Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.20440556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0600

(Is this is who killed Navalny? Kek.Maybe Zelensky had someone in the jail Navalny was in, he sure was jealous!)

13 Mar, 2023 21:56

Top Zelensky aide slams Oscars over 'Navalny' award

Kiev believes honoring a documentary on Russia while snubbing Zelensky proves the Academy Awards are political(DUH!)


The refusal to allow Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky address the Academy Awards ceremony before awarding anOscar to a documentary about Russian activist Alexey Navalny has drawn a furious reaction from Kiev.


Key Zelensky advisor Mikhail Podoliak took to Twitter to complain that the decision means politics and movies do mix after all.


“If the Oscars are outside of politics how should we understand the documentary manifesto Navalny where internal Russian politics is overflowing?” Podoliak asked, “If the Oscars are out of the context of the war in Ukraine [and] the mass genocide of Ukrainians, why do you constantly talk about humanism [and] justice?”


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scienceshad declined Zelensky’s request to address Sunday’s ceremony for the second year in a row now. While there has been no official comment on the matter, US media outlets reported that Hollywood wanted to “steer clear of anything political” amid concerns that giving attention toUkraine might offend non-white people around the world.


Since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022, Zelensky has appeared via video link before film festivals in Cannes, Berlin, and Venice. He has also addressed the Grammy Awards and the Glastonbury music festival and virtually ‘rang’ the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange in September, among other appearances.


Officially the senior adviser to the president’s head of office, Podoliak has been one of the most outspoken voices of the government in Kiev, second only to the president himself. Last week, he lashed out at the luxury brand Louis Vuitton, imagining an anti-Ukrainian message in the company’s long-standing logo based on the French flag.


‘Navalny’, a CNN-HBO production directed by Canadian filmmaker Daniel Roher, won the Academy Award for best documentary on Sunday. The film focuses on the alleged poisoning of the man Western media outlets have described as Russia’s “opposition leader.”


Navalny’s wife accepted the award on his behalf, as he is currently serving a prison sentence for fraud and parole violation. A Moscow court found him guilty in 2014 of defrauding the Russian subsidiary of the French cosmetics producer Yves Rocher and another company, to the tune of some $400,000. Navalny has denounced the charges as fabricated and politically motivated however the French company has never denied the charges.

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.20440695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0711 >>0745

Russian Imperialism?

February 13, 2024 By Joe Lauria1/2


Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin points to the fundamental difference between imperialism and revanchism as Western critics purposely or ignorantly confuse the two to serve their interests, writes Joe Lauria.

Amongst the condemnations that were hurled at Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin even before their interview was aired, was this gem from an unnamed European foreign affairs spokesman to The Guardian:


“A spokesperson for the European Commission said itanticipated that the interview would provide a platform for Putin’s ‘twisted desire to reinstate’ the Russian empire.


‘We can all assume what Putin might say. I mean he is a chronic liar,’ said the EU’s spokesperson for foreign affairs. …


‘[Putin] is trying to kill as many Ukrainians as he can for no reason. There is only one reason for his twisted desire toreinstate the now imperialistic Russian empirewhere he controls everything in his neighbourhood and imposes his will. But this is not something we are able to tolerate or are willing to tolerate in Europe or the world in the 21st century.'” [Emphasis added.]


The article warned thatCarlson’s interviewcould actually bedeemed “illegal” under last year’s European Digital Services Act.The Guardian says:


“The law is aimed at stamping out illegal content or harmful content that incites violence or hate speech from social media. All the large platforms, bar X, have signed up to a code of conduct to help them accelerate and build their internal procedures in order to comply with the law. …


The onus is on platforms to ensure content is lawful, said a spokesperson for the digital tsar, Thierry Breton. … If a social media platform does not comply with the new EU law it can be sanctioned with a hefty fine, or banned from operating in the EU.”


The Russians Are Coming … Again


After the interview, the Western media predictably dismissed it for a variety of reasons, including that it promoted Russian “imperialism.” The Economist wrote that Putin’s


“obsession — Russia’s historical claim to Ukraine — is backed by a nuclear arsenal. … He denied any interest in invading Poland or Latvia (though he previously said the same about Ukraine).”


