer price is starting to widen faster.Identical goods in the USA cost much more than goods outside the “west.”


As thede-dollarization continues(mostly driven by the lessening of oil sold using the petrodollar), the disparity in price will get even more stark. As a result of this dynamic, wages in the USA (or the “west”) must necessarily rise faster; however, that’s only part of the issue.


If I took $200 into a Russian supermarket, buying only consumable food products,I would end up with about 3 shopping carts full of food. Take that same $200 into the average USA supermarket and you get one shopping cart or less. This is the scale of what is likely to happen in durable goods. The “cleaving” is underway.


Let me say that again, the “cleaving” of dollar-based price/value is underway.


Starbucks pulled out of Russia. The building still exists, the furniture still there, the equipment still there, just a different name, “Star Coffee” lolol.Starbucks is roughly $6 for whatever, the StarCoffee is $1. Same stuff. A cab/uber ride in USA might be $25, or in EU might be €30, but outside the yellow zone around $6 to $10/max.It’s getting crazy how big the difference is.


Now, the price disparity is not in everything, only in the products that do not originate from inside the yellow zone. The increased price of the yellow zone goods transfers into the grey zone when the product is moved. However,if the yellow zone and grey zone both produce an identical product (or service), that’s when you see the massive difference in price. [And no, this is not a lower cost labor issue]


Conversely, prices of goods originating from the grey zone shipped to the yellow zone will be far less than the comparable product created from within the yellow zone.


What is going to happen?

I suspect we are going to import even more products from the grey zone at a greater rate, because there’s a lower origination price and greater opportunity for profit. Wait and see.


China needs energy, Russia needs computer chips and tech. They are trading thusly. Now watch…if the sanctions are ever lifted, we will start importing Russian made electronic goods, because less expensive. It’s nuts.


Remember, our ‘western’ government is doing this to us on purpose.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 11:02 a.m. No.20430176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You really messed up today you know. It's a beautiful Q-Day. POTUS action left and right. COMMS overflowing from MILs. You should have been smart but we see that's impossible for you at this present time. Hope you enjoyed digging your proverbial graves here. Select operators will be deployed. Special just for you. Promise.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 11:15 a.m. No.20430237   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(the 2023 article Sundance:)

Western Sanctions Not Impacting Russian Economy as Much as Expected


August 9, 2023 | Sundance |

I have been researching the MACRO economic dynamic in Russia quite deeply for the past six months. Essentially looking to discover not only what impact the western imposed sanctions might be having, but more broadly looking to see what happens to self-sustainability when essentially locked out from the world of commercial imports.


The research is fascinating, not simply because it is a unique opportunity, but also because national economic issues play a big role in the overall social dynamic. That said,I can say the social aspect is stunningly more interesting than the data driven outcomes. When you really dig deep into actual life of the ordinary people in Russia, far away from the geopolitical contexts, you get an entirely different perspective.My worldview of the average Russian person/family has completely changed.


There is a really good thread on how the western sanctions against Russia are having a much lesser impact than initially thought [SEE HERE]. On the economic side, one thing I would point to is how the economy is essentially an outcome of two facets: (1) the internal production strength, and (2) the service side of the ledger.


[READ HERE: extensive and detailed]


The author makes the accurate point that from a production side perspective, Russia actually has a larger economy now than Germany, the largest EU nation. The cause for this is “autarchy” or self-sufficiency. Indeed, as thetimeline of the sanctions closes in on the second year completing, the Russian production economy is even strongerthan when the sanctions began. Quite simply, they are making even more of their own goods now.


The sanctions hit what would typically fall into the service side of the economy, as well as financial and economic roadblocks. However, that aspect of the Russian economy was much smaller than most suspected and there were sanctions going back to 2014 which made the outcome of the 2022 western imposed restrictions less impactful.


I will be finishing my review of the economic data once Q3 is over, that will give me an entire year of data to share.However, the social stuff is even more fascinating.


I have a new understanding of why former NSA contractor Edward Snowden was so comfortable using Russia as the place to hide after his release of classified intelligence showing how the U.S. government was spying on Americans via social media and metadata collection.


I have mostly been looking at three areas in Western Russia. Kazan, Moscow and St Petersburg(formerly Leningrad). Of the three generally large metropolitan areas, St Petersburg is by far the most interesting. It’s beautiful there and the city is alive and vibrant.


In many ways you might compare Russia in 2023 to the USA in/around 1988. Life is just not complicated and far more socially engaged.


I’ll have more on this later, but if you are ever bored check out the Russian YouTubers who livestream broadcast “a day-in-the-life” type of activity. The infrastructure is in generally good repair, the people seem warm and friendly and there is a strong social value placed on family and kids.


