Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 5:40 a.m. No.20445872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5878 >>5951 >>6059 >>6208 >>6260 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

"License To Play God": Physician Group Files Brief Against Biden In COVID



The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) filed an amicus brief against the Biden administration in a Supreme Court case, criticizing the government’s online censorship of COVID-19 information.


The lawsuit, Murthy v. Missouri, alleges that the administration engaged in coercing social media platforms to suppress COVID-19 content.


The American Medical Association (AMA) and other groups filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court supporting the Biden administration.


In its brief, AMA and its allies said that the federal government had a “compelling interest” in the case. They justified censorship by arguing that “combatting vaccine misinformation is, at its simplest, the government trying to prevent factually incorrect statements from costing people their lives.”


The AAPS filed its brief on Feb. 7, slamming AMA’s position.


“Our national motto is not ‘In Vaccines We Trust’, or even ‘In Government We Trust.’ The right to criticize vaccines and government mandates of vaccines should not be abridged” as sought after by the AMA and “other allies of the Biden Administration,” the brief said.


“Freedom to criticize is an essential safeguard against tyranny, and a First Amendment right … It is alarming that any professional organization would argue for censorship as the AMA Amici do in this case.”


The AMA amicus brief is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Physicians, and the American Geriatrics Society.


“The argument by the AMA Amici to declare a compelling interest in vaccination such that censorship of it would be allowed should be firmly rejected here,” AAPS said in its brief. For more than 50 years, there have not been any new categories of unprotected speech, it said.


“Criticism of vaccination is warranted in response to the exaggerations of benefits of vaccination and the denial of its proven harms, as illustrated by the AMA Amici brief here.


“A sharp decline in the prevalence of diseases cited by the AMA Amici began before the relevant vaccine became commonly used, thereby disproving the asserted cause-and-effect.”


The AMA brief also fails to reference the “immense harm” caused by several novel or contaminated vaccines, like the first polio shots, AAPS stated.


Allowing the federal government to censor vaccine criticism will open the doorway to “an unaccountable license to play God in tinkering with human biology.”


AAPS warned that by seeking to censor criticism of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, the AMA brief signers “implicitly seek censorship of criticism of anything that may be called a vaccine in the future under yet another redefinition of that term.”…

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 5:41 a.m. No.20445878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6059 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587



Could Ban RFK Jr.

If adopted, AMA’s proposal would allow the government to censor presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose book “The Real Anthony Fauci” could also be banned by the administration, AAPS added.


“The same arguments made by the AMA Amici could be extended to other types of speech disfavored by the Biden Administration, such as criticism of transgender procedures and late-term abortion,” the group said.


“The requested censorship by or with government should be fully rejected here.”


TheU.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on March 18.The lawsuit was filed by the state of Missouri, Louisiana, several social media users, and the founder of the blog Gateway Pundit.


The Epoch Times reached out to the White House and AMA for comment.


Under President Joe Biden, the federal government is alleged to have engaged in censorship of COVID-19 vaccine-related discussions online.


In February 2022, then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the administration wanted “every platform to continue doing more” in calling out what the government deemed to be “COVID-19 misinformation.”


Facebook Faces Pressure


Last year, it was revealed that Facebook complied with requests from White House staff to throttle the reach of a 2021 video by Tucker Carlson that discussed COVID-19 vaccines.


Facebook was also pressured to censor content suggesting that COVID-19 could have been man-made, according to certain emails released last year.


In a message from July 2021, Nick Clegg, Facebook’s head of global affairs, asked colleagues why Facebook was “removing—rather than demoting/labeling—claims that Covid is man-made?”


An employee responded:“Because we were under pressure from the administration and others to do more.”


Earlier this month, newly disclosed emails showed that Biden administration officials pressured Amazon to censor some COVID-19 books.


In another amicus brief filed in the Murthy v. Missouri lawsuit, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) told the U.S. Supreme Court that “getting the correct answer in this case is extraordinarily important given the interconnected mosaic of First Amendment issues the Court is considering this Term.”


