Anonymous ID: 613c20 Feb. 21, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.20452435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503 >>2554 >>2622

Interest on nation's debt set to exceed defense budget as House weighs spending $95B on foreign aid

Pressure is building on House Speaker Mike Johnson to hold a vote on the Senate-passed foreign aid bill that includes $61 billion for Ukraine.

By Nicholas Ballasy Updated: February 21, 2024 7:02am


Interest on the U.S. national debt is set to exceed the entire defense budget of $822 billion for fiscal year 2024 as Republican leaders in the House of Representatives weigh spending $95 billion on foreign aid.

Congressional Budget Office Director Phillip Swagel warned that thegrowing $34 trillion national debt’s interest payments will cost more than the entire defense budget this fiscal year. "We have more debt and we have higher interest rates," he said on Fox Business Network on Tuesday. "It makes us more vulnerable as well with more debt if interest rates go yet higher, it's like a turbocharger with our interest payments going up."


According to a recent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget analysis, interest will exceed defense spending and Medicare payments in fiscal year 2024."Spending on interest is projected to total $870 billion, while spending on national defense will total $822 billion. This has never been the case before, going back to at least 1940," read a new analysis from the CRFB.


"In addition to breaching defense spending, interest costs are expected to exceed Medicare spending this year, making interest on the national debt the second largest line item in the FY 2024 federal budget, behind only Social Security."


Pressure is building on House Speaker Mike Johnson to hold a vote on the Senate-passed $95 billion foreign aid bill that includes $61 billion for Ukraine.


The legislation does not include provisions that would cover the cost of the package. "Vladimir Putin will not win if we stand united beside Ukraine in its fight for freedom," Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, wrote Tuesday on X. "Speaker Johnson, we have the votes to stop Putin in his tracks. Come back to work and put the bill on the floor." (We will die if you keep on doing stupid shit idiots)


House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, has said that a discharge petition would be likely to force a floor vote on the foreign aid package if Johnson doesn't put it on the floor.


“I don’t see anyway of getting out of Israel, Indo Pacific and eventually Ukraine coming to the floor," McCaul said on Friday. "He’s either going to have to do it — put it on the floor himself — or it’s going to be by virtue of a discharge petition, which is a complete evisceration of his power, because it basically says we’re going to do this without the speaker being in charge."


The Senate border deal language was removed from the foreign aid package in the Senate after Senate Republicans had blocked that version from advancing in the chamber. Johnson had said it was "dead on arrival" in the House amid opposition from Republicans over several provisions that they said would not adequately secure the border. House GOP leaders were not directly involved in negotiating the agreement.


Last week, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about Johnson requesting a meeting with Biden over the border. She noted Biden previously met with congressional leaders in January. "What is there to negotiate, truly?" she said at a press briefing. "It's almost as if the speaker is negotiating with himself."


On Monday, Biden said he would be willing to meet with Johnson regarding Ukraine funding. “Sure, I’d be happy to meet with him if he has anything to say," he said after blasting House Republicans for not voting on the foreign aid package yet. The House is scheduled to come back into session on Feb. 28.

Anonymous ID: 613c20 Feb. 21, 2024, 11:14 a.m. No.20452468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2622

Jordan issues subpoena to HHS over redacted information in migrant children case files

In response, HHS says Jordan wants "protected health information."

(They are only protected if they are US citizens) Letter Attached

Published: February 21, 2024 1:02pm


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has issued subpoena to obtain information the Biden Administration redacted from case files ofunaccompanied minors who have been accused of violent crimes in the U.S.


The Department of Health and Human Services reportedly had permitted committee investigators to examine the case files in private, but several items were redacted that pertained to the minors' appearance, such as whether they had tattoos, and the way the migrants were brought to the U.S. border.

Jordan officially announced the subpoena in a letter he wrote Tuesday to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.


In response, an HHS spokesperson said Jordan is trying to obtain "protected health information" with the subpoena.


"As much as we realize that House Judiciary Republicans would like to build a narrative of stonewalling, the facts remain clear: HHS already voluntarily shared the documents in question to the Committee weeks ago," the spokesperson said, according to NBC News. "The sole information sought by the Committee is the personally identifiable information, medical records, and protected health information of children."


According to the HHS spokesperson, the purpose of obtaining the "personalized information" is "unclear."

Anonymous ID: 613c20 Feb. 21, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20452534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2559 >>2622

Amid crime wave, frustrated DC voters take aim at City Council members, stage second recall effort


"I will always work with and for my constituents to help Ward 1 and the District continue to grow and thrive," Nadeau said in a lengthy statement following the recall.

Updated: February 21, 2024 1:15pm (Maybe DC should start voting for Conservatives)


District of Columbia residents upset over a crime wave in the city have started an effort to recall a second City Council member whom they hold responsible.

Residents filed paperwork Tuesday to recall Ward 1 Democratic Councilmember Brianne Nadeau. In 2023, the nation's capital had its highest number of homicides since 1997, according to USA Today.


Nadeau is facing backlash for her support for legislation titled "Secure DC, " which she argues will reduce crime. However, some residents are concerned with the legislation, which, in part,allows DNA evidence to be collected only after someone is convicted of a felony, WUSA9 reports.


"Public safety remains my top priority," Nadeau said in a statement in response to the recall. "People’s fears and frustrations about crime are rational and understandable. That’s why I have been working together with public safety experts, community leaders, fellow council members and the Mayor on comprehensive solutions. I’ve introduced legislation to bolster police cadet recruitment and provide additional tools to [police] to help them close more homicide cases."


Last month, residents began an effort to recall Councilmember Charles Allen, a fellow Democrat, over similar concerns. The "Recall Charles Allen" group alleges Allen supported legislation thatallows those who commit violent crimes under the age of 25 to have their prison sentences shortened.


Allen has responded by saying: "This recall effort is misleading and misinformed. … I've worked to hold criminals accountable with strong laws and bring a whole of government approach to reducing crime long-term."