Anonymous ID: 452693 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:25 p.m. No.20444542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4600 >>4622 >>4629 >>4686 >>4740

Canada #53 >>20440395


Dead European satellite weighing 5,000lbs will crash back to Earth this week - but experts still don't know exactly where it will land

ERS-2 launched in 1995 to collect data on Earth's land, oceans and polar caps It's finally returning to Earth after ending operations more than a decade ago

By Jonathan Chadwick For Mailonline Published: 06:30 EST, 19 February 2024 | Updated: 06:40 EST, 19 February 2024


It's been floating above our planet for nearly 30 years.


But a satellite operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) is finally set to crash back down to Earth this week.


ERS-2, which blasted off from French Guiana in 1995, weighs just over 5,000lbs – about the same as an adult rhinoceros.


ESA estimates it will reenter Earth's atmosphere at 11:14 GMT (12:14 CET) on Wednesday (February 21).


While experts have no idea where it will land, ESA says that the annual risk of a human being even just injured by space debris is around one in 100 billion.


ESA said there is a level of uncertainty in its reentry prediction of 15 hours.


This means it could reenter 15 hours either side of 11:14 GMT on Wednesday – although 11:14 GMT is the agency's best guess.


'This uncertainty is due primarily to the influence of unpredictable solar activity, which affects the density of Earth’s atmosphere and therefore the drag experienced by the satellite,' it said in a statement.


ESA said it is monitoring the satellite 'very closely' along with international partners and is providing regular updates on a dedicated webpage.


The ERS-2 satellite was launched on April 21, 1995 from ESA's Guiana Space Centre near Kourou, French Guiana to study Earth's land surfaces, oceans and polar caps.


After 15 years, the space probe was still functioning when ESA declared the mission complete in 2011.


After deorbiting manoeuvres used up the satellite's remaining fuel, ground control experts started lowering its altitude from about 487 miles (785km) to 356 miles (573km).


At the time, experts wanted to minimise the risk of collision with other satellites or adding to the cloud of 'space junk' currently around our planet.


ERS-2 will reenter Earth's atmosphere and burn up once its altitude has decayed to roughly 50 miles (80km) – about one fifth the distance of the International Space Station.


At this altitude, it will break up into fragments, the vast majority of which will burn up in the atmosphere.


However, some fragments could reach Earth's surface, where they will 'most likely fall into the ocean', according to ESA.


'None of these fragments will contain any toxic or radioactive substances,' the agency said.


Although it couldn't guarantee there's no chance of ERS-2 hitting someone, ESA did point out that the annual risk of any single human being even just injured by space debris is under one in 100 billion.


That's about 1.5 million times lower than the risk of being killed in an accident at home and 65,000 times lower than the risk of being struck by lightning.


Worryingly, ESA is describing the event as a 'natural' reentry because there's no way for ground staff to control it during its descent.


'ERS-2 used up the last of its fuel in 2011 in order to minimise the risk of a catastrophic explosion that could have generated a large amount of space debris,' the agency said.


'Its batteries were depleted and its communication antenna and onboard electronics were switched off.




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Anonymous ID: 452693 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:36 p.m. No.20444583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4600 >>4686 >>4740

Canada #53 >>20441375

Major Exposé Part 1: Soros-Financed Non-Profit Caught in Global Election Interference Scheme — Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Admits Interfering in Elections in Italy, Greece, and Hungary

by Jim Hᴏft Feb. 18, 2024


In a bombshell revelation, citzen journalist @MagaBabe on X/Twittera has released a series of videos showing high-level figures from the non-profit organization Action for Democracy admitting to engaging in international political influence campaigns.


Action for Democracy, a Chicago-registered 501(c)(4) non-profit, purportedly received contributions totaling over $11 million, as detailed in a recent IRS filing (


According to its website:


Democracy while a local affair governed independently within the confines of the nation-state is an idea that has global consequences and that we believe requires global attention. The idea is simple. To express and make local democratic concerns global concerns. Whether it’s anti-LGBT laws in Poland or cracking down on independent media in Brazil, A4D functions as a global platform for amplifying the voices and raising awareness of critical national struggles against anti-democratic forces.




Our mission is to activate the power of our citizens and build a global pro-democracy solidarity movement committed to promoting democratic values and institutions and pushing back against the rising threat of autocracy worldwide.


United we mobilize material and financial support for and advocate for more robust support of pro-democracy actors on the ground in the battleground states in the global fight for democracy.




Key battleground states are places in the world where we think democracy is most threatened and where there are elections to take place within the next year that will determine the fate of those democracies.


The organization has been accused of using its status to conceal major donations from George Soros while participating in the manipulation of electoral outcomes across various countries, including Poland and Hungary.


In one of the recently released videos, retired General Wesley K. Clark, who served as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000, commanding Operation Allied Force during the Kosovo War, is heard discussing past interference in European elections.


“For years, we interfered in the Italian elections. We made sure that the communists never won in Italy and in Greece. And we did not engineer the coup in Turkey against Erdogan. Had we done so, I’m told it would. He would like to think that we did and say that we did. But this mutual interference stays on everywhere,” Clark said in the video.


When questioned about Hungary, he confirms, “Hungary, sure,” and later adds, “It’s not the US government, it’s just private individuals that are interfering in other countries’ elections.”


