Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.20452390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"No One's Got To Me… I Ain't Scared Of Sh!t" - NYC Trucker Boycott Leader 'Chicago Ray' Steps Down


Chicago Ray, the trucker who ignited the righteous anger of his fellow truckers and of millions of other Americans, has stepped down from his boycott leadership. Does that mean the end of the trucker boycott of New York City?


Chicago Ray was angry about the astounding $350 million fine that New York Judge Engoron levied against former President Trump in the recent fraud case. But what Chicago Ray, the truckers, and so many Americans were really angry about was our corrupt judicial system and the evil overlords who created it.


We the people know what happened to Chicago Ray. Despite his denials, the enforcers of the Deep State made a phone call or left a message under the windscreen wipers of his truck like, "Boycott Boy, you gonna have a bad accident before your haul is over." Or they made a call to his cell phone like, "If you don't end this boycott bullshit your family and home will be gone when you get back home."


You can almost see and hear those threats when Chicago Ray posted, "I took that video down from Friday because it went viral and my Grandson seen it on Tik Tok."


Newsweek reported Chicago Ray took down his original post and posted a new one on Monday "in which he distanced himself from the boycott calls and stressed that he was not encouraging anyone to do anything." That post was also later deleted, but a screen grab of it was shared (with Newsweek) by the progressive MeidasTouch in which he said, "Just to be clear… I'm no figurehead of any movement…"


Newsweek also reported Chicago Ray said, "I'm not leading, nor have I encouraged, or am I encouraging anyone to do anything other than what they were doing prior to the ruling on Friday in New York City."


Does that sound like the way trucker Chicago Ray talks, or does it sound like someone dictating a statement to him?


Chicago Ray also posted, "No one's got to me … I heard what drivers were saying and I'm hearing some of that today, I ain't scared of s–t. I grew up in Chicago. I stand with Trump 100%. Truckers for Trump drivers can make their own decisions based on their families and their careers." But then he took down that post too.


As of noon Monday, the Freightwaves SONAR platform that tracks inbound and outbound truckload freight tender rejections into and out of New York City shows no reductions in truck traffic. Nevertheless, I am getting some confirmations of truckers and trucking companies that are refusing loads for the city. If those refusals amount to as much as 10% of the usual daily traffic, New Yorkers will experience a massive surge in prices for food, fuel, and other essentials. Chaos will reign in the Big Apple.


So the boycott is not dead yet, unless the Deep State enforcers reach beyond threatening Chicago Ray and begin to threaten individual truckers and trucking companies – and you better believe they will try to do just that.


In 2022 the Canadian government froze the bank accounts of truckers in the Freedom Convoy who were protesting Canada's Covid vaccine mandates by using their trucks to block the streets of their capital, Ottawa.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:06 a.m. No.20452427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503 >>2554 >>2622

UK Gov’t Fires ‘Independent’ Borders Watchdog After Alleging Officials Failed to Check ‘High Risk’ Arrivals


The British government has fired its supposedly “independent” chief inspector of borders and immigration after he criticised the number of arrivals who enter the country unchecked, asserting Border Force failed to check hundreds of foreigners arriving in the country on private jets, thereby potentially endangering the public.


The Home Office announced on Monday that it had “terminated the appointment” of David Neal, the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration, after he allegedly “breached the terms of appointment and lost the confidence of the home secretary,” Sky News reported.


“The planned recruitment process for the next independent chief inspector of borders and immigration is in progress,” the ministerial department added.


The unusual move from the government to fire a supposedly independent watchdog came after Neal had told the Daily Mail on Monday that the British Border Force had failed to inspect the passengers on hundreds of private and chartered flights entering the country from abroad, potentially letting dangerous people into the country.


Neal claimed that while 100 per cent of such flights which are classified as “high risk” should be inspected by the Border Force only 21 per cent were inspected by immigration officials at the London City airport. He went on to claim that this amounted to 543 flights with passengers being released into the country without as much as having their passport checked at the airport and warned that the alleged lax protocols were likely impacting more airports throughout the country.


“This is a scandal, and incredibly dangerous for this country’s border security,” Mr Neal said, explaining that since his position as the independent watchdog was set to end next month, he felt it necessary to come forward with the information and pressure the government to resolve the issue.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20452476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2622

Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections


The Zelensky-led government has transformed the country into a totalitarian dictatorship, as there is no semblance of a liberal democracy left in Ukraine.


A very significant political event occurred in Ukraine earlier this month, and almost nobody noticed.


President Volodymyr Zelensky, the leader of the war-torn country, just received approval from his parliament to extend Martial Law another 90 days. There have been many parliamentary extensions of the wartime mandate, but this one carried special significance because the 2024 presidential elections in Ukraine were scheduled for March 31, 2024, coinciding with the end of Zelensky’s five year term. Now that Martial Law is in place to cover that time period,Ukraine’s presidential elections have been canceled indefinitely.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:20 a.m. No.20452496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Palestinian women and girls raped and sexually assaulted in Israeli detention, UN experts say


The rapporteurs also condemned incidents of 'arbitrary executions' of women and children during Israel's war on Gaza


UN experts on Monday decried reports of rape and sexual assault of Palestinian women and girls held in Israeli detention.


