Anonymous ID: e264f5 July 5, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2043381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3924

>>2042557 (lb)

>so unless you are redefining the term to mean not fake then you are Qlarping shill


LARP= live. action. roleplay


Why can't you wrap your head around the FACT that Q is LARPING for good? Meaning stepping into a "role" and using that role to drop information, rally the largest intelligence force in the world? If I am using the term to describe what the military may merely call "role play intelligence gathering" what does it matter, it's the same thing. LARP does not inherently mean "fake".


Crowdsourced intelligence was a real thing before...but on a much smaller scale and if you recall "NYPA" culture at half...mostly the attempts FAILED because they were not using it for good and ANON are much too smart to be "rallied" for a cause they will inevitably find repulsive.


They've been sniffing around half chan for a very long time, considering my conversations with JAG took place in NYPA (not your personal army)....and how that is still very much in play regarding REAL autists/ANON...the influx of normies here has completely ruined that...because the normal and rabid skepticism has been completely silenced (here)..that one thing that made ANON so effective (and fun, and vicious at the same time, ruthlessly amazing)...but for now it's (Q) working...and that's fine.


It's working for least that's what I've convinced myself...mostly I try to remain neutral and ask when I have a Q-uestion. But the truth is people WANT and NEED to believe something is finally going to be done about this vile cabal we've been living under for a very long time...we need and want it.


Recall the Tao of Steve..."be desireless, be excellent, be gone"....we are most effective when we are able to remain neutral in the face of all evidence, and act decisively as individuals, yet collectively in the face of evidence proven.


This is the what the normies AND Q don't get yet. Normies NEVER will, Q? Possibly...who knows.


I often help women (many referred to me) who've been victims of catfishing because I know my way around the net...scams what not..and the one thing I tell them to do immediately is to ask their net amour to post a PHOTO of themselves holding a sign with that day's date, showing their face, and with something personal to them written on the sign, like "Hello Sarah" know how many times that NEVER happens? It never happens. I even helped one poor soul figure it it was ANOTHER WOMAN fucking with her on the dating site.


Those of us ANONs with mad skillz need to step up and help normies whenever possible....sometimes women can be a bit stupid about finding men on the interbutz. (men can as well...especially men who wouldn't have a chance finding a real girl that looks like the woman they're messaging online..but often those women are 100% real...they just want green cards and money tho..the catfishers really only want money).


We all should do what we can (collectively) with the knowledge we hold as individuals to bring forth the truth, whether or not the truth challenges what we need/want to believe. If I maintain my space in neutrality while at the same time acting for good, I won't be torn to shreds if Q turns out to have been a fake..meaning when the smoke clears Hill is still dashing about writing books and Obama is still running the country from his house.... But I fear for's a good space to stand in.

Anonymous ID: e264f5 July 5, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2043437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2042518 (lb)

There is a 500lb reward posted on half for...this operation's success Operation DeflateGate...onwards but not upwards!

Anonymous ID: e264f5 July 5, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.2043535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What makes a good movie?




and…what is acting? (aka a MOVIE) A LARP….it is what it is…..if we use the term movie literally, would any of you call it "real"? Even historical movies? they are not real, they're "re-enactments" but they're not real…


So what is Q actually telling you about themselves? Actors…a movie…watch…help..stay focused…it's perhaps a chapter in a book we've not yet read but are helping to write…it's real to us as we're living it. The moment today right now, is real, tomorrow it's a memory…the memory of the moment is real but the moment is no longer real.


THIS is what we must remember in order to stay balanced through this process. I've seen way too many newfags getting over emotional due to the slow pacing of this movie…too many demands….but this isn't about you (#MeQ), it's about all of us.


Many of you are going to get your hearts literally broken because you firmly believe that it's everyone else that's going to get "woke" and have to adapt…but the truth is your sensibilities and sense of right are being played to…that righteousness is quite useful, but you too will have to adapt and discover new ideas and knowledge.


The PAIN isn't just for (((THEM))) and it won't be just for (((THEM))) it will be for all of us.


It is what it is.