Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:28 a.m. No.20445814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5816 >>5820 >>5951 >>6059 >>6208 >>6312 >>6336 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Michigan State is now asking residents to house illegals in their homes.


How long until this becomes mandatory? Where do the illegals go when there’s no more room in public housing facilities yet thousands more people are still coming daily?

2:05 PM · Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:36 a.m. No.20445847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6002 >>6008 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

DOD is not regulated, by FDA nor any other entity.

DOD contracted injections as 'medical countermeasures', thus no trials, efficacy, safety, etc was needed.


"OWS is a partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense, engaging with private firms and other federal agencies, and coordinating among existing HHS-wide efforts to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.


HHS works to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans, providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services. The mission of ASPR is to save lives and protect Americans from 21st century health security threats. Within ASPR, BARDA invests in the innovation, advanced research and development, acquisition, and manufacturing of medical countermeasures – vaccines, drugs, therapeutics, diagnostic tools, and non-pharmaceutical products needed to combat health security threats. To date, BARDA-supported products have achieved 55 FDA approvals, licensures or clearances. To learn more about federal support for the nationwide COVID-19 response, visit"


Calling a production line a countermeasure, enables unregulated production of bioweapons, nanotech weapons, chemical weapons, emf weapons, etc etc. Under the sole purview and approval of the Secretary of HHS.


Interview was deleted from bitchute, but wayback machine captures videos (!)



WELL worth the watch. Mike Benz-level revelations IMHO.

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:38 a.m. No.20445862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587





This video should have 340M+ views.


Every. Single. American. needs to see this.


Nuremburg, NOW.


The Vigilant Fox 🦊




Feb 17

“NO LIVES WERE SAVED” by the COVID-19 injections, says researcher and scientist @denisrancourt.


In fact, Rancourt and his fellow scientists found in their analysis that all-cause mortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed.


Here’s the 50,000-foot view:



Show more

6:53 AM · Feb 19, 2024



The Vigilant Fox 🦊



“NO LIVES WERE SAVED” by the COVID-19 injections, says researcher and scientist




In fact, Rancourt and his fellow scientists found in their analysis that all-cause mortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed.


Here’s the 50,000-foot view:


For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt and his colleagues concluded in their 180-page paper that one vaccine-related death occurs.


This 1-in-800 number becomes even more alarming when you consider how many doses were given.


At the time of Rancourt and colleagues’ report, 13.5 billion COVID-19 injections were administered.


Divide that number by 800, and you end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.




0:46 / 5:12

3:24 PM · Feb 17, 2024


Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:39 a.m. No.20445867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6069 >>6172 >>6208 >>6214 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Kyle Becker


“If the data is correct, the only conclusion is that tens of thousands… were murdered with an injection of the end of life drug…"


‘Crime of the Century’: New Research Paper Raises Horrifying Possibility Covid Patients Were ‘Euthanized’


11:19 AM · Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:40 a.m. No.20445871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>5920 >>5951 >>6072 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587




WHO warned of a historic increase in cancer patients by 2050 - cases could rise by 77% relative to 2022.


Before this, Pfizer bet that "turbo cancer" would explode worldwide and they preemptively acquired cancer treatment solutions for $43 billion- and then ran a $7 Million dollar Super Bowl ad to brag about it.


Sadistic. All by design.

11:13 AM · Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:41 a.m. No.20445876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5881 >>5951 >>6208 >>6237 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Ukraine’s AI Drones Seek And Attack Russian Forces Without Human Oversight


Ukrainian developers have confirmed that their drones are now carrying out autonomous strikes on Russian forces without a human operator. This is the first time such drones are known to have been used, as UN allegations about autonomous attacks in Libya in 2020 remain unproven.


The Saker Scout drones can find, identify and attack 64 different types of Russian ‘military objects’ on their own, operating in areas where radio jamming blocks communication and prevents other drones from working.


The quadcopter Saker Scout, came into service last month and can carry three kilos of bombs to a range of around 12 kilometres. Small drones operated by remote control have proved extremely effective as bombers with modified RKG-3 anti-tank grenades or RPG warheads and can destroy even heavy tanks.


AI In The Service Of Ukraine

The Saker company was founded in 2021 to develop affordable AI for small business, with applications as drone-based vision systems crop protection. When Russia invaded, the company switched to assisting the military. One of the first requirements was an AI to help a drone operator spot vehicles concealed by vegetation or camouflage.


