Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 2:48 p.m. No.20442533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2567

(Anons Sundance has a good plan)

Update Far Outside the Wire…

February 18, 2024 | Sundance1/2

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option.” I think it was Bob Marley who said that… lol. But it’s true.


I’m so far outside the wire trying to research, communicate, dig through the globalist lies and quantify the crazy in terms that are understandable; sometimes I think this effort itself is nuts.Then again, being a dissident means living your best life, and don’t stop swinging for the fences.


The original plan was to meet with people who have a solid, I mean historically impenetrable understanding of how to organize a solidarity movement, then learn, learn… ask questions, seek counsel, find the network, and put the plans into an actionable effort that could be brought back to the USA. {GO DEEP}


Yes, in case you have not been paying attention,the best people to teachyou how to defend against the looming communist, fascist and corporatist encroachmentare the people who fought it.


The Eastern EU countries are the epicenter of the best rebel alliance thinkers. Pulling the labeled dissidents into my orbit, learning and questioning, has been extremely interesting and seriously informative.


The initial plan was tobring a few people backwith me to the U.S., then go on a short tour of several states for meetings and discussions with stateside allies. However, some entity at the Dept of Stateintercepted the plan, and we have run into newlyrefused visa issueseven though they were previously approved.


If I was a conspiracy minded person, I would notice these visa issues “happened” immediately after my laptops andother devices were compromised by a “virus” in Praguethat rendered them useless.


That said, I am not quitting the effort to bring them to the U.S. yet. Yep, ask those who know, and you’ll discover that putting a hurdle in front of a CTH plan only makes my resolve harden. Also, there are far more good people inside the system trying to help than there are bad people trying to harm… the difference is the bad people are in positions of power and authority.They are few, we are many – don’t forget that.


The EU farmers, truckers, machinists, general laborers with shakable calloused hands are all super insightful and full of no-quit in their DNA, -that’s super cool.


People stateside tell me I’m crazy for trying this… hell, who knows, maybe I am. I’ve failed a lot… but I ain’t gonna quit.I love this country, and she’s worth fighting for.I don’t have the answers; I just know the current status quo is not going to work – not for me, not for you, and not for the generation behind us that deserves so much better.


If you’ve got a better idea, then tell me. Don’t be quiet… speak. I’ve got a lot of research complete andan entire network ready to mobilizeto support any stateside effort. The rest of the world knows how important 2024 is to the USA, and they are willing to put their time into helping us get President Trump back into office.


We already know if Donald Trump can take the MAGA fight back to Washington DC, the entire apparatus of government, and yes that includes your elected representatives, will fight to destroy him at every opportunity.So, how exactly do we:(a) support President Trump, (b) push back against the weaponized state, (c) confront our government abusers?


There are more of us than them, yet each of our efforts seems to face the full force of “them” against a divided sense of “us.” One of the ways we have discussed direct push back is amodern version of a workers solidarity movement. Essentially, the creation of a system where targeted general work strikes can have an impact on the system that is targeting us…



Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 2:55 p.m. No.20442567   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It is one thing to discuss the Polish Solidarity Movement in esoteric terms of endearment. It is another thing entirely to think about the application of a labor strike process within the United States where 370 million people live.However, if you apply the concept of tactical civics simultaneously, you can make an argument the tactical civics are the shield (EU truckers), and the labor strike is the spear (EU farmers).


One of the advantages we have in the USA governmental structures is the “Republican Form of Government,” or the constitutional republic and the ability of states to determine their own interests.


Think about targeting now going in reverse, where WE THE PEOPLE now target the non-compliant system operators and/or politicians. A Senator or Congress person aligns against Trump’s interests, our interests, and instead of gnashing our teeth,we immediately begin a targeted work stoppage in/around the representative’s district. In this scenario we don’t need tens of millions to make an impact, only a few thousand can completely change the dynamic.


How does it work? How is it possible? How did the people of Poland pay their bills during the solidarity strikes? How do you organize that process so that everyone can participate, and yet no one individually needs to carry the risk of losing? These nuts-and-bolts questions are part of my research mission.


