Anonymous ID: 49ce69 Feb. 20, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.20447419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7429 >>7431

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Stalinist $370M judgment against Trump should be vacated immediately

With this Stalinist judgment, it is no longer Trump who is on trial, but the New York state (in)justice system. Judge Engoron has brought the New York courts into disrepute.’’’ Feb 20, 2024, 2:05 PM


Intentionally or not — Our President is totally exposing this sewage. Just wish people could SEE it. Need to out your EMAIL in to read the worthless tripe – people spewing their "thoughts" and "reactions"! As if those viewers have a clue regarding UncleJoeStalin to begin with? They can’t say “COMMUNIST” because that’s exactly what THEY’VE been exposed as, but their loyal, entertained viewers won't SEE it.


Where was all the “reaction” to everything from Schneiderman beating up women (PLURAL) and covering for Crooked "Foundation" taxes/illegal foreign donations; NVIXM, Epstein, ETC,. , “PRODUCERS” (https://vault., NVIXMn again even when there were arrests. How many seconds (if any) combined were dedicated to ANY of this? and why wasn’t ESPTEIN “reacted” to 24-7? God knows those fake entertainers spend every worthless breath SPECULATING about every damned MANDATED “subject" 24-7 for months-on-end.