Saker’s system is based on machine learning and the developers say it can currently recognize 64 different types of ‘military object’ including tanks, personnel carriers and other hardware. It is continuously improved and is updated on demand when there is a requirement to detect a specific new object or vehicle type. An early Saker video shows the system identifying light and heavy armor (personnel carriers and tanks) and trucks as it flies over them.


Saker AI software is also capable of visual navigation using known landmarks on the ground, so a drone can find its way even if GPS is jammed.


The Saker Scout is integrated with Ukraine’s Delta intelligence distribution system which fuses data from drones, satellites and other sources to produce a complete map of the battlefield. A Saker Scout can reconnoiter an area on its own and bring back information. Rather than just raw video, the software highlights enemy vehicles, so a the drones map out enemy positions which would otherwise take hundreds of hours of analysis by humans – not practical when you are fighting a war in real time.


The aim is to enable an extremely fast reconnaissance-decision making-strike process (also known as the ‘kill chain’) in a way that is not possible when humans are involved. Saker suggest that a kill-chain moving at machine-speed, with minimal human involvement, could be transformational in defeating Russian forces.


The Saker Scout can act as a hunter for FPV ('First Person View') attack drone teams: the AI acts as an observer pointing out targets, and automatically passes details to FPV attack drone operators who will verify a target before striking it.


Autonomous Attack Drone

The most radical use of the Saker Scout is to carry out attacks without a human in the loop, finding and hitting targets autonomously. A company spokesman confirmed to me that the Saker Scout had already been used in this mode, but only on a small scale. Most likely it is only used autonomously when radio interference or jamming prevents direct operator control. A video from Saker shows one of their drones carrying out a bombing mission. It is not known if this was autonomous.


The spokesman noted that the AI is not perfect, but their priority was getting a useful system that saves lives into the field. As mentioned, Saker are in constant contact with users and the system is updated continuously.


Going forward, if the system is deemed to be sufficiently reliable, large numbers of autonomous attack drones could be deployed simultaneously without the need for trained operators, or limited radio bandwidth. Dozens of bomber drones could attack simultaneously, immune to jamming and anti-drone guns, possibly targeting jammers or other defenses to make way for operator-controlled drones.


Many campaigners have sought to ban this type of ‘killer robot’, but Paul Scharre, Director of Studies at the think tank Centre for a New American Security, told me that despite UN discussions going back as far as 2014, there is still no international agreement.



Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:41 a.m. No.20445881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6208 >>6237 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587


“The pace of technology far outstrips the pace of diplomacy,” says Scharre. “After years of little to no progress in the consensus-based Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), humanitarian disarmament activists pushing for a ban on autonomous weapons are taking their case to the UN General Assembly in late October. Whether this process spurs states to take action on autonomous weapons remains to be seen.”


Scharre notes the underlying technology has been around some time, so many others may have comparable systems. Other companies produce drone AI software claimed to be better at spotting targets than a human operator. AeroVironmentAVAV say they are ready with an autonomous version of their SwitchBlade kamikaze drone if there is a demand for it.


In January Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s Minister for Digital Transformation and lead on the Army of Drones initiative, stated in an interview with AP that autonomous weapons were a “logical and inevitable” next step in drone development, suggesting a quiet but deliberate policy. On October 6th Fedorov announced in an official statement that some 2,000 AI-enabled drones had just been supplied via Army of Drones.


"They will assist in safely carrying out reconnaissance, adjusting artillery fire, and uncovering even well-concealed Russian objectives thanks to AI," Fedorov stated. He did not say whether these drones were also capable of autonomous attack. If not, this capability is only a software update away.


The concern in the past has always been that bad actors would develop this type of technology. However, the moral argument becomes more complex when it is being deployed in an existential fight for Ukraine’s survival against a brutal invasion. As with cluster bombs, Ukraine may be less concerned with possible long-term effects and more concerned about winning the war. But such weapons will not be confined to Ukraine for long.


“Operational pressures are likely to push both sides in the direction of autonomous weapons,” says Scharre.


Scharre notes that while they may initially be limited to military targets like tanks and radar, autonomous weapons could soon be used for less discriminate approaches such as targeting personnel.

2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 5:42 a.m. No.20445887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5892 >>5927 >>5951 >>6059 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Manhattan Mingle



is giving out debit cards to illegal immigrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control.

Why are we distributing untraceable global cash to unidentifiable people in droves?


6:51 PM · Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.20446154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


by that position, everything is heresay.


we consume all data then discern and connect. important twats have been noteworthy since jump. it is up to individual anons to dig further should their interests be piqued.

