Thank you.
Stupid fuckin bitch.
Pedobroads are the new Chickemhawk
College use to be fun before all the Gangstahs
It's a nonstop shitcircus out there.
Looks like half my cabalwitch neighbors, fuckin smell TERRIBLE!!
They smell even worse.
Most cartel Cabrones were raped by their mothers, a satanist, pedophilic hoard of shitbags, devoid of honor, confidence or humanity. Cowardly degenerates in the final moments of their stupid, meaningless and ugly little lives.
Make a fuckin move TACO boy.
How's Frankie?
CartelCabrones, CuckMasonLEOs, Dark Mother DumbCunts, the three stooges of Satanism, fucked up complete world domination by a 12,000 year old cult in a few decades, too stupid, depraved and drug addled to "see the light" all symbol comms, color codes, ID # codes etc had to be dumbed down, malevolent construct needs minions, it was a staffing issue that got them in the end.
Hard to find smart woman that want to be Dark Mother DumbCunts.
The curse of the Satanist Boomer DumbCunt, once a super secretive society, centuries in the shadows. now a bunch of dots on the map, or moving dots on the map, that smell TERRIBLE.
Shilling hopelessly for their lives, literally.
Ate poop?
SATAN is dead