There are certainly negatives and the cultural dynamic of the former USSR is still evident. Technologically they are somewhat behind in some details,but the overall cohesion of their value system is something I did not fully appreciateuntil I started down this road of research.


I can see why the average Russian could be wide-eyed during a visit to the USA and fascinated with the overall quality of life that might be considered indulgent. However, I can also see how reciprocally the average American could be wide-eyed and smiling at the overall sense of the Russian people.


Strip out the politics, and we are all much more similar than we are different.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20430435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0442 >>0462

Major Victory For Russian Army As Ukraine Forces Flee Eastern City


SATURDAY, FEB 17, 2024 -

Following a year that saw little change in control of territory, theRussian army has secured a major victory in its war in Ukraine as Ukrainian forces have retreated from the eastern city of Avdiivka.


Shortly after midnight Saturday in Ukraine, the country's newly-installed top commander, General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that he had ordered troops to evacuate the city.Surrounded in three directions by the Russian army, Ukrainian soldiers in the city found themselves in a rapidly-tightening noose.


“Based on the operational situation around Avdiivka, in order to avoid encirclement and preserve the lives and health of servicemen, I decided to withdraw our units from the city and move to defense on more favorable lines," said Syrsky in a Facebook post.


A year of defense of #Avdiivka in 80 seconds.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your courage and strength!


— Lew Anno Suport #Ukraine 24/2-22 (@anno1540) February 16, 2024


While its authenticity can't be confirmed, video circulating on social media purportedly shows Ukrainian armored vehicles executing a fiery but mostly orderlyretreat:


C Schmitz


Retreating Armored Vehicles from #ukraine near #Avdiivka . As you can see, while some are retreating while parts are on fire, it also needs to be noticed that the retreat seems to be orderly, with no incoming fire.


The capture of the city is the most significant triumph for Russia since it took Bakhmut last May. Situated nine miles northwest of the Russian-held city of Donetsk, Avdiivka was was briefly controlled by pro-Russia separatists in 2014 before Ukraine retook the city, which had a pre-war population of 32,000.




Avdiivka city park now under Russian control. Given the territory inside the city that has been captured within 24 hours, it is high likely that Ukraine has completely left the center and east of Avdiivka.


Russia's victory is a new step toward a principal objective announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin when he ordered the "special military operation" – taking control of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Together,the two territories comprise the heavily industrialized, coal-rich Donbas region, which has a majority Russian-speaking population. Russia has since expanded its territorial goals, and has taken huge swaths of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts, thus forming a land bridge to Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014.


Ukraine deployed one of its two specialized assault brigades the 3rd Assault Brigade to help cover the retreat. Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, who leads Ukrainian forces operating in southeastern Ukraine, described the dismal scenario faced by his troops in Avdiivka, which he characterized as the "hottest" zone along the entire 600-mile-long battlefront:


"In a difficult battlefield situation, when only ruins and a pile of broken bricks remain from the fortification, our priority is to save the soldiers' lives…The enemy launches massive bomb attacks day and night, and does not stop attacking simultaneously from several directions." He described Russia as "practically wiping the city from the face of the earth."


The fall of Avdiivka came a day after President Biden tried using the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalnyto pressure Congress into throwing billions more dollars into the war in Ukraine. "History is watching the House of Representatives," said Biden. "The failure to support Ukraine at this moment will never be forgotten…The clock is ticking, and this has to happen, we have to help now."


Then again, maybe it's time to stop promoting the fiction that Ukraine has any hope of ejecting Russia from the approximately 20% of the country it has captured – and time to start earnestly pursuing a settlement that restores peace and ends a proxy war that has cost countless lives while only benefitting the military-industrial complex.

Anonymous ID: 85187d Feb. 17, 2024, 12:15 p.m. No.20430524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I bet the Ukraine soldiers wish it was over. The most devastating actions of Kiev will not be forgotten by the people and families who have lost the sons, husbands and even daughters, for something that could have been 100% resolved in Feb 2022; when Bidan and Johnson forced them into a war they could never win. Russians feel the same way, they have lost many of their soldiers, sons and daughters. But they didn’t want this fight. They had to stop the killing of Russian speaking Ukrainians, 14,000 at that time. And the west intended to kill all in those areas. Russia has said these people are our brothers and sisters, it was never a desire to kill them but to live peacefully with them. The West wanted this, the people that live there didn’t. Whatever will happen to Zelensky, will be pretty ugly.


My heart goes out to the innocent on all sides.When Joe and others said “they will fight till the last Ukrainians, it was a commitment to Satanic Sacrifice, of people that never wanted this.