Anonymous ID: b3cbf5 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:02 a.m. No.20446323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Assange trial live:




Defense raises point about Assistant US District Attorney Gordon Kromberg claiming they could and would deny Assange first amendment rights.


Judge ask for clarification about previous judges saying there is no reason to suspect Assange's first ammendment rights would be infringed.

Defense explains that Both the assistant DA and the then-CIA head Pompeo both said that explicitly. Claiming that Assange had no rights in the U.S. This threat alone raises serious concerns about any guarantees made toward Assange's safety or right to a fair trial.


Judge then asks if the U.S. actually gave the court any assurances as to Assange's first amendment rights being protected or the rights of foreign nationals.


Defense replies that no such assurances have been made whatsover.

Anonymous ID: b3cbf5 Feb. 20, 2024, 8:03 a.m. No.20446325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6326 >>6361 >>6496 >>6587

Assange trial live:




Final ground of appeal is put forward by defense.


Given the designation by the CIA head that Wikileaks was a "hostile non state intelligence agency" giving the bureau authority to act without oversight of any kind, there are absolute threats to Assange's life present in the case under articles 2 & 3 of the ECHR (Right to Life, and Freedom from Torture).


Defense argues that CIA could impose SAMS (Special Administrative Measures - can prevent lawyer access, bar all outside communication or contact for life) or if they wanted to; kill him with absolute legal impugnity based on this designation.