Anonymous ID: 52c005 Feb. 20, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.20446053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh, noble frog, who in the mire dost dwell, With eyes alight and heart so full of zeal, Amidst the reeds and mossy banks thou roam, And in the depths of murky waters, dost call home.


Thy slick and slippery form, a marvel to behold, A testament to nature's endless wonders untold. A creature of the night, thy croaking song, A symphony that echoes through the dusk, long and strong.


Thou dost leap with grace, a dance of life, Thy legs propelling thee through strife.


In lily pads, thy throne, thy kingdom grand, A prince of the pond, a ruler of the land. Yet, fear not the hawk's sharp talons, or the snake's keen eye, For in your heart, there is no greater prize.


In the face of danger, you show no fear, A symbol of resilience, a beacon of cheer. And when the sun doth rise and bid the night adieu, Thou dost retreat to the depths, where shadows brew.


Awaiting the darkness, the stars that shine, To once more take the stage and make the night thine.


So, noble frog, with pride we sing thy song, A tale of courage, a testament to the strong.


In the realm of nature, thou art a king, A creature of beauty, a master of the waters swing.

Anonymous ID: 52c005 Feb. 20, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.20446157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6169 >>6182


>Tucker Carlson Interviews Mike Benz


Climate change: The interview focused on the ongoing debate about climate change and its effects on the environment and human life. Mike Benz, an energy expert, shared his insights on the topic and challenged some of the common perceptions around it.


Energy industry: Benz talked about the energy industry and its importance in meeting the world's growing energy demands. He discussed the role of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources, and other emerging technologies in shaping the future of the energy sector.


Political implications: The interview touched on the political aspects of the climate change debate, including the differing views held by various political parties and how these views influence energy policy decisions.

Regulatory environment: Benz also discussed the regulatory environment surrounding the energy industry and how it impacts the development and adoption of new technologies and energy sources.


Public perception and misconceptions: The interview addressed some of the common misconceptions about climate change and the energy industry, highlighting the need for accurate information and informed public discourse on these topics.


Overall, the Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz provided an in-depth look at the complex issues surrounding climate change and the energy industry, offering valuable insights and perspectives on these critical subjects

Anonymous ID: 52c005 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.20446334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He's been calling out Michael Flynn

Did Ariel stand with his entire family in front of the world and take an oath to the constitution of the United States?