Anonymous ID: 6982f7 Feb. 20, 2024, 1:59 a.m. No.20445103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>do you have sauce for that claim biblefag?


It says in Scripture "Heaven is taken by force"


I have always said this here: There are two types of people on this earth, even the neutral are evil, because they let the good die and evil to flourish.


And finally, when I prayed to God about this upcoming battle and asked him to go easy on their souls down in Ol Sheol because they do not know what they are doing nor the Living God; due to all the medical torturing, backed by NWO cops and legal system. I also asked for God's help for all those children who have or will become victims of Adrenochromers, when God's Light appeared over my head.