“A common thread running through these cases is whether the government actors may evade constitutional review by strategically claiming they are doing something other than speech regulation. The Court should not let them get away with it.”


The Biden administration is also facing another free speech lawsuit filed in December by the state of Texas and conservative media outlets The Federalist and The Daily Wire.


The lawsuit accuses the State Department, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and several officials from the department’s Global Engagement Center of intervening in the news media market by creating blacklists of outlets deemed to be spreading “disinformation.”


“These entities generate blacklists of ostensibly risky or unreliable American news outlets for the purpose of discrediting the disfavored press and redirecting money and audiences to news organizations that publish favored viewpoints,” the complaint said.

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 5:58 a.m. No.20445940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Feb, 2024 13:04

Afghan forces blocked from UK resettlement – BBC

The move could reportedly prevent witnesses of alleged UK wrongdoing in Afghanistan from giving evidence


British special forces have intervened to reject applications by elite Afghan troops to resettle in the UK, despite evidence that they fought alongside them in operations against the Taliban, a report by the BBC has claimed.


There are concerns among UK special forces that Afghans could be asked to provide evidence in an inquiry into alleged wrongdoing by UK forces during the Afghanistan war, the outlet reported, citing an anonymous source.


The allegation, which came as part of a report by the BBC’s Panorama program on Monday, alleges thatBritish special forces were effectively given veto power over Afghan relocation applications, leading to concerns that hundreds of veterans face an uncertain future and possible reprisals from the Taliban.


The UK Armed Forces minister, James Heappey, told parliament earlier this month that a review of around 2,000 applications would be conducted, after acknowledging that the initial process was “not robust.” A Ministry of Defence (MoD) review would come alongside a public inquiry into alleged wrongdoing by UK special forces in Afghanistan, sparking concerns of a possible conflict of interest.


“At a time when certain actions by UK special forces are under investigation by a public inquiry, their headquarters also had the power to prevent Afghan special forces colleagues and potential witnesses to these actions from getting safely to the UK,” an anonymous former British special forces member told the BBC.


It has been claimed that 80 civilians were illegally killed by British special forces in Helmand province between 2010 and 2013. Afghan military personnel situated in the UK could theoretically be asked to provide evidence on their conduct in the ongoing inquiry.


Afghan units who accompanied British special forces in “meaningful roles” during operations in the war in Afghanistan are eligible to apply for UK resettlement under the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) scheme.


However, citing leaked documents, the BBC said that “hundreds” have had their applications rejected. The outlet also noted that “dozens” of Afghan troops have been tortured or killed by the Taliban since the group seized power in August 2021.


Another former soldier added to the BBC: “At best it’s not appropriate, at worst it looks like they’re trying to cover their tracks.”


The public inquiry will hear evidence on Tuesday from former British army officer and current UK Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Johnny Mercer, who is expected to state that war crimes allegations against UK troops are credible.


Previously, the inquiry had heard allegations of Afghan civilians being fatally shot in their sleep during raids in 2011 and 2012 as part of a broader policy of “executing Afghan males of a fighting age” even if they posed no immediate danger.


A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said it is conducting a “case-by-case review” of Afghan relocation applications, adding that it will “consider all available evidence” while doing so.


(UK doing the same as Bidan Admin, not saving the allies that worked for and with US, but taking in 1,000s of terrorists, when withdrawal from Afghanistan. Leaving 1,000s to die at the hands of the Taliban. What is the UK and US military leaders covering up? No wonder the West is getting kicked out of Middle Eastern and African countries.)

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 6:53 a.m. No.20446100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6200 >>6208 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

18 Feb, 2024 14:35

Sergey Poletaev: As the second anniversary of the Russia–Ukraine conflict approaches, who has the upper hand?. 1/3

Ukraine is borrowing from the future just to hang on for dear life. 2024 will be pivotal in deciding the outcome


The forthcoming second anniversary of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is a symbolic date, but hardly a cause for celebration. In fact, events have to be studied from a considerable remove in order to see the big picture.