How effective would a Congressional District (CD-??) “sick-out” be? Perhaps timed for every Wednesday, beginning on the {fill_in_the_blank_day}, and continuing until the representative understood that he/she alone was the cause of the economic trouble in their district. You see, the general labor strike doesn’t need to be scaled to the size of Poland circa 1980’s; instead with modern communication, it can target very specific places and create just as big an impact.


The dismantling of a weaponized government first begins with a set of political representatives who arewillingto take apart the institutionaltools that government uses to weaponize their power.


As we saw with the hyped and yet failed Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, once the public appears to be satiated with false hope from yet another created assembly, the representative group does nothing.


Theurgency of the committee silomight look entirely different if the trash was not getting picked up in the committee members’ districts. Or the lawns were not getting mowed, or the cooks stayed home, etc.


You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option.


I will have much more to shareon this issue as we will likely have a lot of support from ordinary MAGA-minded people in a multitude of countries. The Dutch, German, Polish, Romanian, French, Spanish and Irish farmers/truck drivers are figuring out how effective it can be if they push back with strategic solidarity. We can learn a valuable lesson.


Whether Donald Trump wins the 2024 election or not, the same practical process will be needed.If Trump wins the election, it will be to provide support under the auspices of unavoidable pressure.


We don’t wait for primary races to defeat the people who stand against us in 2025;instead, we trigger the financial consequencesagainst them immediately.


If you’ve got better ideas, then share them. If you think this effort can work, then HELP ME HERE.


Love to all,




Donate if you can here


(I’m all in!perhaps anons can lend Sundance and citizens our skillsets? The social media anons can be dispersing info, etc.)

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.20442688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2693 >>2790 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029

The Vatican’s secret keeper is retiring — here’s what he wants you to know

By Associated Press Feb. 19, 2024, 2:20 p.m.1/3

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican has been trying for years to debunk the idea that its vaunted secret archives are all that secret: It has opened up the files of controversial World War II-era Pope Pius XII to scholars and changed the official name to remove the word “Secret” from its title.


But a certain aura of myth and mystery has persisted — until now.


The longtime prefect of what is now named the Vatican Apostolic Archive, Archbishop Sergio Pagano, is spilling the beans for the first time, revealing some of the secrets he has uncovered in the 45 years he has worked in one of the world’s most important, and unusual, repositories of documents.


In a new book-length interview titled “Secretum” to be published Tuesday, Pagano divulges some of the unknown, lesser-known and behind-the-scenes details of well-known sagas of the Holy See and its relations with the outside world over the past 12 centuries.


In conversations over the course of a year with Italian journalist Massimo Franco, Pagano delves into everything from Napoleon’s sacking of the archive in 1810 to the Galileo affair and the peculiar conclave — the assembly of cardinals to elect a pope — of 1922 that was financed by last-minute donations from U.S. Catholics.


“It’s the first time and it will also be the last because I’m about to leave,” Pagano, 75, said in an interview with The Associated Press in his archive office, ahead of his expected retirement later this year.


Pope Leo XIII first opened the archive to scholars in 1881, after it had been used exclusively to serve the pope and preserve documentation of the papacies, ecumenical councils and Vatican offices dating from the 8th century.


With 85 kilometers (53 miles) of shelving, much of it underground in a two-story, fireproof, reinforced concrete bunker, the archive also houses documentation from Vatican embassies around the globe as well as specific collections from aristocratic families and religious orders.


While often the source of Dan Brown-esque conspiracies, it functions much as any national or private archive: Researchers request permission to visit and then request specific documents to review in dedicated reading rooms.


Pagano keeps a close eye on them from a giant television screen perched to the side of his desk, which provides a live, closed-circuit feed to the reading rooms downstairs.


Most recently, scholars have been flocking to the archive to read through the documents of the pontificate of Pope Pius XII, the wartime pope who has been criticized for not having spoken out enough about the Holocaust.


Pope Francis ordered the documents of his pontificate opened ahead of schedule, in 2020, so scholars could finally have the full picture of the papacy.

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:21 p.m. No.20442693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701 >>2790 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029




The Vatican has long defended Pius, saying he used quiet diplomacy to save lives and didn’t speak out publicly about Nazi crimes because he feared retaliation, including against the Vatican itself.


Pagano is no apologist for Pius and stands out among Vatican hierarchs for his willingness to call out Pius’ silence. Specifically, Pagano says he cannot square Pius’ continued reluctance to publicly condemn Nazi atrocities even after the war ended.


