Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.20436942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #53 >>20435825


NATO's New Mission: Peace Through Censorship

Authored by Thaddeus G. McCotter via American Greatness Sunday, Feb 18, 2024


When pondering the ranks of institutions captured by leftist elitists, one of the most ominous is the American military. The left is brazenly proselytizing, neutering, and politicizing the American military with its DEI ideology—an inherently partisan, divisive assault designed to hollow out its historical warfighting spirit and value system.


That the left would expand its political proselytizing into affiliated militaries within our alliances is to be expected. That these politically subversive assaults on our and our allied military must be opposed is imperative.


To wit: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


A transatlantic military alliance in search of a reason for perpetuating its existence, NATO was a prime target for left-wing capture and weaponization; consequently, embracing the left’s paranoid narratives, NATO seeks a new mission that placates the elites by asserting that, in stopping nebulously defined authoritarians, the first line of defense is censoring and controlling member states’ free citizens.


Thrice annually, NATO’s Joint Warfare Centre’s (JWC) Public Affairs Office publishes a magazine for its 31 members, “The Three Swords.” In Issue 39 of October 2023, Commander Cornelis van der Klaauw [hereinafter, “the Commander”], a Royal Netherlands Navy Subject Matter Expert in the Strategic Communications and Information Operations NATO Joint Warfare Centre, wrote, “To raise awareness of a new NATO concept that is in its infancy, but that will have a significant impact on individuals, groups, societies, and the way future wars are fought: cognitive warfare.”


In 2021, NATO initiated this “new concept’s” implementation, and the final concept is on the verge of being approved by NATO’s Military Committee. Evidently, that means it is time for the alliance to inform the free world that 2024 will usher in 1984.


Cognitive warfare is a fact of the modern age and everyone, whether civilian or military, is a potential target. Cognitive attacks are aimed at exploiting emotions rooted in our subconscious, bypassing our rational conscious mind. This is achieved by exploiting biases, fallacies, emotions and automatisms, but also through nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technology [NBIC].


Yeah, once that first shovelful of authoritarian disinformation is heaped upon our unwitting brains, we populist-peasants could become domestic threats, performing the enemy’s work for them gratis. Enter NATO, who knows what you are thinking even if you do not. As the Commander enlightens us:


In cognitive warfare, the ultimate aim is to alter our perception of reality and deceive our brain in order to affect our decision-making. We are commonly unaware of such attacks before it is too late and they have already affected their targets. Therefore, we must protect ourselves by raising awareness and developing a system of indicators and warnings that can provide real-time information.


This will sound familiar to those devotees of the Maoist DIE cult’s unconscious bias canard within the larger disinformation op of “systemic racism” (which can never end, lest all those credentialed H.R. apparatchiks lose their sinecures). Per the Commander, “cognitive warfare” is so pervasive, incessant, and unending that you do not consciously recognize it and will always need NATO to sniff and stamp it out.


While cognitive effects are not measurable in the typical sense, they do affect how we think, what we feel and how we act… They are taking place already now, and these attacks will continue to become more sophisticated. Several countries are developing NBIC capabilities and collecting data for use in targeting the cognitive dimension. These activities are supported by aspects such as datamining and data analytics, and are further combined with artificial intelligence. [All italics mine.]


Apparently, these cognitive attacks are so sophisticated that the author cannot cite a specific instance, though he does offer what might (someday) be considered such an attack—the “Havana Syndrome.” One can only suppose “cognitive warfare” is like pornography: one knows it when one sees it. But NATO has a handy list of those who are most susceptible to whatever cognitive warfare may or may not be employed against the free world’s citizenry:



Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 2 p.m. No.20436972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7115 >>7311 >>7363 >>7434 >>7560 >>7658

Canada #53 >>20435543


U.S. Will Build Five New Military Bases for Somali National Army, Costing Over $100 Million


The U.S. Embassy in Somalia has announced that the United States will build five new military bases for the Somalia National Army Danab Brigade.


In a statement, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee stated the Somalia National Army is “a centerpiece of our ongoing security cooperation with Somalia.”


