Anonymous ID: 05f882 Feb. 21, 2024, 9:38 a.m. No.20451931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What would a MAGA Patriot uprising look like?


  1. Millions of heavily armed patriots.

  2. Require a brand new government.

  3. Deep Staters all killed.

  4. Fake news media fully destroyed.

  5. Judges hunted down and imprisoned.

  6. Illegal aliens told leave or be killed.

  7. CIA shutdown for full review.

  8. FBI shutdown for full review.

  9. Return to a constitutional Republic.

  10. Diversity made a federal crime.

  11. Transgender people sent to prison.

  12. Jewish ideology not protected.

  13. Critical Race Theory federal crime.


Short list.