Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.20442683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2790 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029

Chinese illegal immigrant apprehensions up 4000% at US-Mexico border since 2021


Since October 2023, there have been over 20,000 encounters with illegal immigrants from China. In the entirety of fiscal year 2021, there were just 450 of these encounters.


Chinese illegal immigrant apprehensions up 4000% at US-Mexico border since 2021

Since October 2023, there have been over 20,000 encounters with illegal immigrants from China. In the entirety of fiscal year 2021, there were just 450 of these encounters.


The number of Chinese illegal immigrants crossing the southern border illegally has skyrocketed by 4,000 percent since 2021.


Fox News’ Bill Melugin, reporting from the southern border, recounted that his Spanish speaking skills are "not doing me a whole lot of good down here" in Jacumba, California, as "we’re getting a massive explosion of Chinese nationals crossing the border."


Melugin spoke with some of these illegal immigrants that had freshly crossed the border and were waiting to be processed by border officials, who said they came from China, Turkey, and Ecuador. One woman, who had to translate what Melugin was saying through her phone, said she was heading to Los Angeles.


Over the weekend, "Fox cameras witnessed hundreds of Chinese nationals crossing illegally here in Jacumba. Again, most of them single adults, very few of any with little children with them." Melugin said "this is not normal."


A CBP source told Fox News that since October 2023, which marked the beginning of fiscal year 2024, there have been over 20,000 encounters with illegal immigrants from China. In the entirety of fiscal year 2021, which ran from October 2020 to September 2021, there were just 450 of these encounters, representing a 4,000 percent spike in encounters with Chinese illegal immigrants.


Earlier in the year, it was revealed that the Biden administration had reduced the vetting process for illegal immigrants from China.


An April 2023 email to around 500 Border Patrol agents instructed the agents to reduce the number of interview questions for Chinese illegal immigrants who are apprehended.


The list of questions was cut down from 40 to just five. This allowed a fast-track of the release of Chinese illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States and has made it more difficult for CBP agents to identify national security threats.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:23 p.m. No.20442705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2709 >>2719 >>2790 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029 >>3030

Girls high-school basketball team forfeits after trans player injures 3 players in Massachusetts


"Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him about continuing to play."


Girls high-school basketball team forfeits after trans player injures 3 players in Massachusetts

"Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed coGirls high-school basketball team forfeits after trans player injures 3 players in Massachusetts

"Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him about continuing to play."


A Massachusetts charter school ended a girls’ varsity basketball game at halftime on February 8 after multiple players were injured by a trans-identified male on the opposing team.


The coach of the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell Girls’ Basketball Team made the decision to end the game against KIPP Academy "after watching a third player injured in the game," a press release from the school states.


"The bench was already depleted going into the game with the 12-player roster having four players unable to play. When the coach saw three more girls go down in the first half leaving him with five players, he made the call to end to end the game early."


The school wrote in the press release that Charter School playoffs were approaching, "and he needed a healthy and robust bench in four days."


"Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him about continuing to play. The players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs."

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:26 p.m. No.20442724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2760 >>2790 >>2837 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029

Groundbreaking Global Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Reveals Increases in Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines


In a groundbreaking multinational study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN), researchers have shed light on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines among a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals.


The study, spanning multiple countries, aimed to evaluate adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 vaccination, providing crucial insights into vaccine safety.


Some of the countries included in the study are:



New Zealand


Canada (Ontario and British Columbia)


Australia (New South Wales and Victoria)


The study was published at the world’s leading scientific publisher and data analytics company for more than 140 years, Elsevier.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:29 p.m. No.20442739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2754

Medvedev Warns Of Nukes On Berlin, London & Washington Before Russia Would Return To 1991 Borders


Former Russian president and deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has managed to once again shock and anger Western officials (and entire populations for that matter) with his jingoist rhetoric and nuclear threats.


Just a couple of weeks ago he warned that if Russia is attacked by NATO it would have "no choice" but to unleash nuclear "apocalypse" which would lead to "the end of everything". Over this weekend he actually managed to top and surpass his own words in terms of nuclear 'threat level' and rhetoric. He has expanded on the prior remarks by saying the Kremlin stands ready to use its entire strategic arsenal on London, Washington, Berlin and Kiev.


His fresh warning focused on Russia's military hold on the four annexed territories in Ukraine's east. Moscow now sees this as Russian territory and says it will never give it up.


“Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing. Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state," Medvedev began in the Sunday statement posted to Telegram. He followed ominously with a 'target list'…


‌"In Kiev, Berlin, London, Washington."


He further described that nuclear missiles would strike "all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad."


