Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.20452690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2981 >>3123 >>3226 >>3340 >>3433 >>3443

Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine found shot, run over by car in Spain

The people responsible for his murder reportedly shot him multiple times, ran him over with a car and then burned the car.

Published: February 21, 2024 2:37pm


A Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine with his military helicopter in August 2023 was found dead after being shot multiple times and run over by a car, according to Spanish police.


The body of the pilot, Maksim Kuzminov, was discovered riddled with multiple bullets earlier this month in the town of Villajoyosa in southern Spain, according to police cited by the Spanish state-run news agency EFE.


The alleged attackers drove their getaway car over Kuzminov as they fled the scene, witnesses said. The vehicle was later found burned out nearby, per Catalan news outlet VilaWeb.


Officials believe that Kuzminov was living under a false identity in Spain, as his body did not have the proper identifying documents.Kuzminov is believed to have lived in Ukraine for several months after his defectionbefore moving to Spain in December.


Ukrainian Military Intelligence spokesperson Andri Yusov confirmed Kuzminov's death but did not mention where the body was discovered.


Russian Foreign Intelligence Service head Sergey Naryshkin did not confirm the victim discovered in Spain was Kuzminov, but he said: "This traitor and criminal became a moral corpse the moment he planned his dirty and terrible crime."


(I honestly have no idea why a Russian would betray Putin and Russia and military for money on behalf of Ukraine,and ever think they would be safe for the rest of their lives. It makes no sense. The overkill is a message.)

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 12:06 p.m. No.20452745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Feb, 2024 09:29

Russia captured up to 1,000 Ukrainian POWs in Avdeevka – NYT

The newspaper claims the “chaotic” nature of the retreat by Kiev’s forces contributed to the high numbers


Russian forces may have captured up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops during the chaotic retreat from Avdeevka over the weekend, the New York Times has reported, citing anonymous Ukrainian and Western sources. The newspaper described the withdrawal from the former Ukrainian stronghold in Donbass as a “devastating loss” for Kiev that “could deal a blow to already weakening morale.”


On Friday, Ukraine’s newly appointed top military commander, General Aleksandr Syrsky, revealed that his forces had retreated from the strategic town located less than 10km from the outskirts of Donetsk. The following day, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the capture of Avdeevka, claiming to have inflicted massive casualties on Kiev’s military in the process.


Reporting on Tuesday, the NYT quoted two unnamed Ukrainian service members as putting the number of POWs and missing soldiers at anywhere between 850 to 1,000. Anonymous Western officials have characterized this range as accurate, the newspaper claimed.


While US officials supposedly do not consider the loss of Avdeevka to be strategically significant for Ukraine, the NYT reported that the “capture of hundreds of soldiers, especially those with battlefield experience,” could pose a serious problem. The Ukrainian military has for months been grappling with a lack of manpower, the newspaper added, noting that Kiev’s failed summer counteroffensive had already made recruitment difficult.


Anonymous Ukrainian soldiers blamed poor planning for the apparently high number of POWs. Kiev’s forces were also taken aback by the sheer speed with which Moscow’s troops advanced last week, with attempts by elite Ukrainian units to slow it down proving ineffective, the NYT wrote.


According to the article, poor communication between various Ukrainian units who areusing different radio equipmentmay have been a factor.


On Saturday, General Aleksandr Tarnavsky, the commander of Ukrainian forces operating in the area, claimed that the retreat had gone according to plan. He did, however, acknowledge that“some Ukrainian servicemen fell into captivity,”without providing numbers. His spokesperson, Dmitry Lykhovy, dismissed reports of hundreds of Ukrainian POWs as misinformation. (Captivity is not a hole someone falls in.)


During a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Avdeevka had been taken with minimal losses among Russian troops. He claimed that during their retreat,Ukrainian forces had left behind significant numbers of wounded soldiers, as well as military hardware and equipment.

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20452860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2873 >>2881 >>3181 >>3207

Harnwell: shock survey — less than 10% of Europeans still think Ukraine can beat Russia


As we approach the highly symbolic second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 this week, a new poll details the surprising resignation of Europeans to an eventual Russian victory — less than 10% still believe Ukraine can win.


Even more shocking — only 41% would even want to continue supporting Ukraine should the US pull out. Europeans clearly reject the idea Putin has wider territorial ambitions. Which leaves the question — why are Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell so desperate to “save Europe from Putin” when Europeans themselves await the Russian victory — and couldn’t care less?!



Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.20453028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3058 >>3123 >>3226 >>3340 >>3433 >>3443

(Meme time anons)

Disney Exec Blames Recent Failures on Sexist Fans

February 19, 2024 Jordan Ruimy


We know that Disney is in some kind of serious trouble. Their stock is in shambles. Box office flops (“Wish,” “Haunted Mansion,” “The Marvels“) keep happening, and their streaming service is losing subscribers by the millions. However, you wouldn’t believe who Disney is blaming for their recent woes. The fans, of course. Puck’s Matt Belloni spoke with anunnamed Disney executive on the company’s woes.


