Anonymous ID: bad37b Feb. 18, 2024, 4:41 a.m. No.20434556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not sure about that. We're supposed to be digging, memeing, praying. Yes, a ''LOT'' fewer digs get done without Q to point the way (out due to plausible deniability), but note, that news aggregators are using our work.


In October '20, NY Post "broke" the Biden laptop story, which we had (egregiously suffered) a month of Hunter dick pics the prior August.

Matt Taibbi et al "broke" the Trump campaign infiltration by Obama, that we have had all the data on since we got here.

Tucker just interviewed some cyber expert who reported stuff that has dust on in at (though he detailed the inter-connectivity in ways anon did not know).

CFP routinely culls our boards, as did Limbaugh, Beck and others.

Not saying those folks didn't do their own work, but we are an important cog in the machine.


Point is: as an honest resource, or contrary MSM position, we have a place here.


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