The independent experts, part of the UN’s fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms of the Human Rights Council, confirmed in a statement receiving reports of Palestinian female detainees being subjected to “multiple forms of sexual assault,” with at least two detainees reportedly raped, while others were allegedly threatened with rape and sexual violence.


They also described women being strip-searched by male Israeli officers and noted the circulation of degrading images of detainees online by Israeli soldiers.


The statement also cited at least one report of a woman allegedly being held in a cage in the wind and rain.


According to the statement, “hundreds” of Palestinian women and girls have been arbitrarily detained since 7 October and subjected to “inhumane and degrading treatment,” including sexual assault, beatings, and the denial of food, medicine and period products.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:23 a.m. No.20452516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2622

78 anti-corruption commission employees found guilty of ethics breach in prison illegal levies scandal


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) supervisory council found dozens of employees guilty of an ethics breach for soliciting illegal levies from detainees in exchange for prison perks.


On Thursday, the council ruled that 78 employees stationed at KPK detention centers were guilty of soliciting bribes, ordering them to make a public apology video to be broadcast by the antigraft body.


They solicited the illegal levies between 2018 and 2023 when guarding three detention centers for KPK suspects: the Merah Putih detention center located just behind the antigraft body’s headquarters, the C1 detention center in the KPK’s old building and another center at the Jakarta Military Police (Pomdam Jaya) Guntur Jaya; all in South Jakarta.


The council stated in its ruling that one of the aggravating factors was that the scandal led to a decline in the public trust in the antigraft body


The punishment of making a public apology was a severe “moral punishment” according to the KPK supervisory council regulation on the antigraft body’s code of ethics, said council chairman Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.20452522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2589 >>2622

Erasing the Evidence Facebook, Instagram Remove Palestinian Documentary as Soon as It Was Released


META platforms censored the documentary ‘The Black Dress’, which we jointly produced with Friends of Palestine Network, mere minutes after The Palestine Chronicle released it.


Mere minutes after The Palestine Chronicle released the documentary ‘The Black Dress’, jointly produced with Friends of Palestine Network, social media companies began imposing restrictions on viewing the most comprehensive response to the New York Times allegations on December 28 that Palestinians committed mass rape on October 7.


Instagram and Facebook, in particular, deleted the documentary altogether alleging that it had promoted ‘dangerous organizations’.


Despite the fact that ‘The Black Dress’ refutes the allegations mostly based on Israeli sources, and without embracing the claims of any organization or entity, ‘dangerous’ or otherwise, META maintained its position, even after producers reinstated the content without referencing any organization by name.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20452532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria says two killed in alleged Israeli strike on Damascus apartment building


State media says missile fired through 4th-floor window in high-security neighborhood that houses Iranian facilities; no comment from IDF


An alleged Israeli airstrike targeted an apartment in a residential building in the Kafr Sousa district in Syria’s capital Damascus on Wednesday, killing two people, Syrian state media and a security source said.


A military source cited by Syrian state TV said the morning strike wounded a number of other people, identifying the dead as civilians. Syria’s state-run SANA news agency said Israeli warplanes fired missiles at the building from over the Golan Heights.


SANA also published images of the aftermath of the attack, showing the outside of a multi-story building partially blackened with windows blown out, and a fire visible in one apartment that appeared to have been targeted.


The security source said the “attack did not achieve its aims.” Later, Iran’s semi-official Student News Network said the attack did not kill any Iranian nationals or advisers.


The neighborhood hosts residential buildings, schools and Iranian cultural centers, and lies near a large, heavily guarded complex used by security agencies. The district was targeted in another alleged Israeli attack in February 2023 that killed Iranian military experts.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:29 a.m. No.20452546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape


Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound


The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.


The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”


It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

Anonymous ID: 1c752d Feb. 21, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20452569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel a no-show at the ICJ, but its advocates argue the ‘occupation’ isn’t illegal


Scholars contend Palestinian failure to accept several peace proposals and address Israeli security concerns are cause of long-term Israeli rule in the territories


Israel’s decision not to send a delegation to the International Court of Justice this week to defend itself against allegations that its 56-year-long rule of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal has meant the claims against it are going virtually unchallenged.


During the course of Monday’s three-hour session at the court, seven representatives for the Palestinians alleged that Israel’s rule in the West Bank and East Jerusalem was illegal, and accused the country of a litany of the most heinous crimes, including colonialism, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and even genocide.


Similar accusations were leveled against Israel by the South African delegation in court on Tuesday.


Hague. (International Court of Justice)

Israel’s decision not to send a delegation to the International Court of Justice this week to defend itself against allegations that its 56-year-long rule of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal has meant the claims against it are going virtually unchallenged.


During the course of Monday’s three-hour session at the court, seven representatives for the Palestinians alleged that Israel’s rule in the West Bank and East Jerusalem was illegal, and accused the country of a litany of the most heinous crimes, including colonialism, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and even genocide.


Similar accusations were leveled against Israel by the South African delegation in court on Tuesday.







Jerusalem’s stance is that the ICJ advisory opinion sought by the UN General Assembly is illegitimate since numerous UN resolutions, as well as bilateral Israeli-Palestinian agreements, have established that the correct framework for resolving the conflict should be political, not legal.


In addition, some prominent legal scholars and international organizations have presented arguments against the Palestinian position.