Clark then blasted Soros for his interference in Hungary’s election, stating, “He funded the efforts in Bosnia; he funded the efforts in Hungary. That’s why Viktor Orbán hates him because he doesn’t. George Soros would say Victor Orban is the guy. But who’s George Soros? He’s an American. He happened to grow up in Hungary. Why is he controlling the politics of Hungary? We don’t want that.”


The Gateway Pundit reported in 2022 that Soros-backed NGO spent $4 million to oust Viktor Orban in Hungary.


In the upcoming report on The Gateway Pundit, Clark also admitted he worked with George Soros in 2024.


“When I did my work in Ukraine in 2014, I did it with George [Soros]. I was on the International Crisis Group Trustee Board. And so George was funding the Open Society Institute in Ukraine.”


In a separate video, David Koranyi, Executive Director at Action for Democracy, while cautious in his statements, hints at the scale of donations the nonprofit receives. “I would say 2 million. I think that’s actually a number that [would] bring you into the pantheon of the biggest donors of Action for Democracy.”


“Come up with a list of priorities and action items and programs. Like, for example, this chunk of money will be earmarked towards supporting the Venezuelan democratic movement. This chunk of the money will be supporting Polish civil society grants. So it would be quite specific as far as, I would say, 80% of the grant amount would go.”


The implications of these revelations are far-reaching, raising concerns about the integrity of democratic processes and the role of George Soros in undermining sovereign elections.



Anonymous ID: 452693 Feb. 19, 2024, 9:59 p.m. No.20444647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4667 >>4677 >>4686 >>4740 >>4760

Canada #53 >>20441433

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Forces Army Reserve Troops in Midwest to Conduct Mock Exercise with Gov. Abbott’s “Drowning Migrants in the Rio Grande” and Texas Soldier Shooting Swimming Migrants Yelling “America First“ — A Violation of HATCH Act

by Jim Hᴏft Feb. 18, 2024


A group of Midwest-based U.S. Army Reserve legal offices (LODs) engaged in a mandatory weekend drill was thrust into a contentious political scenario that has since drawn sharp criticism and allegations of federal law violations.


Earlier this month, the remote exercise conducted over Microsoft Teams took an unexpected turn when LOD commanders were handed a last-minute politically biased scenario and ordered to use this scenario to engage with their Reserve legal officers (JAGs).


High-ranking officials from the Pentagon issued the drill fact pattern and were reportedly monitoring the call.


An individual familiar with the situation, who requested anonymity, shared this with The Gateway Pundit concerning this matter:


On Saturday, 3 February a group of mid-west-based U.S. Army Reserve legal offices (referred to as LODs) took part in a weekend Drill, conducted remotely over Microsoft Teams. Just prior to the Drill commanders of these units were passed a legal scenario they were told to war-game with their Reserve legal officers (JAGs).


It was an unscheduled interruption, last minute, and not pre-planned or released. The leadership felt blind-sided by it. During the Teams call there were (what appeared to be) high ranking personnel from the Pentagon issuing the new Drill fact scenario and monitoring the Teams call in the background.


The scenario passed out in last minute fashion involved (as a fact pattern) the Biden Administration nationalizing the Texas National Guard members sent by Gov. Greg Abbot to the Texas southern border with Mexico.


The facts provided involved “Governor Abbot being responsible for allowing migrants to drown,” or words to that effect, in the Rio Grande after setting up barriers and “not lending any aid to these dying migrants.”


In one part of the given fact pattern a U.S. Army Reserve sergeant was sitting in a vehicle watching the migrants cross the Rio Grande (after taking over), and a TX National Guard member steps up behind the vehicle and begin shooting and killing a family of migrants swimming across the river, all the while yelling, “America First!”.


Army drills, per training standards, are to be fictional, a-political scenarios involving fictional countries/enemies and people. American citizens are never mentioned in these scenarios. In this case all these rules were broken.


The scenario was blatantly and openly political – naming the “Biden Administration” as the heroic protectors of human rights, and listing an evil “Gov. Greg Abbot” by name, as well as an out-of-control criminal TX National Guard soldier who yells “America First” while shooting defenseless Mexicans swimming across the Rio Grande.


Looking on-line at the Trump Campaign site, under the topic of the “MAGA Movement,” “America First” is clearly embedded as language used in Trump’s campaign materials.


The fact that campaign material is inserted into a biased, derogatory fact pattern handed to Soldiers is a blatant and criminal Hatch Act violation.


This scenario, sent down last minute by some un-hinged novice/lunatic in the Pentagon for training violated all the rules and was a criminal act as it violated Hatch Act prohibitions.


It is probably worth mentioning that one of the five LODs participating apparently refused to participate and dropped off the Teams call as it progressed.


The use of such material in an official capacity raises serious questions about compliance with the Hatch Act.


The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, in a federal room or building, wearing an official uniform, or using a government vehicle.


Political activity is defined “as an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.”


The scenario described by our source, involving a training exercise that explicitly references current political figures (the Biden regime against Governor Greg Abbot) and uses of America First associated with the political campaign by Trump, could be seen as engaging in political activity that is not allowed under the Hatch Act.


The inclusion of America First could be interpreted as using campaign material in an official capacity, which is prohibited under the Hatch Act and DoD directives.


The Pentagon has not yet responded to our email.