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20446235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6280

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


On October 31, 2011, this photo of Amy Winehouse corpse cake was taken at Neil Pattrick Harris’ Halloween party it was a dish he served that was labeled “The Corpse of Amy Winehouse.” The “Rehab” singer died just three months before Halloween, at the age of 27.


The photo, which was deleted shortly after being posted by Justin Mikita, featured a Winehouse appearing bloody and mangled.

5:11 PM · Feb 19, 2024


Doogie Howser, Satanist

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20446253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6272 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587


Mario Nawfal





The country's lawmakers are drafting a new bill to ban the promotion of any relationships they consider "non-traditional" and criminalize anyone who "voluntarily refused to have children."


Belarusian President Lukashenko referred to gay men as "perverts" and "the ultimate abomination."


Source: Street Insider

11:36 AM · Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.20446257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Settle in, guys. I’m afraid I’ve got some terrible news. Our central banks, those institutions that keep the global economy on a somewhat even keel, are now showing signs that they’re about to throw us all into an apocalypse. Gone are the days when global trends were the main drivers behind price outlooks. Now, it seems domestic drivers are in the driver’s seat, and they have no idea what they’re doing.


Once upon a time, New Zealand led the way with its innovative approach to inflation targeting back in the early ’90s, and it looks like they’re about to break ranks again. With whispers of interest rate hikes as early as the end of February, the Land of the Long White Cloud could be signaling the end of monetary policy uniformity as we know it.


Diverging Paths

Across the globe, the story is much the same, with each central bank facing its unique set of challenges. The United States is wrestling with stubborn inflation and a labor market that’s surprisingly robust, leading traders to second-guess the Federal Reserve’s stance on easing up anytime soon. Meanwhile, the euro area, having narrowly dodged a recession, is seeing price pressures ease more quickly than anticipated, prompting calls for earlier rate cuts.


The Swiss are betting on interest rate cuts next month, and the UK is stuck between a rock and a hard place with both a sputtering economy and high inflation. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) isn’t painting a rosy picture either, with its forecasts pointing to a diverging global economy: a brighter outlook for the US, gloomier for the euro zone, and downright dismal for the UK.


As if to add salt to the wound, JPMorgan strategists are advising clients to hedge their bets by favoring US equities and the dollar, given the stark growth divide between the US and Europe. Down under, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and its Canadian counterpart are expected to maintain a more hawkish stance compared to their global peers.

The plot thickens in Japan, an economy long haunted by deflation, which is now poised for its first interest rate hike since 2007. Fast forward a year, and traders are betting on lower benchmark rates in the US and Europe but a different story in Australia and Japan.


A Tangled Web

The central banks are walking a tightrope, trying to balance the risks of acting too hastily against the dangers of waiting too long. The European Central Bank (ECB) is particularly wary of making a U-turn that could signal they’ve underestimated inflation once again. This is not made any easier by the shifting drivers of inflation, with services and wages now playing a more significant role than manufacturing.


In New Zealand, unexpected jumps in underlying inflation, despite a slowdown in tradable prices, have caught policymakers off guard. This scenario demonstrates a broader trend towards more localized, idiosyncratic monetary policies, moving away from the coordinated approach we’ve seen in recent years.


The IMF’s recent updates offer a glimmer of hope, projecting a slight uptick in global growth for 2024, thanks in part to easing inflation and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). However, the agency’s chief economist, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, cautions against complacency, citing ongoing geopolitical tensions and the potential for disruptions to global trade.


The World Economic Forum’s Chief Economists Outlook echoes this sentiment, with a majority expecting global economic conditions to either weaken or remain unchanged over the next year. Despite some positive developments, the outlook is marred by continued financial tightness, geopolitical rifts, and the looming threat of geoeconomic fragmentation.


The central banks’ next moves could either steer us towards stable growth or plunge us into economic turmoil. With so much at stake, the world watches and waits, hoping for the former but bracing for the latter.

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20446264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6265


Stanford Medicine study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men


Women’s and men’s brain patterns differ


EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL Monday, Feb. 19 at 12 p.m. Pacific time to coincide with the study’s publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Media contact: Erin Digitale at 650-724-9175 (


A new study by Stanford Medicine investigators unveils a new artificial intelligence model that was more than 90% successful at determining whether scans of brain activity came from a woman or a man.


The findings, to be published Feb. 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, help resolve a long-term controversy about whether reliable sex differences exist in the human brain and suggest that understanding these differences may be critical to addressing neuropsychiatric conditions that affect women and men differently.


