That one is fubar. The damage is abysmal.
And if they see that n read it, they’ll unread it.
They’re so stupid. The idiots believe in spirits n then believe in death. Holeeeee shit. When they die they get their conscience n get to review their life before pure positive God consciousness n from there they will get to feel the separation n that’s hell. They get to feel the pain they inflicted on others and on top of it, they have their conscience, kmfao.
They get to know what the other person was thinking n feeling. YES. It’s how it works.
Skip over this bc prolly not for you.
When u have a prayer or God puts a desire in your heart and there is something you want, as soon as you become aware that u want it, God answers and says yes, every time, no exceptions ever. God has no limits, only man places limits on God n then blocks the prayer via doubt, which ALWAYS feels bad.
But the reason I type this is because that is truly God’s law in its purest essence. It is a constant and steady law that never changes n u can trust it with all your heart n might. It never fails and only we can fail ourselves by not having faith. Only fear blocks the prayer n God wants His Children happy. The debil is a sadist. We get to pick which one. U can trust that guidance 1 gorillion% and when u do trust it then your thinking becomes totally lucid. You are no longer a two headed monster but one headed n ferocious.