Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 4:51 p.m. No.20443057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3064 >>3082 >>3276 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

Techno-Hell: Germany Announces ‘Pre-Crime’ Police Unit to Target ‘Far-Right’


In a classic case of “life imitating dystopian sci-fi pulp fiction,” the German Fourth Reich has announced big plans for so-called “far-right extremist” (which now means “anyone not blindly obedient to government”) elements of the population it oversees.


This will evoke in many connoisseurs of pop culture remembrance of a little ditty from 2002 titled “Minority Report,” the plot of which is that the state has devised a convoluted method of detecting crime before it happens and therefore eliminated all murders in Washington, D.C. by 2054.


Via Associated Press:


“Germany’s top security official said Tuesday that she aims to make it easier to trace right-wing extremists’ financing and plans to set up an ‘early recognition unit’ to detect far-right and foreign disinformation campaigns as early as possible.


Interior Minister Nancy Faeser’s proposals follow large protests against the far right in Germany in recent weeks. They reflect growing concern after a report said extremists met to discuss deporting millions of immigrants, including some with German citizenship, and that some members of the far-right Alternative for Germany party, whose support has doubled since the country’s 2021 election, were present.


Germany’s domestic intelligence agency says the number of far-right extremists has been rising*. In 2022, it reached 38,800, with 14,000 of them considered potentially violent. The agency’s head, Thomas Haldenwang, said the numbers are believed to have risen again last year.”


*Note that the governing authorities never seem to bother to investigate why so-called “far-right extremism” (again, a misnomer designed to smear, not describe) might be attractive to a growing swathe of Western populations — as if, apropos of nothing, the previously well-heeled, domesticated, cosmopolitan, thoroughly liberalized German population suddenly decided to return to its Nazi roots because…


Something, something… probably Russia, definitionally “disinformation,” or maybe the sleazy “malinformation” reared its ugly head.


Related: ‘Malinformation’: The Newest Weapon in the Censorship Regime’s Arsenal


Naturally, it goes without saying that the trigger for “far-right extremism” is certainly not the glorious, culturally-enriching Diversity™ the EU has treated the serfs to for the past couple decades or so, or the coordinated destruction of the globalized economy on account of COVID, or the war waged against the food supply for Climate Change™, or any number of other abuses perpetrated by the multinational corporate state.

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.20443068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3082 >>3276 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

Hungary's Government Declines Offer to Meet US Senators Seeking Approval for Sweden's NATO Bid


A bipartisan delegation of U.S. senators made an official visit to Hungary's capital Sunday and called on the nationalist government to immediately approve Sweden's request to join NATO.


Hungary is the only one of NATO's 31 existing members not to have ratified Sweden’s bid. The Hungarian government faces mounting pressure to act after delaying the move for more than 18 months since admitting a new country to the military alliance requires unanimous approval.


The visiting senators announced they would submit a joint resolution to Congress condemning alleged democratic backsliding in Hungary and urging the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to lift its block on Sweden’s trans-Atlantic integration.


“With accession, Hungary and your prime minister will be doing a great service to freedom-loving nations worldwide,” Sen. Thom Tillis, a North Carolina Republican, said during a news conference at the U.S. Embassy in Budapest.


The resolution, first reported early Sunday by The Associated Press, was authored by Tillis and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat. Joining them in the delegation to Budapest was Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut.


Shaheen said it was “disappointing” that no members of the Hungarian government had accepted invitations to meet the delegation but she was “hopeful and optimistic” Sweden’s accession would be submitted for ratification when Hungarian lawmakers reconvene on Feb. 26.


Murphy said the refusal of Orbán’s government to meet was “strange and concerning,” but that the onus was on the long-serving leader to push for a vote.


“We are wise enough about politics here to know that if Prime Minister Orbán wants this to happen, then the parliament can move forward,” he said.


Earlier this month, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat and chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, raised the prospect of imposing sanctions on Hungary for its conduct, and called Orbán “the least reliable member of NATO.”


In the resolution, obtained by the AP, the senators note “the important role Hungary can have in European and trans-Atlantic security,” but point out its failure to keep earlier promises not to be the last NATO ally to sign off on Sweden's membership.


Hungary, the resolution says, “has not joined all other NATO member states in approving the accession of Sweden to NATO, failing to fulfill a commitment not to be last to approve such accession and jeopardizing trans-Atlantic security at a key moment for peace and stability in Europe.”


