Anonymous ID: 7f64fa Feb. 20, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.20447249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259 >>7311


Bible written by people who killed King [jesus and who still had thim and all he stands for

Book was altered and edited

"Council of Trent"

It's good history, but has to be put in context


2K years is false.

more like 839 since the King Savior's alleged death

" True History Surfacing"?

"History of Deception/Illusions Surfacing?"

Anonymous ID: 7f64fa Feb. 20, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.20447311   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> still had thim

Those who killed the King Savior still hate him, can't let it go.


Was just looking at a section from the Apostle close associated of King{jeus MARK.

Said to be buried in Venice Venizia (Phoenicia) In a large Cathedral.

Mark is the patron of that city.

Mark says when they mocked him they called him "King of the Jews" which he was;

And that he wore purple

In those days only the Royals wore Purple.

The ones who killed him changed the story and claimed he was born in a Hay Loft ("Mangter")?

But all the versions fail to be consonant with each other, right?

That's proves the sum of each account, has to be less than 100% true. Since they contradict each other.

Scholars have already noted this.

Nothing new.

Anonymous ID: 7f64fa Feb. 20, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.20447397   🗄️.is 🔗kun


bottom line:

Hoaxul was not elected, Neither was James, nor Adams

Hoaxual ended up "winning" by the same number of votes in each County of the entire State.

A Dirty "Win"

We know Zelkin won,

They pulled the ballots needed out of their asses at the last minute, as always.

If you want to blame anyone in NYC, you have to blame the News Networks for covering it up.

And they are to blame for 50 years of lies and cover-ups.

Blame will be a "fruit -loop"

Media and Social Media will blame the FBI and CIA

FBI and CIA will first claim immunity; then blame it on the Propaganda Networks

Their moves are easy to see, since they do the same ones over and over.


People need to get to the ROOT; which is the premises everyone works by.

If the premise is false:

i.e. 'These administrators/ politicians were actually elected by the people"

Then everything which follows from the false premise is also false.


Fraud vitiates everything it touches.

No use blaming NewYork population, who are much more likely to be RED Conservatives, than the Powers-that-Be let on.

Media and some of the population who "follow the stars" live in their own insulated world,

And likely, much of the time, drink their own Kool-Aid?

Media, following the tune of the C1a Grand Wurulizer Propaganda Organ, and the followers, just sheep following along - maneuvered by the scent of "authority" "intelligence" falsely projected by the crook controllers - which threadbare (wearing thin for ages) and is now in tatters.

Anonymous ID: 7f64fa Feb. 20, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.20447440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7450


Authorities breaking the rules.

Arbitrary 'Justice' = Tyranny

Government has no answers for that;

What happens then?

They move to pure force to enforce their power.

When they are exposed, and can no longer be hidden in lies, what next?

Pure Force is all they have left.

That's why they project that potential onto Trump; they have nothing else.

Anonymous ID: 7f64fa Feb. 20, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20447516   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In other words, is that "rape"

Judge had power.

Those schooled in "political correctness" should be able to figure it out.

Disparate in Power position

Judge takes advantage.

Or was it actual rape?