Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 6:55 p.m. No.20432986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3561

Wavy Gravy & Black Oak Ranch Owl Stage


There certainly appears to me that there are ultra top secret underground satellite “Cults of Moloch” and Druid Groves like Harmony Park and Black Oak Ranch across the country that feed directly into the mother, Bohemian Grove, and Hunter S. Thompson was directly involved in trafficking children into the Bohemian Grove.



Mendocino County Sheriff/Coroner Tom Allman heading the Hart Witches Racial Mass Murder investigation lives in Willitis just outside Black Oak Ranch. He is the “past Grandmaster of the Willits Masonic Temple”.[71] In fact, Tom Allman was the resident Deputy of Laytonville when Wavy Gravy bought Black Oak Ranch. The ranch has been under his direct jurisdiction for decades. He signs off on the Black Oak Ranch permits for the Enchanted Gatherings, Gaia, Kate Wolfe, and Earthdance Global Peace Party festivals.

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 7:35 p.m. No.20433233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ashkenazi Jew Leonard (Lenny) Lipton of Laurel Canyon (born May 18, 1940, Brooklyn, New York, is an author, filmmaker and inventor. At age 19 [1959], Lipton, student at Cornell University, wrote the poem that became the basis for the lyrics to the song “Puff the Magic Dragon.”[24] At Cornell, Lipton and Yarrow set his poem to music.[25]


Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea

And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honahlee

Little Jackie paper loved that rascal puff

And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff oh …


Undoubtedly, they were handled by Bernard Yarrow as deep cover MK ULTRA pop culture decoys and specialists. Part of the song’s allure, Yarrow has said, is that it’s “about the innocence of childhood loss.” WHAT!


Kilgallen cultivated extensive clandestine inside sources, including underworld figures such as New York Mafia boss Frank Costello. Ernest Hemingway, a friend, called her “the greatest woman writer in the world.” On Nov. 8, 1965, Kilgallen was found dead in her Manhattan apartment- “suicided”. Most people believe that she got too close to breaking the JFK assassination. JFK had been her friend.[27] In other words, Kilgallen says from an inside source of information that “Puff the Magic Dragon” was a CIA Occult Bureau MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Get High, Drop Out” clandestine counter-culture project. I believe Dorothy Kilgallen.

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 7:42 p.m. No.20433267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3335

BRITISH “PRINCE OF DARKNESS”- You Really Don’t Play Games with These People


And, they don’t play games with you, or any of us. David Geffen’s powerful British buddy, Lord Peter Mandelson, is no innocent bystander to history. He earned a reputation as one of Britain’s most ruthless New Labour Party members. He is a member of the Nazi-SS Bilderbergers global control group. He is also a powerful clandestine elite control operative of a British- CIA transatlantic security and defense network.[34]

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 7:44 p.m. No.20433278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3285

Dark Lord Mandelson & Lucifer’s Magick


The Dark Lord, Peter Mandelson, is also openly gay. He is one of the highest Luciferian initiates in the United Kingdom. He was trained in the Hebdomadry System of Magick, the same system used by both the Masonic Alpha Lodges and the David Myatt’s Satanic Order of Nine Angles.[38],[39]


“It is Mandelson who has helped turn Europeans into serfs for Europe’s banks. Europe is now reverting to a neo-feudalism structure with bankers as the overlords of their indentured citizenry. Britain, America and the rest of the world will go the same way. Kleptocratic politicians are merely vassals. If current debts were simply wiped off of the books the only tragedy would be the destruction of the ‘too big to fail’ banks. While politicians call that a catastrophe it would actually be freedom for millions of disenfranchised debt-serfs. That’s why it must not happen.“[40]






National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. They are supposed to help children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk, and find the best ways of preventing abuse from ever happening.[41]

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.20433285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


just for anons


“Mandelson while business minister showed his true metal while holidaying on Deripaskas yacht, now Deripaska is banned under organized crime regs in the USA, but according to the Daily Mail 23rd May 2010, Nat Rothschild, Deripaska and Mandelson shook hands on a £500 million aluminum deal that cost many Britons their jobs, much of this is said to be in chemtrail drops. These 3 were joked about in the MI5 canteen as ‘the axis of evil’ and ‘the 3 jewboys’ and when Mandelson was admitted into a French hospital recently with prostate problems, the French doctors report told of felching injuries, felching is the gay sport where a cardboard tube is pushed into the rectum and a small furry animal slid down inside, our Peter apparently was scratched internally rather badly.”[42]

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 8:08 p.m. No.20433375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'd like to solve


pair of kleetus, holy spirit


"παράκλητος [does not have] any independent meaning of its own, it is in fact a calque for the Latin term advocatus meaning a person of high social standing who speaks on behalf of a defendant in a court of law before a judge. When Greeks came into contact with the Roman Empire […] the word παράκλητοs was developed as a precise equivalent to the Latin legal term advocatus. Thus, its significance must be found not only in its very few extant appearances, but also in the specific use of the Latin legal term."[3]

Anonymous ID: c78638 Feb. 17, 2024, 9:02 p.m. No.20433586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oprah & the Dark Satanic Circe



Oprah Winfrey & Sir Paul Nurse


It is also extremely disturbing that Oprah Winfrey is also part of an black “inner circle” within the greater conspiracy against democracy, the cabal, and Dark Satanic Circle. In 2009, some of the richest men and women in the world met secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to bring the world’s population growth under control. The meeting included some of the biggest names in the “billionaires club,” according to the London Times – Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The meeting at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University. “The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at ‘security briefings,’” the Times reported today.


The Francis Crick Institute is the UK fertility regulator, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA). It is called “Sir Paul’s cathedral”, after its Director, Sir Paul Nurse. Francis Crick (1916- 2004) helped crack the genetic code. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. Click was an advocate of Eugenics that believed that the Nazis gave Eugenics a bad name. Crick famously threatened to leave a scientific group after researchers protested against a racist research proposal that posited finding evidence for supposed differences in the IQ of black and white people. Crick actually agreed there were racial IQ differences and suggested these were as a result of genetics. Crick even went so far as to advocate bribery and sterilization of certain groups of people.