Orbán, a staunch nationalist who has led Hungary since 2010, has said that he favors making Sweden part of NATO but that lawmakers in his party remained unconvinced because of “blatant lies” from Swedish politicians on the state of Hungary's democracy.


But in a state of the nation speech in Budapest on Saturday, Orbán indicated that Hungary’s legislature might soon relent.


“It’s good news that our dispute with Sweden is nearing a conclusion,” he said. “We are moving toward ratifying Sweden’s accession to NATO at the beginning of the spring session of Parliament.”

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.20443075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3082 >>3276 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

Brazil recalls ambassador from Israel


The move came amid a row over the Brazilian president’s remarks about Gaza


Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday asked his ambassador to Tel Aviv to return to Brasilia for consultations. The move came after Israel declared Lula “persona non grata” over his comments about Gaza.


The president was quoted by Brazilian media over the weekend as likening Israel’s actions in Gaza to a time “when Hitler decided to kill the Jews,” referring to the Holocaust during the Second World War.


Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded by summoning the Brazilian Ambassador Frederico Meyer for a protest – not to the ministry, but to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. There, Katz called Lula’s words “a serious antisemitic attack” and showed Meyer the names of his own relatives killed by the Nazis.


“We will not forget nor forgive,” Katz told Meyer, according to his post on X (formerly Twitter). “In my name and the name of the citizens of Israel – tell President Lula that he is persona non grata in Israel until he takes it back.”


Lula has stood by his words, however, and ordered Meyer back to Brazil. The Brazilian embassy in Tel Aviv will be run by a charge d’affaires, which is a downgrade in diplomatic relations.


Lula’s wife, Rosangela ‘Janja’ da Silva, defended her husband on Monday, saying his words “referred to the genocidal government and not to the Jewish people.”


“I am proud of my husband who, since the beginning of this conflict in the Gaza Strip, has defended peace and especially the right to life of women and children, who are the majority of victims,” Janja wrote on X. “I am sure that if President Lula had experienced the Second World War, he would have defended the Jews’ right to life in the same way.”


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Lula’s comments as “crossing a red line.”Netanyahu declared war on Hamas after deadly raids by the Palestinian group on October 7 last year, in which an estimated 1,200 Israelis died. Since then, more than 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, most of them women and children. Much of the enclave has been reduced to rubble, while several members of Netanyahu’s government have openly advocated expelling its two million inhabitants to Egypt.


The International Court of Justice asked Israel last month to refrain from actions that could be considered genocidal, following a complaint by South Africa under the Genocide Convention.

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 4:55 p.m. No.20443090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3113

Ukraine to get $12 million from Japan – Kiev


Prime Minister Denis Shmigal has visited Tokyo, meeting his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida to discuss aid


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged his support to help rebuild Ukraine’s economy after the conflict with Moscow ends, making the commitment at the Japanese-Ukrainian reconstruction conference in Tokyo on Monday.


A Ukrainian delegation of over 100 people was led by the country’s prime minister, Denis Shmigal, who touted the event as a major diplomatic win.


According to Shmigal, over 50 cooperation agreements were signed at the event, including “an intergovernmental convention on the avoidance of double taxation, which is extremely important for Japanese companies planning new projects in Ukraine.”


“During our meeting, [Kishida] said that Japan will provide Ukraine with $12.1 billion in aid, including the announced and implemented amount,” Shmigal claimed in a Telegram post.


It was not immediately clear when exactly and in what form the funding would materialize. According to the Japanese side, during the conference Tokyo pledged $105 million in new aid for Ukraine to fund demining work and emergency repairs in the energy and transport sectors.

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 4:59 p.m. No.20443110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3113 >>3122 >>3164 >>3276 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll stands down from top job after five years


Queensland’s top cop has stood down after almost five years in the role as tensions rise between officers and senior brass.


Queensland’s top cop has stood down after almost five years in the role, as officers begin to revolt over the state’s spiralling youth crime crisis and the standing down of a senior officer.


The state’s 20th Police Commissioner announced she was standing down from the role on Tuesday, confirming her last day will be March 1.


The decision to leave comes after facing increasing pressure to resign after a Gold Coast police officer was stood down this month.