Phee continued that the new bases “reflects our recognition of the success of our joint efforts to build a capable, professional, and accountable force.”


In total, the new bases will cost over $100 million.


An historic day! The U.S. & Somalia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the U.S. to construct up to 5 bases for the @SNAForce‘s Danab Brigade in strategic locations across the country. The MoU marks the latest in security assistance from the U.S. Read more:…


— U.S. Embassy Mogadishu, Somalia (@US2SOMALIA) February 16, 2024


Per ABC News:


The U.S. will build up to five military bases for the Somali army in a project that seeks to bolster the Somalian national army’s capabilities amid ongoing threats from an extremist group.


Somalia’s defense minister and the U.S. charge d’affaires signed a memorandum of understanding Thursday in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.


The agreement comes at a time when the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, known as ATMIS, is scaling back its presence in Somalia.


The new bases will be associated with the Somali military’s Danab Brigade, established in 2017 following an agreement between the U.S. and Somalia to recruit, train, equip and mentor 3,000 men and women from across Somalia to build a strong infantry capability within the Somali army. The brigade has been pivotal as a quick-reaction force in efforts to repel the extremist group al-Shabab.


The move by the United States comes around the same time many Army barracks across the United States are causing American soldiers to be sick due to black mold.


In an exclusive report, interviewed several soldiers living in barracks with black mold.


One of the soldiers interviewed stated he had to be removed from his living quarters at the barracks after he started to cough up blood and could barely breathe.


Do better! These Soldiers Say Mold in Barracks Isn’t Just Disgusting, It’s Making Them Sick |


— Jeff’s Jet City Woman (@RiggerBunny) April 25, 2023

Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 2:11 p.m. No.20437025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7115 >>7311 >>7363 >>7434 >>7560 >>7658

Canada #53 >>20435497


Feds try and fail to get lawsuit over mandated COVID shots dismissed

'Sham religious accommodation it used to punish thousands of sailors is still in place'

By Bob Unruh Published February 18, 2024 at 10:48am


A federal district court has rejected an attempt by the federal government to get rid of one of the still-remaining lawsuits over its incredible rights abuses imposed by the COVID-19 shot mandates it adopted during the pandemic.


Officials at First Liberty Institute confirm that a district court decision went against the government, and for a team of U.S. Navy SEALs, who charged that the military violated their rights in imposing its mandates.


The government had argued since the mandates have since been dropped, the case no longer was valid.


The Texas court ruling disagreed, because it found that the Navy's "religious accommodation process" has not been altered since it was used to punish sailors who refused the COVID-19 shots.


The court's order said the case, a class action claim initially brought by several Navy SEALs and other Naval Special Warfare personnel against the Navy, could continue.


It charged that the Navy punished service members who had religious objections to the COVID shots, and the court said while the mandate has been dropped, "the Navy’s 'sham' religious accommodation process that it used to punish thousands of sailors is still in place."


First Liberty Institute noted, "In other words, the Navy has done nothing to address the source of the problem."


Danielle Runyan, senior counsel with the legal team, said, "This has been a long and difficult journey, but our Navy SEALs don’t quit.


"While some may believe the case ended after Congress forced the Navy to repeal the mandate, nothing could be further from the truth. Rescinding the mandate was just the first step, but the real harm to these brave warriors continues because there is still no valid process for religious accommodation. First Liberty has stood arm-in-arm with our nation’s sailors, and we will continue to do so for as long as it takes to win."


The government previously has lost big in the same case. Two years ago, the court ruled against the military's mandate for those experimental, and now proven injurious, shots.


The injunction later was affirmed by appeals courts all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court.


While the fight over the actual mandate apparently is "moot," the case is continuing because of questions over the Navy's broader religious discrimination that erupted during the pandemic.


The court's latest decision said the SEALs "argue that the persistence of this broader illegal [religious accommodation] process has injured, and will prospectively injure, the Class Members because they have sincere religious beliefs that impact issues related to their service. The record bears this out."

Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20437143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7153 >>7157 >>7297 >>7311 >>7363 >>7434 >>7560 >>7658

Canada #53 >>20429319


Fani Willis’ Radical Father Claims He Had Foreknowledge that COVID-19 Was Coming While Residing in South Africa in 2019

by Jim Hᴏft Feb. 16, 2024


John C. Floyd III, the radical father of Fani Willis who advised her during the high-profile indictment of former President Trump, claimed, under oath, he had prior knowledge of the COVID-19 outbreak while living in South Africa in 2019.


His past involvement with the Black Panthers, including a high-ranking position within the Los Angeles chapter, and his subsequent transition to a defense attorney after leaving the group in the early 1970s, has been well-documented.


Floyd also gained notoriety for his association with Angela Davis, a controversial figure accused of involvement in kidnappings and murders.


According to Floyd, his experiences and travels while residing in South Africa, a country with close ties to China through extensive foreign relations, gave him advanced knowledge of the emergence of COVID-19.


He suggests that his understanding of global health dynamics and connections abroad allowed him to anticipate the pandemic before it became a global crisis.


He suggests that his understanding of global health dynamics and connections abroad allowed him to anticipate the pandemic before it became a global crisis.


Defense Attorney: “Do you spend any time in 2019 in California?”


John Floyd: “No. And the reason I didn’t is that when I first came here, the answer is no, I did not. What happened was Covid. Once Covid hit, I was just paralyzed. I couldn’t go anyplace and do anything. I mean, I’m a theatre buff. I used to go to the theatre at least once a week. But when Covid hit, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t go to the dentist, which I need to do. It was just a thing. So, I was just stuck. I was just stuck there.”


Defense Attorney: “I may be wrong, but I believe Covid hit in 2020. So, I was asking about 2019. In 2019, did you spend any time…”


John Floyd: “In California before COVID was even here in the United States? Remember, I lived in South Africa, and I’ve traveled the world. I knew Covid was coming before. I knew Covid was around before. They may have announced it in ’20, but in fact, I knew about it and I knew what was happening in ’19.”


Defense Attorney: “Okay, so let’s walk through 2019, then.”


Some question the plausibility of his claims, while others are intrigued by the possibility that indicators of the impending pandemic could have been detected earlier than previously thought. This contributes to the speculation that COVID-19 was deliberately released prior to the 2020 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 3 p.m. No.20437235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7311 >>7363 >>7434 >>7560 >>7658



Netherlands: Parliament approves “historic motion” to opt-out of EU asylum and migration policy



The Netherlands will have the option to deviate from strict adherence to European asylum and migration policies, following a decision by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV party, hails this as a “historic motion.”


The motion, submitted by PVV, NSC, BBB, and VVD on Tuesday, advocates for an opt-out arrangement similar to Denmark’s, which has effectively managed mass immigration for two decades. The opt-out scheme allows a Member State to withdraw from a specific area of EU policy if it chooses not to participate, the Dutch press reported.


Denmark’s strict migration policy includes limited access to benefits and social services for newcomers, tightened conditions for family reunification, restricted labor market access for those lacking Danish language skills, and asylum seekers having to fund their own shelter.


The PVV, VVD, NSC, and BBB aim to implement a similar opt-out scheme for future European plans and agreements. A majority in Parliament supported the motion on Wednesday, with parties like SGP, Forum for Democracy, and JA21 voting in favor. Geert Wilders calls the voting results ‘historic.’


The motion responds to a recent EU proposal to reform European treaties, abolishing the veto power of Member States in 65 different areas. The proposal includes making climate and environmental policy an ‘exclusive competence’ of the EU, mandating the euro in all member states, introducing an EU defense, and granting the EU more influence in education and ‘gender diversity’ areas.


Concerns about the proposal’s far-reaching federalist reforms have been voiced by many EU member states, including NSC MP Caspar Veldkamp, who emphasizes the importance of the Netherlands using the opt-out option to reduce obligations rather than consistently adding them.

Anonymous ID: 7e2bfe Feb. 18, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.20437707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Jesse has said that the Biltmore "pool" in that famous photo is actually a boat launch


Strangest boat launch I've ever seen. the ramp is supposed to lead into the body of water, that incline goes to a wall