“During the war we know that the pope made a choice: He could not and would not speak. He was convinced that an even worse massacre would have happened,” Pagano said. “After the war, I would have expected a word more, for all these people who went to the gas chambers.”


Pagano attributes Pius’ continued, post-war silence to his concerns about the creation of a Jewish state. The Vatican had a long tradition of supporting the Palestinian people and was concerned about the fate of Christian religious sites in the Holy Land if the territories were turned over to the newly created state of Israel.


Any word from Pius about the Holocaust even after the war “could have been read in political terms as a support for the foundation of a new state,” Pagano said.


In the book, Pagano doesn’t hold back about his disdain for the incomplete research behind Pius’ sainthood cause, which is now apparently on hold as scholars dissect the newly available documentation.


The two Jesuit researchers who compiled Pius’ sainthood dossier, the late Revs. Peter Gumpel and Paolo Molinari, relied only on the partial, 11-volume compilation of the papacy’s documents that was published in 1965, Pagano revealed.


“Neither Father Gumpel nor Father Molinari ever set foot in the Apostolic Archive,” he says in the book. He said he believed Pius’ sainthood cause should have waited until the full archive of the pontificate was cataloged and available, and scholars had time to draw conclusions.


“Written documents must weigh heavily on the life of a servant of God, you can’t ignore the archives,” Pagano told Franco, the journalist. “But the postulation by the Jesuits wanted to bypass it.”


Aside from the well-known stories of Vatican intrigue, the book also reveals some novelties, including the origins of the important financial relationship between the U.S. church and the Vatican that continues today and dates back to the 1922 conclave.


Pagano said that after Pope Benedict XV died, the camerlengo — the cardinal in charge of the papal treasury and accounts — went to his safe and discovered it was “literally empty. There wasn’t a paper, bank note or coin.” It turns out Benedict wasn’t terribly responsible fiscally, and left the Holy See somewhat in the red when he died on Jan. 22 of that year.

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20442701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2790 >>2854 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029




Papal coffers were always used to fund the conclave to elect a new pope, meaning the Holy See was in a cash crunch at a time when Europe was still reeling financially from World War I.


The book, for the first time, reproduces the encrypted telegrams in which the Vatican secretary of state asked his ambassador in Washington to urgently wire “what you have in the safe” so that the vote could take place.


According to the telegrams, the Vatican embassy sent what U.S. churches had collected from the American faithful, down to the cents: $210,400.09, allowing the vote that eventually elected Pope Pius XI.


Pagano suggests that Francis’ 2019 decision to remove the word “Secret” from the archive’s name and rename it the “Vatican Apostolic Archive” was perhaps another financial nod to the wealthy U.S. church — a rebranding to remove any negative connotations and thus encourage potential donations, primarily via “Treasures of History,” a new U.S.-based foundation that supports the archive.


At the end of the interview, Pagano proudly showed visitors one of the archive’s prized possessions, which he keeps in an otherwise nondescript wooden armoire near the entrance of his office. There, behind plate glass and illuminated with special lights, is the original 1530 letter from British nobles urging Pope Clement VII to grant King Henry VIII an annulment so he could marry Anne Boleyn.


As is well known, the pope refused and the king went ahead and got married, breaking with Rome.


“You can say that here we are at the birth of the Anglican Church,” Pagano says as he holds up a light-tipped pointer to show off the red wax seals of some of the signatories.


Pagano delights in revealing how the document survived: When Napoleon Bonaparte famously seized the Vatican archives in 1810 and carted them off to Paris, Pagano’s predecessor as chief archivist rolled up the 1530 letter and hid it inside a secret drawer in a chair in the archive antechamber.


“The French never found it,” Pagano says proudly, keenly aware that an archivist’s main job is to preserve the archive.

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:43 p.m. No.20442801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2804

Democrats weaponized justice system to punish Trump in business case


By Social Links forJonathan Turley. 1/2

Published Feb. 19, 2024, 12:13 p.m. ET


Oscar Wilde wrote that “moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” Justice Arthur Engoron took that line to heart with his absurd imposition of $455 million in fines and interest against Donald Trump and his corporation.


It succeeded wonderfully with New Yorkers, who celebrated the verdict like a popular public execution. It also worked wonderfully to make it difficult to appeal.