Western rhetoric about a resurgent “Russian imperialism” dates back to 2014, when Russia assisted Donbass in resisting the U.S.-backed unconstitutional change of government in Kiev. Western officials sought to characterize Russia’s action as an “invasion” that was part of a grand scheme by Putin to reconstitute the Soviet Empire and even threaten Western Europe.


InMarch 2014, a month after the coup without making any reference to it to explain Russian actions,Hillary Clinton compared Putin to Adolf Hitler. The Washington Post reported:


“‘Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the ’30s,’ Clinton said Tuesday, according to the Long Beach Press-Telegram. ‘All the Germans that were … the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.'”


Clinton later tried to talk down any comparison to Hitler beginning his conquest of Europe by saying Putin was not that irrational. But thenotion that the Russian president is trying to reconstruct the Soviet Empire — and then threaten Western Europe — is often repeated in the West.


The Atlantic Council has been in the forefront of keeping this idea afloat.


Reconstituting the Soviet Empire would involve bringing the Central Asian Republics, Azerbaijan and Armenia, let alone the Baltics and the former Warsaw States, now part of NATO, under Moscow’s control.


A slew of articles since Russia’s 2022 invasion have harped on this theme, for example, in The Hill: “The US Has a Chance to Defeat Russian Imperialism for Good;” Foreign Policy: “The Inevitable Fall of Putin’s New Russian Empire;” and Salon: “How Russian Colonialism Took the Western Anti-Imperialist Left for a Ride.”


The absurdity of the notion of a threat to the West by Russian “imperialism” is underscored every timemany of these same Western leaders and media ridicule how disastrously Russia has performed on the Ukrainian battlefield and how, in the words ofUrsula von der Leyen, the EU Commission president,Russia must resort to washing machine parts to keep its military going.

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 8:02 a.m. No.20440745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762




How can Russia be so weak and incompetent and yet be such an imminent and menacing threat at the same time?


The late Russia specialist Stephen F. Cohen dismissed these fears as a dangerous demonization of Russia and Putin. Cohen repeatedly explained thatRussia had neither the capacity nor the desire to start a war against NATOand was acting defensively against the alliance.


This is clear from the decades-long Russian objection to NATO expansion (which Putin raised with Carlson), coming inthe 1990s when Wall Street and the U.S. dominated Russia, asset-stripping the formerly state-owned industries and impoverishing the Russian people, while enriching themselves.


It is clear from Russia backing the Minsk Accords, which would have left Donbass as an autonomous part of Ukraine, and not rejoined to Russia.


And it is clear from the treaty proposals to NATO and the United States offered by Russia in December 2021 intended to avert Russian military intervention. TheWest rebuffed Russia on all three diplomatic initiatives.


While realists in Washington and Europe increasingly admit Ukraine is losing the war, neocon fantasists, desperate to keep it going, have revived the theme of the Russian threat to the West to counter congressional reluctance to throw away more money and more lives.


Trumped-up fear of Russia has served U.S. ruling circles well for more than 70 years. The first three National Intelligence Estimates of the C.I.A., from 1947 t0 1949, reported no evidence of a Soviet threat, no infrastructure to support a sustained threat, and no evidence of a desire for confrontation with the United States.


Despite this, in1948 a war scare was drummed up to save the U.S. aircraft industry, which had nearly collapsed with the end of the Second World War.


Then came the 1954 bomber gap and 1957 missile gap with the Soviet Union, now accepted as deliberate fictions. In 1976 then C.IA. DirectorGeorge H.W. Bush approved a Team B, whose purpose was again to inflate Soviet military strength.


George Kennan, the former U.S. ambassador to Moscowtried to counter such exaggerations, including late in life when he opposed NATO expansion in the 1990s.


Now we are being asked again to believe another fictional story of a Russian threat to the Westin order to save U.S. and European face — and Joe Biden’s presidency.


It is instead a projection to cover up its own authentic imperialism and the West’s perceived threat to Russia, a big part of what Putin was trying to get across in the Carlson interview.


