Anonymous ID: a0c87f Feb. 19, 2024, 9:55 p.m. No.20444638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A regular critter that has been harassing all three of them since the People's convoy clipped Big D at a Subway saying they were hunting migrants. Anyone who knows D knows he meant looking for them, because that is what they had been doing. He in no way meant literal hunting. In all his interactions with migrants he is respectful. The people he was shouting at were not migrants, they were people from the NGO's who ARE facilitating human trafficking. Taco Joe and his viewers have done amazing work feeding the homeless in Bakersfield CA and more. Oreo is Oreo and shows up.

They have pretty much all moved to Rumble. Joe's wife's mother died recently so they went to Mexico for the funeral and to be with family.

None of them will be stopping their work FYT anyway.