“A key motivation for this study is that sex plays a crucial role in human brain development, in aging, and in the manifestation of psychiatric and neurological disorders,” said Vinod Menon, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and director of the Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory. “Identifying consistent and replicable sex differences in the healthy adult brain is a critical step toward a deeper understanding of sex-specific vulnerabilities in psychiatric and neurological disorders.”


Menon is the study’s senior author. The lead authors are senior research scientist Srikanth Ryali, PhD, and academic staff researcher Yuan Zhang, PhD.


“Hotspots” that most helped the model distinguish male brains from female ones include the default mode network, a brain system that helps us process self-referential information, and the striatum and limbic network, which are involved in learning and how we respond to rewards.


The investigators noted that this work does not weigh in on whether sex-related differences arise early in life or may be driven by hormonal differences or the different societal circumstances that men and women may be more likely to encounter.


Uncovering brain differences


The extent to which a person’s sex affects how their brain is organized and operates has long been a point of dispute among scientists. While we know the sex chromosomes we are born with help determine the cocktail of hormones our brains are exposed to — particularly during early development, puberty and aging — researchers have long struggled to connect sex to concrete differences in the human brain. Brain structures tend to look much the same in men and women, and previous research examining how brain regions work together has also largely failed to turn up consistent brain indicators of sex.


In their current study, Menon and his team took advantage of recent advances in artificial intelligence, as well as access to multiple large datasets, to pursue a more powerful analysis than has previously been employed. First, they created a deep neural network model, which learns to classify brain imaging data: As the researchers showed brain scans to the model and told it that it was looking at a male or female brain, the model started to “notice” what subtle patterns could help it tell the difference.


This model demonstrated superior performance compared with those in previous studies, in part because it used a deep neural network that analyzes dynamic MRI scans. This approach captures the intricate interplay among different brain regions. When the researchers tested the model on around 1,500 brain scans, it could almost always tell if the scan came from a woman or a man.


The model’s success suggests that detectable sex differences do exist in the brain but just haven’t been picked up reliably before. The fact that it worked so well in different datasets, including brain scans from multiple sites in the U.S. and Europe, make the findings especially convincing as it controls for many confounds that can plague studies of this kind.


“This is a very strong piece of evidence that sex is a robust determinant of human brain organization,” Menon said.


Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20446265   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Making predictions


Until recently, a model like the one Menon’s team employed would help researchers sort brains into different groups but wouldn’t provide information about how the sorting happened. Today, however, researchers have access to a tool called “explainable AI,” which can sift through vast amounts of data to explain how a model’s decisions are made.


Using explainable AI, Menon and his team identified the brain networks that were most important to the model’s judgment of whether a brain scan came from a man or a woman. They found the model was most often looking to the default mode network, striatum, and the limbic network to make the call.


The team then wondered if they could create another model that could predict how well participants would do on certain cognitive tasks based on functional brain features that differ between women and men. They developed sex-specific models of cognitive abilities: One model effectively predicted cognitive performance in men but not women, and another in women but not men. The findings indicate that functional brain characteristics varying between sexes have significant behavioral implications.


“These models worked really well because we successfully separated brain patterns between sexes,” Menon said. “That tells me that overlooking sex differences in brain organization could lead us to miss key factors underlying neuropsychiatric disorders.”


While the team applied their deep neural network model to questions about sex differences, Menon says the model can be applied to answer questions regarding how just about any aspect of brain connectivity might relate to any kind of cognitive ability or behavior. He and his team plan to make their model publicly available for any researcher to use.


“Our AI models have very broad applicability,” Menon said. “A researcher could use our models to look for brain differences linked to learning impairments or social functioning differences, for instance — aspects we are keen to understand better to aid individuals in adapting to and surmounting these challenges.”


The research was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (grants MH084164, EB022907, MH121069, K25HD074652 and AG072114), the Transdisciplinary Initiative, the Uytengsu-Hamilton 22q11 Programs, the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute, and the NARSAD Young Investigator Award.


# # #



About Stanford Medicine


Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems. Together, they harness the full potential of biomedicine through collaborative research, education and clinical care for patients. For more information, please visit



Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Article Title

Deep learning models reveal replicable, generalizable, and behaviorally relevant sex differences in human functional brain organization


Article Publication Date



2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 7:43 a.m. No.20446268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


DARPA’s Vision of Future War — Swarms of Missiles and Drones


SoSITE project wants to overwhelm air defense systems



One of the most important jobs for an air force is suppressing enemy air defenses. It means hacking, jamming or otherwise blowing up radars and anti-aircraft missile sites — often during the opening stages of a war.