Revanchism & Imperialism


The issue at hand is the fundamentaldifference between imperialism and revanchism. Western critics purposely or ignorantly confuse the two to serve their interests.


Succinctly, the difference is this:imperialists take control of a country that does not want themthere and resists.A revanchist wants to absorb former imperial lands where the populationis largely the same ethnicity and welcomes the revanchist power to protect them from an outside threat.


Yes,Hitler was being revanchistin his defense of the German-speaking Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. But it was afirst step in an imperial design to conquer countriesthat ultimately resisted him. Clinton’s effort to roll back her comments to say Putin is not as irrational as Hitler was her attempt to tamp down a suggestion that Putin wanted to conquer Europe as Hitler did.


To call Putin’s move on Ukraine“imperialist” is to say Russia had never conquered those lands beforeand that he might indeed keep going to conquer lands Russia has never controlled: i.e., Western Europe….

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.20440762   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Russian imperialism in Ukraine took place nearly 250 years ago under the reign of Catherine the Great. That was when the Russians defeated the Turks and occupied what came to be known as Novorossiya. Putin went back further…


Despite these revanchist or irredentist positions on Ukraine, Putin did not act on them until 2022. Carlson asked Putin twice why he didn’t move on Ukraine earlier if he held these views and twice Putin evaded the question. The Western media is saying that Putin is lying about acting to defend the Russian speakers of the Donbass; that he was motivated by territorial expansion.


Putin was acting both to defend Donbass’ Russian speakers (who were under imminent renewed attack in February 2022) and also saw the opportunity to reunite the old imperial lands with Russia. That opportunity was seen in theKremlin as a necessity because of the West’s rejection of Moscow’s diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict.


Given the results of the four regional referendums in 2022, plus the one in Crimea in 2014, it is clear the people of those regions wanted to rejoin Russia after the coup and the revival of Ukrainian extremism.


One can condemn or criticize revanchism, but one cannot call it imperialism.

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.20441092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1098 >>1108

War in Ukraine & the ‘Crisis of Western Civilization’

December 15, 2023

After the collapse of the U.S.S.R. many Ukrainians, including members of the Rada, had a new agenda, writes Edward Lozansky. But Washington wasn’t interested.

By Edward Lozansky1/2


The war in Ukraine has become a crisis of Western civilization.


Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker writes that the West is “losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.”


Baker nevertheless reminds us that “liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or political system”but he forgets to mention at what cost.


When it comes to prosperity, it was achieved not only by the hard work or technological innovations but also, to an unfortunately large degree, by colonialism whereby various European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited large areas of the world, often to the detriment of the people already living in those colonized lands.


Shall we remember that most of the looting was never compensated or returned?


When it comes to freedom shall we also forget the deadliest extermination of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, Australia, Africa and Asia? What about slavery? According to the Wilson Center the great contradiction of American society was its birth as a self-proclaimed bastion of human freedom even while it created theories of race to justify slavery.


The ‘Elbe Spirit’


Closer to our times, at the end of World War II, there was a spirit of camaraderie, if notbrotherhood, between Americans and Russians, sometimes called the “Elbe Spirit” that was symbolized by the meeting of American and Soviet soldiers on the Elbe Riverin the German city of Torgau on April 25, 1945, on the eve of their joint victory over Nazi Germany.


Unfortunately,=this spirit was betrayed almost immediately when thousands of Nazis and their collaborators were invited to settle in the United States, Canada and other Western countries, often with the direct assistance of U.S. intelligence officials who saw them as potential spies and informants in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.


Since World War II, the U.S. has initiated, or has been directly involved, in many military conflicts; with wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria among the major ones. This republic of liberty has caused over 5 million civilian deaths, over 50 million refugees and huge devastation in these countries.


As for the current war in Ukraine, the whole country was engaged by the collective West in a proxy war against Russia with whom for many centuries it was bound by close religious, historical, economic, cultural, and family ties.


I placed religion first to underscore that those who declare their adherence to Judeo-Christian values and democracy have provoked the war between the two Christian nations not to promote democracy but rather, to use Ukrainians as cannon fodder to preserve the geopolitical advantage of the U.S.