Positional deadlock

Any discussion of a breakthrough on the front and military defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) has long been met with the counter-argument: Let us take Avdeevka (a key Donbass stronghold) first, and then we will talk.On Saturday, that goal was officially achieved.


So what now? In order to crush the enemy and impose our will, we need an effective strategy, a plan for successful combat operations.


By last year, such a system was well established on the defensive side – in the absence of a multiplier advantage,neither side is yet able to break throughthe front with its own means and conduct successful offensive operations.


Back in the autumn, Avdeevka was described as a kind of test for the Russian Army. The Avdeevka operation began with an attempt to cut off the city and create a ring of encirclement 10km in diameter.


On October 10, after massive artillery preparations, mechanized attacks were launched in two directions – across the railway north of the Avdeevka chemical plant and from the south, from the village of Vodyanoye. Like the enemy’s attacks on Rabotino in the summer, these efforts faltered, and our command – relying on artillery, attack drones, and small assault groups –shifted the center of gravity right into the city itself.


And now, after a fifth month of fighting, the Avdeevka epic has concluded. By maintaining pressure along the entire perimeter and forcing the enemy to stretch its reserves, the Russian Army wore down the city’s garrison over several months of fighting. The situation was exacerbated by supply problems. The only paved road, though still passable and sometimes safe (in December, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky even traveled into the besieged city on it), still did not allow for the necessary supplies and rotations, and more importantly, maintaining control of the route itself required a great deal of effort on the part of the AFU.


From November, the defenses of Avdeevka began to crack, first in the industrial area, then in ‘Tsarskaya Okhota’ – powerful strongholds facing Donetsk known since 2014. Attempts to repel these positions diverted the garrison’s forces from other directions, further weakening the defenses.


In theearly days of February 2024, it all came to a head. In a matter of days, Russia cut the northern part of the city in two, crossed the railway, and took the only supply line – Industrial Avenue – under tight fire control.


On Saturday, the battle for Avdeevka came to an end.It marked the most significant shifton the front since the liberation of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) last May.


Let us now talk abouthow the conflict as a whole can be won.


Months of fighting for the center of Avdeevka, infiltrating the city on foot, attacking through empty heating pipes, and supplying through waterways under the railway – this is true heroism on the part of the fighters and commanders, but it is not a strategy that moves the front and decides the outcome of the conflict.


The Russian Army’s advantages in the air and in armored vehicles have not yet been translated into success; even weak Ukrainian air defenses keep our air force on our side of the front, while armored vehicles, which are forced to gather in columns in minefields, are easy targets for drones and precision fire, even if they are few in number.Yes, things are worse for the enemy, and there are fewer chances of a breakthrough, but the fact remains that since theautumn of 2022, when the current front was formed,we have not seen a single successful attack of operational significance, and the frontal shifts in units of kilometers have been achieved as a result of months of exhausting battles fought virtually on foot.


The exhaustion of the front

On the other hand, this does not mean that our command has no strategy for victory. In the absence of effective means to break through the defenses, it is not the movement of the front or the capture of certain lines that isimportant – it is the damage inflicted on the enemy, and it is important that the enemy becomes weaker faster than you do.

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.20446200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6361 >>6496 >>6587



Avdeevka has become the embodiment of this strategy, which isnow being adopted across the entire front. Since the autumn, the Russian armed forces have begun to advance in a number of places, and the same approach as in Avdeevka is being used along the front – stretching and overstretching the enemy’s reserves, and while the enemy is plugging a hole in one area, achieving success in another.

From month to month,this happens more often, and the breakthroughs are deeper and larger. In December – Maryinka, in January – north-east of Soledar etc, in February – the eastern part, the settlement of Belogorovka – and all this amid the slow but regular advance in Avdeevka… from where we previously had to partially withdraw after taking the town.

Belogorovka is a good example of what is happening on the ground.In the end, a Russian assault group walked straight into the AFU’s position, and only one Ukrainian soldier survived the battle. He tried to call in artillery fire, but there was no fire support as there were no shells. As a result, in Belogorovka, with a significant ratio of casualties in favor of the attackers, the advance for the day was up to 1.5km along a 3km front – this is a lot by the standards of positional fighting.

