Anonymous ID: 2cd553 Feb. 20, 2024, 9:33 a.m. No.20446694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718 >>6861 >>7369

A new report finds that there were more than 16,000 additional births in Texas in 2022 — more than 13,000 of them to Hispanic women — and wrongly concludes that the state’s Heartbeat Act helped drive an increase in Hispanic children and prevented what would have been a further decline in black and white births.

The report, by the University of Houston’s Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality, notes that Hispanic women were “especially affected” by the pro-life law and face “more challenges” in accessing “abortion.” The community, the lead author said, should discuss “how this affects individuals.”

Did you catch that? This is the lie perpetuated for decades by abortion advocates: the dark distortion that you can help minority populations by reducing their number. Instead of celebrating the additional births, the scholars’ underlying conclusion was subtle and horrific — the expansion of minority populations is a problem in need of a solution. It reeks of racism.