Anonymous ID: 4c1211 Feb. 17, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.20433405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My Fellow Americans


Under the Biden presidency, the United States has never been more weak, impoverished, and disrespected. Policies regarding immigration, energy, labor, and foreign relations have put our country into a state of disarray. It’s truly heartbreaking to see our people struggle to survive in what is the most prosperous nation on the planet, with the potential of pent up energy to deliver our fellow citizens into prosperity.


Under the Trump administration, we saw record low energy prices. Gasoline was affordable, homes were heated cheaply, and our allies could happily buy our oil and natural gas at a competitive rate. This was a major step in bolstering our country’s energy profile, completely severing our dependency on foreign energy altogether.


Qur Southern Border has never been less defended, save for efforts made by citizens on the border itself and some patriotic governors. Millions of illegal immigrants have been welcomed in by the Biden regime, most of military age and have a vested interest in weakening our nation. Families get torn apart, children are lost and used as tools, and drugs are pouring in. These actions from our federal government are an atrocity to our nation and our security.


Our labor is in jeopardy. Hard working Americans are less secure in their employment now than ever in history—even worse than the depressions of yesteryear, some being called “great” for their widespread effect. Soup kitchens are drying up, and families are questioning whether they can afford to feed themselves even the most basic of nutritional foods. Billion dollar corporations are kicking their workforce, laying off millions en masse. Nike, who profits bigly every year, have announced a two percent layoff, affecting thousands of people. UPS, despite a major boom in the delivery sector, have decided to axe thousands of workers. These are the actions of corporations that are not afraid of these repercussions.


Our Allies and Adversaries have never laughed and disrespected our country more than now. Under the Trump administration, countries like Russia and China would regularly attack the President, believing they would not receive any retaliation. Russia was sanctioned and China was put into their place with trade restrictions through tariffs and intellectual property protection. Our enemies feared us and our friends began to respect us again. Iran, an adversary, believed they could simply disrespect and plan evils against our country. We responded by utilizing a weapon that sent a message, killing General Soleimani with swords sent from above.


Together, we can return to prosperity, live in the comforts we deserve, and bring peace back to war torn nations like Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, and soon to be China and Taiwan. I believe we can do this in a timely manner, and together we can gladly Make America Great Again!



45th President of the United States