In general,Ukrainianand Western sources have been saying withone voicefor several months nowthat the situation is graveand the defenses are becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. The shortage of grenades is getting worse (Russian fire superiority ranges from 3 to 10 times, according to various reports), there is a shortage of men (in many units, this reaches 65-70%), and the AFU’s advantage in small FPV drones has long since disappeared.

The training and motivation ofAFU personnel is declining. Deserters, or ‘SZCH-schniki’ (short for the Ukrainian term for ‘unauthorized abandonment of a unit’),have become a real scourge. Rather than abandoning their positions, they simply refuse to fight, preferring instead to be tried. According to the Ukrainian military, one or two such refuseniks can decimate an entire unit in a matter of days or even hours due to the general low morale.

Rear exhaustion

The situation in the rear has been no better. There is the conflict between Zelensky and his former top general, Valery Zaluzhny, which escalated after the failure of the summer counteroffensive and was finally resolved in early February with the resignation of Zaluzhny, followed by the departure of the entire AFU leadership.. the generals are being replaced not because of ability, but because they are Zaluzhny’s men.

Perhaps Zaluzhny’s outstanding command qualities are a myth. This has not been affected by last year’s failures, nor by the history of mobilization described below.Zaluzhny’s resignation has had a dark effect on the mood in the army, and his successor, the Russian-born Aleksandr Syrsky, nicknamed ‘General 200’ for his brutal leadership style.

Now on to mobilization. According to the lowest estimates, theirreparable losses of the AFU have exceeded 350,000 people, including the dead, the seriously wounded, and the missing. These are the best fighters – army personnel, veterans, and motivated volunteer. Even if we assume that the losses of the AFU and the Russian Armed Forces are equal (which is not the case due to our superiority in firepower), with such losses, the difference inmobilization potential, which isfive times higher in Russia, is already in full swing.

The result: In Russia, theflow of conscriptsto military recruitment officescontinues unabated, with waiting periods for medical examinations lasting several months in some places, while in Ukraine, volunteers dried up last summer. According to official Ukrainian figures, forevery five men lostat the front, there isonly one new recruit, and many men of conscription age are hiding abroad.

To make up for losses after the counteroffensive, theUkrainian militarycommissars haveresorted to the shameful practice of abduction, and scenes of uniformed men abducting men in the streets, etc which were at first shocking, became part of the bleak Ukrainian landscape.

Themaximum numberofpeople mobilizedin Ukraine in 2023 is said to have been100,000(against the planned 200,000), a small number compared to the half-million target announced for the year. In the autumn, Ukraine began to reform the system of mobilization for this purpose, but implementation has been threatened. It’s not just the shock to society, it’s the lack of funds for recruitment. According to Zelensky, 500 billion hryvnias ($13.5 billion) is needed, and here we come to thenext problem – financial exhaustion.

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.20446245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6361 >>6496 >>6587


Political stability is another problem. With near-monopoly control of the media, Zelensky has a nominal rating of over 60%, but the days of his absolute political monopoly are over. In the autumn, Ukrainian politics was revived and the taboo on criticizing the president was lifted. InMay, Zelensky’s term in office will expire – making him formally illegitimate. If the situation on the front and in the rear continues to deteriorate at the current rate, it could lead to a full-blown political crisis.

The next issue is military supplies. The current media hysteria should not be overestimated. While Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill square off, NATO warplanes continue to arrive regularly at Rzeszow, Poland, which serves as a rear base. The volume of military supplies to Ukraine is limited not so much by a lack of money as by the depletion of Western arsenals and by political choices.

Borrowing from the future

So how will this year go for Ukraine?

First, thenew law on mobilization will not increase the number of peoplewilling to fight for Ukraine; on the contrary, the authorities will have more problems on the home front. As a result, the numerical advantage of the Russian Army will at least remain, if not increase. Everything has already been said above about the quality of Kiev’s forcibly recruited personnel.