"Will we have the courage to do this if the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great Motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the people of Russia over the centuries will be in vain?" Medvedev then said: "The answer is obvious."


This is not the first time he's warned of "nuclear fire" if NATO or Ukraine forces seize Russian territory. Moscow has warned could deploy its nuclear arsenal if it faces at 'existential threat' to its survival.


However, this appears to be the first time Russia has threatened nukes if its control of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia faces existential threat. Of course, this includes Crimea too.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.20442784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2790 >>2803 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029

Benjamin Netanyahu, Now Accused of Genocide


The entire world, Christian, Jewish and Muslim has watched horrified as an alleged criminal leader has ordered his occupying force of US-armed, state military to kill or injure over 100,000 mainly civilian women and children in Gaza – with planes, drones, gunships, missiles, bombs, white phosphorus and shells, in an orgy of revenge for the Hamas massacre in the Israeli kibbutzim, of October 7th.


And as they fill the mass graves of bloodied, blackened bodies with their embedded American bullets, the global community and the United Nations are impotent in stopping this mass slaughter of civilians. However, notwithstanding this international opprobrium, POTUS Biden and his US Congress continue to supply the bombs and bullets to sustain this crime against humanity – watched by an astonished and incredulous billions of ordinary people, on television, around the world.


And, as yet another child and mother are killed, global resentment and anger are now increasing exponentially and directed at the attacking Israeli forces and their American arms supplier. And that anger is morphing into increased antisemitism as the international community erroneously believes that Jewish populations in the US, Canada, France, Argentina and Britain are equally responsible for these war crimes as are the actual perpetrators, the Likud revisionist Zionist government of Israel.


The tragic consequence is that this damaging hatred is now increasing by the day, causing extensive damage to national Jewish communities in general, with the fear that this hostility will endure for generations, if not, forever. As for Israel itself: it will reap the whirlwind of Netanyahu’s legacy.


History will be scathing in its verdict on duplicitous, weak US and UK governments that, in the 21st century, succumbed to the machinations of the political lobbies and turned a tiny, 75 year-old, outlier state into a dangerous nuclear power that provided the spark for the inferno that consumed the Middle East and then Europe and beyond.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:43 p.m. No.20442798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Justice Department Transfers Approximately $500,000 in Forfeited Russian Funds to Estonia for Benefit of Ukraine

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.20442824   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ADL pushed BMG to drop Roger Waters by threatening to weaponize company’s Nazi past


The Grayzone has obtained a private letter authored by ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt threatening to weaponize the Nazi past of the BMG music company unless executives terminated a major deal with Roger Waters. BMG has publicly denied Israel lobby influence on its decision to nix Waters’ contract.

When the Berlin-based BMG music company terminated its business relationship with Roger Waters, the Pink Floyd co-founder claimed the decision was spurred by a concerted Israel lobby-directed campaign to financially retaliate against his outspoken support for Palestine. The Grayzone has obtained a threatening private letter sent by Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt to BMG executives which confirms the musician’s accusation.


“Given the fact that your parent company, Bertelsmann Group, has made laudable and necessary efforts to repair its Nazi past,” the ADL director warned in his June 16, 2023 letter, “it would be deeply unfortunate to have those efforts continue to be tarnished by such hurtful and injurious conduct.”


In an interview with The Grayzone, Waters described the ADL’s menacing missive as the culmination of a months-long intimidation campaign which began well before the October 7 attacks in Israel. The ADL’s push resulted not only in the termination of the company’s deal to release the new 50th anniversary recording of “The Dark Side of the Moon,” he said, but in the departure of BMG’s CEO as well.


“As far as attacks on me by the ADL and and all the rest of the lobby are concerned, the jury has been out for a long time, but it’s not out anymore,” Waters commented to The Grayzone. “The contention that I’m an antisemite because I’ve stood up against the attempted genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine is dead in the water. The people of the world have seen through the wall of hatred and tissue of lies.”


The Dark Side of the Moon Redux, full album out October 6th.


Now available for pre-order on double LP, CD, digital and with exclusive bundles in the official store:


First track ‘Money’ is available to stream now.


— Roger Waters ✊ (@rogerwaters) July 21, 2023


ADL threat refutes BMG’s denial of Israel lobby influence

To this point, BMG has officially denied any outside influence on its decision to terminate its deal with Waters, while mainstream media has generally downplayed the Israel lobby’s influence on the move.


Reporting on BMG’s move this January, the corporate entertainment trade publication Variety painted Waters as paranoid for alleging Israel lobby role in sabotaging his contract, accusing him of spouting “conspiracies against him publicizing his beliefs.”