Much of the criticism of the decision focused on the unprecedented use of the law and the excessive size of the fine. The New York statute has been on the books for decades and has always been something of an anomaly in not requiring an actual victim or loss to justify disgorgement or fines.


Even the New York Times agreed that it could not find a single case in historywhere this statute was used against an individual or a companythat did not commit a criminal offense, go bankrupt, or leave financial victims.


Engoron then combined that unprecedented application with an equally extraordinary penalty, which is greater than the gross national product of some countries.


He disgorged hundreds of millions in a case where not one dollar was lost by anyone. Indeed, the “victims” wanted to get more business from Trump and are now being prevented from doing so by Engoron.


There is also an added inequity to Engoron’s decision.


Under New York law, Trump cannot appeal this ruling without depositing the full amount, including interest, in a court account. Even for Trump, $455 million is hard to come by. Likewise, a bond would require a company to guarantee payment for a defendant who has been barred from doing business in New York and is facing the need to liquidate much of his portfolio.


Nothing succeeds like excess for judges like Engoron. By imposing this astronomical figure, he can make itdifficult or impossible for a defendant to appeal, absent declaring bankruptcy or selling off assets at distress prices.


The excessive fine and its basis raise serious statutory and constitutional questions.Many of us believe it should be substantially reduced or tossed out entirely.


First, however, Trump must come up with almost half a billion dollars to park with the court. Even with a bond, the high costs of securing a guarantor could come at a premium. It would cost a fortune to the bond holder just to carry the risk even if Trump prevails on appeal.

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:44 p.m. No.20442804   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The combination of the draconian fine and the threshold deposit for appealhas produced a shudder throughout the New York business community. Thecity is already experiencing an exodus of businesses and individuals from the top tax brackets. Rising crime, taxes, and eat-the-rich politics have madeNew York a hostile environment for businesses. At a time with rising costs from undocumented migrants, even Mayor Eric Adams is alarmed about the loss of his high earners.


The case brought by Attorney General Letitia James was unnerving for many. James previously sought to dissolve the National Rifle Association and campaigned on bagging Trump on some unnamed offense. The ecstasy expressed by many in the city reinforced the image of a thrill-kill chase around the island of Manhattan, like a corporate version of “Lord of the Flies.”


Watching the celebrations probably caused many executives to check time shares in Florida. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has rushed to assure businesses that there is “nothing to worry about” after the corporate public execution of Trump and his company.


But the best that politicians like Hochul and Adams can offer is that you have nothing tofear from confiscatory actions unless you are Trump in New York.


Which is precisely why this decision should be overturned.


What is clear is that this case would never have been brought, let alone result in this massive fine,except for politics.


For example, if you are the NRA, James will seek your destruction for financial irregularities, but if you are Black Lives Matter or Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, there is little real risk in such controversies.


If the only protection in New York is the discretion of figures like James, few businesses would relish the future. The message is thatyou can expect blind and equal justice so long as you don’t run afoul of the Democrats in power.


If you are unpopular, you could be looking at not only unprecedented actions and fines, but a need to virtually liquidate your assets just to be able to appeal a decision.


This should shock the conscience of anyone concerned about the integrity and fairness of the New York legal system. Confiscatory fines and required deposits leave not just defendants but the entire system bankrupt.


Jonathan Turley is an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.

Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 3:59 p.m. No.20442857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2870 >>2919 >>2990 >>3029

>>20442515 Kevin O'Leary predicts a mass exodus of investment in New York (PN)


New York was already a loser state, it’s always been a loser state…New York a mega loser state


Fiery speech, must listen



Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 4:18 p.m. No.20442925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bannon On The Administrative State: "It's Going To Come Apart, Suck On That"



Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 4:25 p.m. No.20442950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973 >>3029

Jayne Zirkle Details Her Experience At The Trump Rally In Palm Beach. Really great to listen to the people supporting Trump!



Anonymous ID: 7433ec Feb. 19, 2024, 4:41 p.m. No.20443012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3029

"They're Ready For Trump 2024": Jayne Zirkle Live From Palm Beach MAGA Rally. Their child was adorable, so cute! They do a pop up rally once a week for Trump. And every years on “President’s Day”. True Patriots

