Anonymous ID: e8d036 Feb. 18, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.20434845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4846

"Joe Biden and the fascists that control him are a threat to democracy" - Q+


"You talk about democracy; this is a real threat to democracy. And restoring fair, equal and impartial justice in America: We have to have that because we don't have that now," Trump said.


Trump blasted "Crooked Judge" Arthur Engeron's $364 million judgment Friday.


"He's a crooked judge, a radical left-wing judge," enacting a "lawless and unconstitutional atrocity that sets fire to our laws like no one has ever seen in this country before," Trump said. "That happens in banana republics. It doesn't happen in this country. The case is a complete and total sham. It's a sham case. There were no victims. No defaults. No damages, no complaints. No nothing."


It proves the Biden has corrupted the American justice system, according to Trump, who also mocked Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis and her lover Nathan Wade.


"The people couldn't care less about justice," he said. "These people, they are not looking for justice. They only care about how to stop Crooked Joe Biden's political opponent. That's me. And how do we inflict as much pain as possible? But here we are."

Anonymous ID: e8d036 Feb. 18, 2024, 6:06 a.m. No.20434846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If it is indeed true that Q+ is exposing to the world a satanic pedovore cult that has infiltrated government, media, business, and education, THEN IT WOULD ALSO BE TRUE THAT THE EXPOSURE LOOK LIKE the world's loudest "we are victims" themselves being the world's biggest victim creators, would themselves be the most guilty, would themselves be the real fascists.


For the ideology of satanism is itself maximally dependent on maximum victim logic: That merely by existing in mortal body form in time at all, to even exist in time, to even be born and die at all, is itself an experience of being victimized, they believe, by 'your God'. They believe 'your God' is a lie, a 'real God' would not 'enslave' humanity by 'trapping' the spirit in human bodies, and causing pain and death in a mortal human life.


So, their radical 'against God' operating system that thereby logically depends on God, looks like some human beings screaming "I am victim" in their speech, but by praxis are themselves oppressors and creators of victims, which if listeners don't understand who or what the screamers are really talking about internally, those listeners would be tricked into echoing the belief that victimizing as such is caused by ONLY 'man vs man' and listeners would believe the oppressors are not the real oppressors they are, but rather the oppressors are look over there, now look over there, then there, look at all the killings, so only those other people who the screamers are accusing as guilty will be thought of in the minds of the targeted, and the cult's main trick is that they use their illegitimately accumulated wealth to orchestrate fake/controlled wars wars/conflicts with real deaths and destruction, so that their 'Victim' speech can be heard as referencing human vs human oppression.


Meanwhile the entire time the cult is internally rebelling against God. Bring about real deaths and real destruction, real child trafficking and sacrifice, as a ritual, the more death and destruction they unleash the more they believe they are 'killing God'.


The world trusting the loudest victims is a world that would look like the loudest victims funding and supporting 'internal' 'domestic' terrorist groups in secret, so that there can be real deaths and destruction 'inside' to divide populations and turn people against each other, blaming each other instead of the source funding and supporting radical terrorist groups who view children as guilty by association and are willing to kill children…'because if we don't rape and kill their children then their children's children will one day 'rise up' and rape and kill our children's children. That's the way of 'the dialectic' in actual real history, not 'your naive God'….that we maximally depend on (to speak negation) as justifying our behavior, but you're not supposed to notice that, you're just supposed to obey and accept.'


And doesn't the world kind of already look like that now? The cult is deploying all assets to scream 'you are a threat to our democracy, you are a threat to our democracy, you are a threat to our democracy'….WHILE THEY THEMSELVES ARE DESTROYING DEMOCRACY, DESTROYING THE LAW, DESTROYING PRECISELY WHAT THEY CLAIM TO BE DEFENDING.


You are not a victim if you attack and/or kill innocent people, including children. You are not 'defending yourself'. Anyone in the world who claims to be a victim and claims to be defending themselves while they harm and/or kill innocent people, including children, are not victims nor are they defending themselves. They are oppressors.


The worst evil in the world will always make itself appear as the world's biggest victim, for that is the only way to trick people into being blinded to it, into not noticing it, to themselves become unwitting victims, for under the light of full transparency and reciprocity the people 'hunted' would never tolerate it, and they would stop it everywhere it arose. If on the other hand the people are tricked, if the people trust the 'rebelling against God' praxis as 'organic' or 'just accept it', and believe the division echoes as a separate source, then blame humanity, then they will become victims and at the same time think they are creating or at fault for victimization, and the real fascists will psychologically control the real victims.


If a country's 'I.C' coordinated with and supported attacks on that same country for the purposes of dividing the people, to weaken them, to prevent what would be natural unity and strength, so as to better prepare them for being better hunted, and 'extractable', the spirit animating that I.C. would be a demonic ideology that praises and welcomes death and destruction. No amount of claiming victimhood, no amount of smearing and slandering dissent as 'anti' this or 'denier' that, will change the real fact of who the actual monsters are.

Anonymous ID: e8d036 Feb. 18, 2024, 6:16 a.m. No.20434887   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When she falsely smears and slanders Q+ as 'encouraging brutal dictators to invade our allies', what she really means is she doesn't want opposition to the neonazis in Ukraine so that there is no opposition to the money laundering in Ukraine that benefits her and her 'allies' that are not America's allies.