Anonymous ID: 021f5e Feb. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.20436938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6946 >>6950 >>6956 >>6966 >>6974 >>6989 >>7015 >>7034 >>7080 >>7123 >>7151 >>7164 >>7217 >>7412 >>7465

Since the start of the Q movement, I have just lurked here observing the state of affairs, and its obvious to me that the anons, although make up the generally good, behave indicatively under the unknown control of the spirit of another force. During this entire movement, Q has made zero effort to help organize or more appropriately explain to those oblivious how the true enemy operates, just further distracts you with confusing riddles and material that only directs you away from your true power and the truth of our reality. If Q was an honest being, without a doubt, he would have informed you and emphasized the utter importance of the spiritual battle, however, he hardly touches on it, encouraging you to occupy your time in activity that ultimately wont help the good. Q is par for course of how Lucifer operates, by dangling the carrot with his tactics of controlled opposition, making you think honest resolve is occurring, all the while nothing of any real impact gets done. Against your will, you anons lack any spiritual connection or any kind of understanding of the nonphysical energy battle. This is obvious to me by the way you post and interact one another, always posting something, but never elaborating on it or expressing the meaning of the message of what it is you are trying to convey. You anons interact especially course and cold hearted with one another, always short condescending remarks which is indicative of the inconspicuous control of the spirit that is not light. Judging by the symbolism you post, its obvious to an enlightened being that you are unknowingly controlled by another force, which is not by chance, but by the deliberate design and agenda of the dark force of satan. Also, judging by the current symbolism this board has now been mostly overtaken by controlled opposition, which is reflective of how satan infiltrates every honest movement. The common theme on this board revolves around sexual based behavior, using nude female and phallus imagery. Part of my material informs you why sex is part of satan's twin system that involves low level, low brow, energy of the sacral chakra, that satan completely controls. if you were enlightened whatsoever, you would know that attention to sexual concepts is energy of satan, and one of the ways in which satan emotionally controls you. Sexual energy is energy you don't want to align with if you want to defeat this evil. The whole 'don't get your feelz hurt' mindset comments always voiced on this board is social conditioning, suppressing this is how satan controls you. The emotional battle between the two forces of dark and light is the only thing that matters, which is why you, the generally good, have been conditioned from this knowing. The energy of these two forces create our emotions, emotion is where your true power lies, and the only way to defeat this evil. The 8kun symbol is a snake using the first three letters of kundalini. Yet not a single one of you anons touch on this spiritual reality whatsoever.

Anonymous ID: 021f5e Feb. 18, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.20436946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>6989 >>7217 >>7428



The memes come from memetic magic, this is what satan uses to create realty, its black magic, stemming from Egypt where both Pepe and Kek have there origins, as well as all the phallus and sex symbolism. Ancient Egypt is where they worshipped the serpent in plain sight. The serpent is the female energy of satan, this is the god of this entire reality. You do not want to accept the serpent energy, if you are the generally good as Q phrases, you want to be light, which is not an energy manipulator like the serpent satan. If Q is anybody, he is obviously completely aware of the nonphysical energy battle. The last thing Q posted mentioned the idea of what's in you dna, he mentioned that the goal is ascension, and has directed you to a video to 'heal' using sound. Q is obviously aware of the importance of nonphysical energy, and the emotional battle between the dark and light occurring within each one of us, but he doesn't help to inform you anons on how to become adept and unite under this common guise. If any of you are or want to be good, this is the direction you need to look, but Q has you focusing on activity that isn't at the heart of the matter. Q states that he has to go for good now, if this is the case he would know that what I'm telling you is the truth and he will support my material and validate its authenticity. You anons need to go to my site and read my information to learn the depth of the deception, especially at the nonphysical or spiritual level that is occurring here in our reality, so that you can understand how the evil inconspicuously controls the generally good, and why its this control that prevents any kind of grass roots honest revolution required to actually end the evil and destroy the old guard. As I stated above, its obvious that this board has a lot of controlled opposition, but for those left who are honest and like Q stated, want to go for good, I know you are oblivious to our spiritual battle, and you need to go read my material to be more informed that this is the case.

Please learn more about our truth by typing the following address into your address bar, Read the homepage intro and the 'start here' section - the material found there is what I know, the other articles are more food for thought. This site wont come up on any of the search engines, you need to type the entire name into the address bar including the - /mysite. Microsoft edge is deliberately censoring this site, stating its insecure, or that I'm trying to steal your information, but the site is only information. Please do what it takes to get this site up because they are censoring it hardcore.