Anonymous ID: 852bac Feb. 20, 2024, 4 a.m. No.20445517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Morning anons…


Looks like someone is still keeping up with theSEALED INDICTMENTSand has built a really good website filled with TONS of info…


BAKERandBVthis needs to be suggested as aPINas it is USEFUL…


Whatever anon did this, TY anon!

Anonymous ID: 852bac Feb. 20, 2024, 4:38 a.m. No.20445634   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ty fren.


Just an FYI to anons…we all have our gifts and each anon is here for a purpose. You may be good at memes. You may have a unique way of thinking that is useful. You may feel GOD has given you a task. You may be in the process of figuring all that shit out. No matter. You are here for a reason.


This anons gift is math. Math and logic and how it applies to our function, our environment, etc. ITHEORIZEfor a living. So here is some general info that may or may not be useful. These are PRIME calculations.


-(you) are way more that what you think. You are not a mammal. You have a special relationship with the SON (sun) that goes beyond anything a mammal can do. (you)NEEDthe SON.

-(you) run a continuum of function. You can be very physical and where we are now, you can also be very etherial and where we are headed

-per above (you) can run on fats/enyzmes/aminos or you can run on LIGHT/Energy

-you have a "normal" state and tone of function. We are so FAR from this normal now it is unbelievable. The TONE we set in our bodies is HYPER INFLAMMATORY

-we are programmable by our INPUTS

-what we are programming ourselves with, is, generally, complete crap

-we need TONS of education in order to understand what NORMAL function is

-in the future we will: eat ONE meal per day; be very intentional about what is in that meal; we will be UBER concerned with our state of being and will need to be

-you have a special relationship with the SON

-you are in a constant energetic exchange with the SON

-sickness is a BLUNTING or STICKING of energy. Cancer is where electrons go to die.

-all disease and in fact perfect human function is attainable with tech with have now and education


MEDBEDSare where we are headed and the tech and knowledge exist now to do this…


OurUPSIDEis tremendous, (you) are way way way more than you think and your POWER had to be taken from you in order for you toFALL.