Second, for objective reasons,the AFU will continue to have problems with artillery. The West will not reach our level of grenade production until 2025 at the earliest, if not later, and the ammunition will first be used to replenish their own empty arsenals. the production of new armored vehicles in the West is lagging behind Russia.

Third, Ukraine will increasingly use FPV drones. Their designation as a separate branch of the armed forces seems a controversial decision, but it speaks volumes about priorities. Will theAFU be able to regain at least paritywith us in this area?Not a chance– Russia is not standing still either. Long-range Ukrainian air and sea drones are indeed being developed – and while they inflict unpleasant blows on us in the rear, they have no effect on the front.

Fourth, the West will continue to supply Ukraine with missiles. They have proven to be relatively effective, so there will be more NATO missiles, a wider range of them, leading to more strikes and targets.

The West, as Ukraine’s sponsor, hasdecided on a strategyfor the coming year –stay on the defensive and try to wear down the Russian forces.Ukraine will become weaker, butit will fight back in ever more inventive and aggressive ways, hoping that this will force the Kremlin to accept a ceasefire and freeze the conflict. Unable to attack from the front, the enemy will look for ways to hit the rear as hard as possible, to shoot down our planes, and perhaps strike the Crimean Bridge or some other landmark.

To this end,Kiev is creating a large defensive network(the Surovikin Line). Military necessity dictates that the AFU withdraw to this line, retreating in several sections of the front in order to establish long-term defenses. But there is no guarantee that this will happen. Firstly, any retreat would be politically difficult for Kiev, and secondly, rumor has it that the defenses themselves are being built in a shoddy manner,so there is nowhere to retreat to.

To get through the next year, Ukraine is borrowing from the future.. You can intensify mobilization and fill the trenches with forced labor, but in a year, there will be none left. You can tighten the screws, tighten the belts, milk the remaining resources, and hold on –but that will only delay the inevitable collapse, and no one knows what will happen first, whether the front will collapse, the economy will collapse, or there will be riots in the rear.

Could Ukraine lose this year? Quite possibly– if the US does not hand over the money, if mobilization fails, if a major political crisis breaks out.

Like last year, theKremlin has ordered the army to thwart the enemy’s plans with a minimum of effort. Having gathered its strength, Kiev is trying to hold out in the hope that Moscow will agree to a ceasefire. In a year’s time, however,Ukraine will be even weakerthan it is now, and the West will be faced with the question of whether to watch Kiev lose or to engage in the hostilities itself.

This is where the minimum effort is needed –the Russian Army, which will be at its peak by 2025, should be ready to repel a potential NATO intervention in Ukraine or theopening of a second front elsewhere, such as Kaliningrad Region. Judging by President Vladimir Putin’s words in his recent interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, Moscow is seriously considering this scenario. That is, they are preparing for it.

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8 a.m. No.20446317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6324 >>6332


I’m tired of people saying Vivek or Tucker will be VP. If Trump chooses either one of them it would be disastrous the personality idolatry of both of them is sickening. Neither one will be VP and if one of them is chosen, it will be the first time I’m disappointed with PDJT

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.20446331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ep. 211: When Fani Willis Is In Charge


Scott Greer discusses Fani Willis, how she's no outlier in America, the threat of Letitia James becoming the leader of the Democrats, the possibility of second round of Floyd-style riots, and much more.



Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.20446339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6359 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Gaetz: ‘I love’ CNN article on cause of ‘brain drain’ in Congress2/19/24


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Monday touted his role in driving several high-profile members of Congress from the legislative body, pointing to their departures as evidence of his success.


In a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Gaetz said he loves a recent CNN article that reported on the trend of “rising stars” in the Republican party retiring amid what the piece described as “GOP dysfunction” — which garnered widespread public scrutiny after a push led by Gaetz resulted in the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).


The House GOP then embarked on a multiweek effort to replace the former Speaker, causing all legislative business in the lower chamber to pause.


“I love this @cnn article,” Gaetz wrote on X. “The fundamental premise is that I’ve made congress so miserable for so many members that they are leaving. Wonderful! We can’t save America with the current Republican team. We have to get tougher and smarter. We need newer, bolder voices in the House.”