Now a new project from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency envisions a near-future strategy using a cargo plane converted into a missile and drone-packing mothership — all commanded by an F-35 stealth fighter.


In short, it’s about how to build a communications network between the mothership, drones and the fighter jet — which work together to destroy an enemy air defense site before it can shoot back.


The agency calls it the Systems of Systems Integration Technology and Experimentation program. It’s a dry and a mouthful, but mainly refers to the software that controls the whole network.


Having the missiles, planes and drones is one thing. It’s another thing to get them to communicate with each other without overwhelming the F-35’s pilot — and without being hacked.


It’s about distributing “air warfare capabilities across a large number of interoperable manned and unmanned platforms,” DARPA stated in a March 30 press release. “The vision is to integrate new technologies and airborne systems with existing systems faster and at lower cost than near-peer adversaries can counter them.”


Here’s a video showing how the agency sees this in action. An F-35 flies toward a hostile radar and surface-to-air missile site, followed by a “mission truck akin to a modified C-130” that’s loaded with missiles and drones.


SoSITe concept. Darpa video

The C-130 functions like a mothership, and launches several largely-autonomous drones toward the target. The drones close in, jam the enemy radar and transmit targeting data to the F-35.


Like a middleman, the fighter pilot’s job is to look at what the drones see, confirm they’re looking at an enemy target — and then order the mothership to unleash its missiles. Computer algorithms sort the drones’ data so the pilot only sees what he or she needs to see.


“The mission truck launches a swarm of small low-cost cruise missiles, or LCCMs, that speed toward the enemy radar target,” the DARPA video narrated. “While each missile has a relatively small warhead, collectively they can have a tremendous impact.”


There’s little the air defense site can do about it.


In the video, the missile launchers destroy several incoming LCCMs … but there’s too many. Like a swarm of mosquitoes, you can’t swat them all. The other idea is that it costs less to blow up the radar with a swarm of cheap, tiny missiles than it costs the enemy to try — in vain — to shoot them down.

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.20446352   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rock 'n' roll cradle snatcher: In his Led Zeppelin heyday, he had a girlfriend of 14 and limos of young groupies. So why has a very middle-class girl of 25 fallen for 71-year-old Jimmy Page?


"If I played guitar, I'd be Jimmy Page…

The girlies I like, are underage". -The New Style, Beastie Boys/Rick Rubin

Anonymous ID: 0d267b Feb. 20, 2024, 8:26 a.m. No.20446418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6496 >>6587

Nasa's private IM-1 mission is carrying Hindu guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj to Moon


The IM-1 mission is flying an etching on its surface developed by Relative Dynamics that honours the life and service of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, a Hindu spiritual leader who championed the universal human value of selfless service.


The etching seen on Odysseus spacecraft moon honouring Pramukh Swami Maharaj. (Photo: IM)

Nasa's private spacecraft, Odysseus, which is currently cruising towards the Moon is carrying a unique tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the fifth guru of the BAPS Swaminarayan organisation.


The IM-1 mission is flying an etching on its surface developed by Relative Dynamics that honours the life and service of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, a Hindu spiritual leader who championed the universal human value of selfless service.


"Such a cultural engagement between nations and corporations allows for the development of shared values, efforts, and responsibility in the pursuit of space exploration," Intuitive Missions said in an update.



Born on December 7, 1921, in the state of Gujarat, Pramukh Swami Maharaj became a prominent figure in the BAPS organisation, playing a crucial role in the growth and development of BAPS, both in India and internationally. He emphasised the principles of Hinduism and the teachings of Swaminarayan, the founder of the Swaminarayan tradition. Under his leadership, BAPS expanded its activities in various fields, including education, healthcare, social services, and humanitarian efforts.


Pramukh Swami Maharaj was widely respected for his efforts in promoting religious harmony, community service, and philanthropy.


Created in coordination with Relative Dynamics, the IM-1 mission is flying an eternal tribute to His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the fifth guru of the @BAPS Swaminarayan organization.


The etching honors the life and service of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, a Hindu spiritual leaderâ€æ — Intuitive Machines (@Int_Machines) February 20, 2024


The Odysseus spacecraft will attempt to land close to the South Pole of the Moon on February 22, aiming to be the first American mission to do so in over 50 years.


The lander carries a suite of six payloads for Nasa under the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative, including scientific instruments to measure the plasma environment and provide data for future Artemis astronauts.


Additionally, it will test new technologies such as a LIDAR-based sensor for descent velocity and range sensing, and an electrostatic dust-removal system that could revolutionise spacesuit technology.