The officer had been stood down from his duties after he claimed he helped catch armed offenders by authorising officers to ram a stolen car on the Gold Coast.


The decision had led many police officers to threaten to walk off the job in support of their colleague, who they claim was just trying to keep the community safe.


Queensland’s Police Union president Ian Leavers had slammed lashed the decision to stand the officer down, saying he had been punished for “doing his job”.


“He did what the community expected him to do and he has tremendous community support,” Mr Leavers said.


The threat of revolt comes as police officers have aired their frustrations about having to take on too many responsibilities outside of their dedicated roles within the police service.


On Tuesday, Commissioner Carroll said it had “been an honour and a privilege to not only serve as a police officer, but to lead an organisation of more than 17,000 amazing staff”.

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 5:17 p.m. No.20443197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3204 >>3276 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

158 Arrests Made in Arizona After Massive Human Trafficking Activity Uncovered Over 12-Day Span


Police in Scottsdale, Arizona, have announced the arrest of more than 150 people in a multi-agency sting targeting human trafficking.


“Between January 23 and February 10, the Scottsdale Police Human Exploitation and Trafficking Unit (HEAT) conducted a proactive operation to arrest sex buyers, child predators and individuals involved with the sex trade and trafficking,” the police department posted on X on Wednesday.


The department said decoys had been used in the sting.


“Charges ranged from child sex trafficking, prostitution, pandering, luring a minor for sexual exploitation, attempted sexual conduct with a minor, possession of narcotic drugs, possession of dangerous drugs and felony flight,” it said.

Of the 158 people arrested, the department said, 37 were charged with felonies and 121 face misdemeanor charges.


158 people were arrested during a 12 day multi-agency operation targeting Human Trafficking in Scottsdale, Arizona. #HumanTrafficking #scottsdalepd


— ScottsdalePD (@ScottsdalePD) February 15, 2024


“We try to focus a lot of that on child sex trafficking, and sex buyers is the big target,” Scottsdale Police Sgt. Andrew Parrott said, according to KPHO-TV.


“Obviously, there is just a demand, and you can see that when we put these numbers out,” Parrott said.

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 5:38 p.m. No.20443294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3316 >>3522 >>3769 >>3831

Netanyahu boasts of thwarting the establishment of a Palestinian state ‘for decades’


Motion to oust MK Cassif defeated in Knesset * PM vows ‘justice’ after video published of Bibas family in Gaza * PA accuses Israel of apartheid at ICJ hearing on West Bank control

Anonymous ID: 4c1840 Feb. 19, 2024, 5:41 p.m. No.20443305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli media setting up their next propaganda campaign


Hezbollah dug a network of tunnels in Lebanon that is more dangerous than Hamas'


French report cites military sources who served in Lebanon, who say Hezbollah used quiet on the border to construct hundreds of kilometers of complex underground systems for infiltration and defensive purposes


An investigative report in the French newspaper Libération claimed Sunday that Hezbollah has been digging hundreds of kilometers of underground tunnels in Lebanon for over 30 years, some of them reaching depths of 40 meters to 80 meters, using North Korean technology. The report noted that the tunnels are more complex and dangerous than those in Gaza, and the explosion of some of the tunnels could cause earthquakes or landslides.


According to journalist Laurence Defranoux, the digging began in the 1980s but accelerated in the late 1990s to accommodate members of the Shiite terror organization in case of an Israeli operation in Lebanon. The report claims Israel dropped white phosphorus bombs in southern Lebanon after the Hamas attack on October 7 to burn vegetation and expose the entrances to the tunnels. According to reports, 12 such shafts were discovered and destroyed.


"The first tunnels were dug by Palestinian groups in the 1960s, and Hezbollah expanded the network in the 1980s and especially in the late 1990s," General Olivier Fasso, who served as a liaison officer for the UN in southern Lebanon and is now a researcher at the French Institute for Strategic and Operational Education (IFESO), told Defranoux. The tunnels developed mainly after the 2006 war, when Hezbollah sought a way to defend itself against an Israeli ground operation.

Tal Beeri, head of the Alma Security Research Center’s research department, told the Times of Israel in January the institute exposed civilian companies dealing with agriculture and construction for the Shiite sector in southern Lebanon, under the supervision of a company called Jihad Construction. These tunnels were dug by Hezbollah operatives manually using air hammers or hydraulic equipment, which is quieter to operate.