Meanwhile, a company source denied any outside pressure influenced BMG’s decision, insisting to Variety that “BMG does not agree with Waters’ version of events.” The source added that the firm’s CEO, Thomas Coesfeld, “certainly would have made the decision on his own.”


Citing sources inside BMG, Variety further claimed that Coesfeld “nixed” a deal to release a newly recorded version of Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side of the Moon” immediately “after taking up his new post on July 1, 2023.”


Yet Variety was apparently unaware of the threatening letter which ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt fired off on June 19, 2023 to Hartwig Masuch, then the CEO of BMG, and Thomas Rabe, the chairman of the board of BMG’s parent company, Bertelsmann.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 3:54 p.m. No.20442846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3054

Trump Must Pay Half a Billion Dollars Before He Can Appeal New York Decision


Former President Donald Trump must pay nearly half a billion dollars as a bond to New York State before he can appeal the ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron last week that he must pay $354 million in fines — over $450 million, with interest — for fraud.


Critics have noted that Trump is the only person ever to be sued under an obscure New York fraud statute that does not require any harm be done, and that effectively criminalizes the everyday practice of real estate valuations in negotiations with banks.


Though Attorney General Letitia James — who ran for office promising to target Trump — claimed that no one is above the law, her case against Trump marks the only such case in the history of the state. And the staggering fine is likewise unprecedented.


Jonathan Turley points out another astonishing fact at the New York Post: before he can appeal, Trump must pay the whole fine:


Under New York law, Trump cannot appeal this ruling without depositing the full amount, including interest, in a court account. Even for Trump, $455 million is hard to come by. Likewise, a bond would require a company to guarantee payment for a defendant who has been barred from doing business in New York and is facing the need to liquidate much of his portfolio.


Nothing succeeds like excess for judges like Engoron. By imposing this astronomical figure, he can make it difficult or impossible for a defendant to appeal, absent declaring bankruptcy or selling off assets at distress prices.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 4:04 p.m. No.20442873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2885 >>2906

Dailyfail tries to polish a turd

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 4:17 p.m. No.20442923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2930



Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.20442961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990 >>3029

World Development Report 2024

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.20442980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990 >>2998 >>3029

Huge Line of Illegals “As Far as the Eye Can See” Traverse Down Steep, Rocky Mountain After Crossing Into San Diego


There is currently a huge line of illegal immigrants coming down a steep, rocky mountain after crossing into Jacumba, CA. The line appears to go up the mountain as far as the eye can see. Three men made it down already and told us they’re from Kazakhstan.

Anonymous ID: 4cb3ad Feb. 19, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.20442996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3000 >>3006 >>3029 >>3040

Attorney for George Floyd's family recommends redefining crime to accommodate 'black culture' in MSNBC program


Benjamin Crump, an attorney who has at one time or another represented the families of George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Malcolm X, and Ahmaud Arbery, has come up with a radical solution to the problem of crime in America: rather than fight crime, the powers that be ought to simply redefine it.


Crump made the case for redefining crime to accommodate "black culture" in a new race-centered program that debuted on MSNBC earlier this month entitled "Black Men in America: Road to 2024."


According to the network, the program highlights "the intersection of society, race and culture to provide a candid and intimate look at America through the eyes of an overlooked voting block [sic] — Black men."


In one scene, Crump tells MSNBC contributors Charles Coleman Jr., Trymaine Lee, and Al Sharpton during a distracted game of pool, "We can get rid of all the crime in America overnight, just like that. And people ask, 'How, attorney Crump?' Change the definition of crime."


"Of course," responded Charles Coleman.


"If you get to define what conduct is going to be made criminal, you can predict who the criminal's gonna be," added Crump.


The Daily Caller noted the stunning proposal came about after the pool-table panelists broached the subject of the criminal justice system under President Joe Biden.


Coleman, a former prosecutor, bemoaned the "circular argument" concerning authorities going "where the crime is."


"I tell people all the time, if you looking for something, you gonna find it," said Coleman. "So it becomes self-fulfilling in terms of, 'Well, we go where the crime is.' No, you're going and you're finding crime. And if you went somewhere else, guess what? You find it there too."


After Trymaine Lee aborted his attempt to make the case that black men are treated as criminals simply on account of their skin color, Crump suggested that American laws were created to specifically target black citizens.


"They made the laws to criminalize our culture, black culture," said Crump. "So when I think of Eric Garner, I would think of stuff like that."


"They come up with things to profile us for," continued the attorney, citing baggy pants and garbage-littered front lawns as supposed examples of racially-specific causes for interventions by the law.


Crump suggested further that profiling was involved in the case of George Floyd when he allegedly attempted to buy cigarettes with counterfeit money — an act that would have been unlawful for men of all races.