“If you want to be a Paul Ryan / Kevin McCarthy Republican – THEY DON’T WORK HERE ANYMORE!” Gaetz continued. “The ‘institutional knowledge’ I’m accused of wiping out is often knowledge your lawmakers acquire to enrich themselves, trade stocks and sell out We the People.”


The CNN article quotes a number of Republican lawmakers lamenting their colleagues’ departures and expressing frustration at the difficulty they’ve had legislating.


Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), a McCarthy ally, told CNN he thought being part of the majority in the House would be different, saying, “I thought that some of our members would be smarter.”


“A lot of us are frustrated with what’s going on, and that’s just being flat-out honest,” he added, according to CNN. “It’s foolish. And it’s been proven to be foolish. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”


Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), who has announced he won’t run for reelection and has sometimes taken votes against his own conference, suggested to CNN that he wasn’t surprised by the retirements, saying, “They’ve signed up to do serious things. And we’re not doing serious things.”


Rep. Greg Pence (R-Ind.), who is also retiring, told CNN that the departures were “big losses for us,” adding, “especially for the institutional knowledge … so, that’s a big deal.”


According to The Hill’s count, at least 21 House Republicans have announced they would not seek reelection. That number includes several committee chairs, some of whom were seen as up-and-coming stars of the party.


The departures have sparked some concern, CNN reported, about “potential brain drain” in the House. McCarthy, who retired from the lower chamber, recently said that could have been a goal of the eight Republicans, including Gaetz, who voted to oust him in the fall.


“It’s unfortunate because you think of the brain trust you are losing. I blame a lot of the ‘crazy eights’ led by Gaetz. They want to make this place dysfunctional to try to wear people out,” McCarthy told reporters recently, CNN reported.


Gaetz, in his post, suggested McCarthy was right to blame him. He celebrated his colleagues’ retirements and called for more “America First Patriots” — or supporters of former President Trump — to run for office.


“The next phase of our plan is to REPLACE the droves of retiring members with America First Patriots. Republican primary voters must do their part. We have a great nation to save. Send me more backup!” Gaetz wrote.

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20446359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good getting rid of anyone named Pence is a victory!


Rep. Greg Pence (R-Ind.), who is also retiring, told CNN that the departures were “big losses for us,” adding, “especially for the institutional knowledge … so, that’s a big deal.”

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:16 a.m. No.20446378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6387 >>6411 >>6415 >>6455 >>6496 >>6587

Pizza Hut worker is arrested for shooting dead manager, 55, over $7,000 inheritance check after trail of blood lead Milwaukee cops from kitchen to dumpster where body was ditched


By Germania Rodriguez Poleo For Dailymail.Com

12:57 EST 19 Feb 2024 , updated 16:02 EST 19 Feb 2024


Kavonn Ingram, 31, allegedly shot dead 55-year-old Alex Stengel and slashed his throat before dragging his body from the restaurant's kitchen

Investigators say Stengel had cashed a $7,000 inheritance check in the days before his murder and had showed of the cash to co-workers

A Pizza Hut worker in Wisconsin killed his manager in the restaurant's kitchen in order to steal a $7,000 inheritance from him, according to police.


Police were alerted to the gruesome finding at the dumpster behind the South Milwaukee eatery two days later, and followed the trail of blood back to the Pizza Hut's kitchen.


Investigators say Stengel had cashed a $7,000 inheritance check in the days before his murder and had showed off the cash to co-workers, as reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


Ingram was arrested a few days after the body was discovered and charged with murder, hiding a corpse, armed robbery and possession of a firearm by a felon…

Anonymous ID: 985ae2 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:20 a.m. No.20446393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6403 >>6410 >>6496 >>6587

James Kirkpatrick



The party has zero infrastructure in place to try to register these people. Zero effort to make sure these people to get to the polls. Zero effort to set up ballot harvesting to make sure their votes are banked in advance.


They're going to blow this aren't they?