This is some of the most shilling I have seen and I've been here since November. It's getting exciting!!
Enjoy the show!
This is some of the most shilling I have seen and I've been here since November. It's getting exciting!!
Enjoy the show!
This comes from last bread. I think it's quite notable.
>>2043605 Yuge Qclock revelation
Lurq moar. The shills never stop. They just change strategies. Looks like they're into posting duck pics for part of last bread and into this one.
A clean dub trip combo confirms.
STFU lecturefag… there's no set criteria to making a notable. If you can explain it with just words, than that's all you need… just like the anon I nominated.
Just watched the whole thing. This mentality will spread like wildfire. We are winning!
Lovely work anon. You should go ahead and whip those up for every state… those are bad ass.
Wow… 128 posts? New shill tactic is to eat up all the bread… incredible. Well this is why we have 750 posts here unlike haflchan… fuck 'em. Easy to filter I suppose.
Your points sucked… they have nothing to do with the shills high post count. i believe the shill has a quota to fill and the sooner he does it, the sooner he can let his boyfriend cum in his butt.
They're so fucking stupid… whoever manages the shills needs to be fired. They aren't creative at all. They constantly shoot themselves in the foot by letting us know we are over the target.
(((They))) knew Seamen's credibility was shot so they're trying to get him some street cred here… how much u wanna bet he "accidently" ran into her… meaning she didn't know but he did.
Anybody else think these sentences are way too light? Hang these baby banging faggots.