Many leading U.S. politicians, starting with the leader of the Senate Republicans, Mitch McConnell, openly declare that supporting a proxy war in Ukraine is a very good and cheap investment since other soldiers, not Americans, are dying.


Benjamin Abelow in his book, How the West Brought War in Ukraine, lays out the relevant history and explains how the West needlessly produced this conflict, subjecting its citizens — and the rest of the world — to the risk of nuclear war.


Many other well-known international experts say this war was avoidable, and it is the West who provoked the crisis and who keeps preventing its ending.


The biggest lie coming from those who want to continue this war “for as long as it takes” is that after winning in Ukraine Putin will move further west. …

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.20441098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1136



Russia has no interest, desire or means to do it but those who benefit from the wars — like the Military-Industrial Complex, corrupted members of Congress, think tanks, President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign and the media keep repeating this lie.


[Biden himself, as well as Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin cranked up the lie last week to try to frighten Congress into turning over $40 billion more to the Ukrainian lost cause before President Volodymyr Zelenksy arrived in Washington. He left empty-handed.}


After the collapse of the U.S.S.R. manyUkrainians, including members of their Parliament – the Rada – had a different agendawhich can be summarized as follows: free from the communist yoke,having strong industrial and agricultural sectors, a favorable climate and fertile land, Ukraine had great potential to become one of the most prosperous European countries.


Effective anti-corruption reforms, a certain level of autonomy for the regions with large Russian ethnic populations, and neutral status with no membership in any military blocs would have made Ukraine definitely a happy and prosperous state.


In 1993, Washington Not Interested


However, Washington was not interested, which was out on full display in May 1993 when there was a trilateral meeting on Capitol Hill organized by some American NGOs with legislators from the U.S. Congress, Russia’s Duma and Ukraine’s Rada to discuss what the U.S. was prepared to do to help Russia and Ukraine in their difficult transition from communism to democracy.


Congressman Tom Lantos of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who chaired this meeting, said that had Mikhail Gorbachev told the U.S. in 1989 that he was prepared to dissolve the U.S.S.R. and the Warsaw Pact — and requested a trillion dollars to do it – Congress would most likely have agreed, authorizing $100 billion annually for a period of 10 years.


However, as it turned out, the Russians did it all by themselves. So why spend U.S. taxpayers’ money when the job is already being done?


“You are on your own, guys,” said Lantos.


C.I.A. Director James Woolsey and other members of Congress who spoke afterward more or less repeated the same lines.


But what they said was totally misleading since the U.S. did not leave Russia and Ukraine alone — Yankee didn’t go home.Billions of American tax dollars were poured into Ukraine, not to boost its economy but to reformat public opinion that was predominantly in favor of neutral status and against joining NATO.


That led eventually to the U.S.-backed coup in Kiev in 2014.And here we stand on the edge of the abyss.

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:34 a.m. No.20441151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1160

>>20438683 Mike Pence calls out Republican rift on Russia20438731 WATCH TRUMP: NOW THIS IS HOW YOU DEAL WITH ZELENSKY!!! (PN)


Navalny was funded by Soros, Nuland, numerous Russia hating NGOs, Think Tanks in US, with multiple other countries and multi National industries and 1,000s of others that havetried to depose Putin and put in a new Zelensky, so the Secretary of State like Blinken, under Obama and Bidan could run Russiaand steal all the resources like Globalists did in 1991, they almost destroyed the entire country.


Navalny was a tool, dissident and part of the Color Revolution Obama accomplished in many countries.Stop thinking Navalny was s saintly person, he is the same type of terrorists that are destroying America. Pence is an asshole RINO and should never be heard from again


The first goal of globalist in Russia is to destroy the Russia people, just like they are doing here.Its about money, its NEVER ABOUT FREEDOM

Anonymous ID: 13c138 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:47 a.m. No.20441218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1224 >>1226 >>1247

Steve Bannon Calls Out NATO For Leeching Off MAGA


“The media trying to convince the public globalism is not a problem and they are no threat to America. Globalism is a great thing citizens. They say: It’s not true it’s the Big Guy against the Little Guy. Thats when you get charismatic leaders like Trump. Trump elevated this pro Putin energy.” KEK

