Anonymous ID: 9a400b July 5, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2044192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232

I know many of you love horse-face girl

But you have the story behind her all wrong

She is from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Where a group of women held a protest

Entitled Murder Of Women is Genocide

Femicidio Es Genecidio

It was a memorial protest to remember the 133

Women who were murdered in Argentina in 2016

A country whose society is so broken by decades

Of liberalism and socialism, that the men no longer protect

The womenfolk.


Yes, horseface girl is a study in emotional intensity

Yes, she is memeworthy

But she has a context. She is a person. Here you can watch

A 17 minute video that shows the whole protest.


Sorry, but horseface girl is likely on the far left of the group

And not visible in the video

Also, please note: After you click the photo to enlarge it

If you right-click it (ctrl-click on Mac) and select

Open in new Image tab from the menu

You can enlarge it to its full size. Same result as saving it

And opening it in an app like Gimp. Great for clipping bits

Anonymous ID: 9a400b July 5, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.2044420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4567 >>4615



Erin Smith is an interesting case study that shows Gender Dysphoria is real

And it can be cured

Her comments and handling of the situations in her life, during encounters

With both leftists and conservatives, show her to be a very mentally balanced individual

And yet, she could not live as a male, and took this drastic action to change her body.

The trans part shows that she had Gender Dysphoria.

But unlike the majority of people who go through these operations,

She clearly does not have it any more.

Of course she is no longer a man or a woman, but then,

A certain percentage of people are BORN that way as well.

Mental health is more about accepting the cards that you are dealt

And making the best of the hand that you've been given

In the modern technological age, making the best of your hand

Is not so cut and dried as it once was.

Erin used surgery to modify the body that she originally had

Many veterans get prosthetic limbs to modify their broken bodies

People put spring blades on their leg to replace a foot that was lost.

People get pacemakers installed, and liver transplants.


The important thing is to accept that your situation is unique

Your parentage, your mental abilities, the education that you invested in

Everybody has unique pluses and minuses in their lives

The ones who will make America or the World GREAT Again

Are the ones who do the best with what they have.

As Melania says, BE BEST

Anonymous ID: 9a400b July 5, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2044537   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The people calling everyone shills

And KYS, etc

Are definitely not paying attention to Q's advice

I don't worship Q

But when I read drop #1646

And think about it

The wisdom really sinks in.








Now it starts to sound like he is warning us

About the Q worshippers on this board

Who try to enforce Q political correctness




Read the drop. The whole thing. And then think about it

Think carefully