I know many of you love horse-face girl
But you have the story behind her all wrong
She is from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Where a group of women held a protest
Entitled Murder Of Women is Genocide
Femicidio Es Genecidio
It was a memorial protest to remember the 133
Women who were murdered in Argentina in 2016
A country whose society is so broken by decades
Of liberalism and socialism, that the men no longer protect
The womenfolk.
Yes, horseface girl is a study in emotional intensity
Yes, she is memeworthy
But she has a context. She is a person. Here you can watch
A 17 minute video that shows the whole protest.
Sorry, but horseface girl is likely on the far left of the group
And not visible in the video
Also, please note: After you click the photo to enlarge it
If you right-click it (ctrl-click on Mac) and select
Open in new Image tab from the menu
You can enlarge it to its full size. Same result as saving it
And opening it in an app like Gimp. Great for clipping bits