Everyone says “It’s the movies, stupid,” which is an easy thing for people to say. More appealing movies are a great way to jump the political issues. But more and more, our audience (or the segment of the audience that has been politicized) equate the perceived messaging in a film as a quality issue.


They won’t say they find female empowerment distasteful in The Marvels or Star Wars the latest trilogy starring Daisy Ridley], but they will say they don’t like those movies because they are “bad.”So “make better movies” becomes code for “make movies that conform to regressive gender stereotypes or put men front and center in the narrative.”


In other words, it’s the sexist fans who are drowning us! Blaming audiences for their recent failures isn’t going to end well. This anonymous exec doesn’t even tackle the fact that almost every Disney flop from last year was met with mediocre reviews.


They’re just playing the blame game. Remember when Disney CEO Bob Iger blamed “The Marvels” failure on director Nia DaCosta? A separate report described Iger as “overwhelmed and exhausted” about the company’s recent box-office bombs.


Meanwhile, Disney’s streamer, Disney+, has reportedly been losing hundreds of millions of dollars every quarter, with subscribers fleeing the subscription service. This has led to Disney’s stock price falling from $191 per share back in March 2021 to as low as $78.32 a share last month.


Back in June, an analysis of the company’s film sector revealed that Disney might have lost as much as $900 million on its 2022-2023 box-office flops, and that was before “The Haunted Mansion” was released (which lost as much as $100 million dollars).


At least Iger has somewhat acknowledged an intention to stray far away from the “culture wars” the company has been embroiled in these last few years. Iger has blamed the creators at Disney for losing sight of what their jobs should be — in his own words, Iger says “entertain first, not messages”.


He adds that stories infused with “positive messages for the world” can be great, but that it shouldn’t be forced upon an audience. It’s not all doom and gloom for Disney, they do have “Deadpool and Wolverine” coming out this summer, not to mention a slate of future sequels that include “Moana 2,” “Inside Out 2,” and “Toy Story 5.”


Disney will never learn, NEVER!

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.20453080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3088


GEROMAN time will tell - 👀 –


Elena Panina, Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies:

The Nordic Times: A British submarine staged a sabotage on the Nord Streams

Journalists of the Scandinavian portal The Nordic Times, together with an analyst with the pseudonym "Mortimer", came to the conclusion that thedirect perpetrators of the sabotage on the Nord Streams in September 2022 were the British Navy.


And the sabotage itself was carried out with the knowledge of Liz Truss during her record-breaking short stay at 10 Downing Street.


The researchers drew attention to the visit of Alec Shelbrooke, then Minister of State for Defense Procurement in the Truss Cabinet, to the Clyde Naval Base in Scotland. Shelbrooke inspected one particular submarine, HMS Ambush, whichreturned to port a week after the attacks on Nord Stream—and met with its captain and crew.


The upper part of the submarine was covered with a remarkable tarpaulin. The researchers note that there is a dock for mini-submarines and an exit for combat swimmers. And his "disguise" could indicate their recent use.


In addition, Shelbrooke personally supervised the Royal Naval DTXG Command, a specialized unit of the British Armed Forces Special Boat Service (SBS). DTXG, which stands forDiving & Threat Exploitation Group, is an elite group of diving miners. The group was created in early 2022, just a few months before the attacks on Nord Stream. Shortly after the sabotage, Shelbrooke himself, Liz Truss, her office, and even the head of the Clyde base resigned.


After Russia's official statements about the participation of "British naval specialists" in the attack on pipelines, the British parliament launched an investigation, but it was blocked by Ben Wallace, the then Minister of Defense of the kingdom.


Vladimir Putin recently told Tucker Carlson about who exactly is behind the explosion of gas pipelines. This is the USA. A study by The Nordic Times, therefore, confirms only that the British were the direct perpetrators of the sabotage on the gas pipelines, whereas the action itself was announced and sanctioned by Joe Biden.


"So there will be no more Nord Stream 2. We will put an end to this," was the literal phrase of the US president, from which the press service later tried to save him.


As for Liz Truss's cabinet, it has already gone down in history as a government whose sole task was to arrange the largest infrastructure sabotage — and, if anything, take responsibility for it.


8:22 AM · Feb 21, 2024



Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.20453105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123 >>3226 >>3340 >>3433 >>3443

Deep State Weasel Mike Morell Supports Nikki Haley (Who didn’t expect this?)

February 21, 2024 | Sundance |


There are multiple examples of sketchy, seriously sketchy, deep state operatives and institutional creatures who are supporting Nikki Haley, but perhaps support from former acting CIA Director Mike Morell is one of the more revealing.


We have tracked Morell for quite a while ever since he replaced David Petraeus in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack and a rapid response coverup was needed. Morell then went on to assist Hillary Clinton in framing the Trump-Russia narrative, organized the 51 intelligence officials to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, and generally working in his capacity as an operative on behalf of the deep state.


So, with that background, this support for Nikki Haley does not come as a surprise revelation.




Nikki Haley is as deep state institutionally connected as you can get. A creature comfortable within the machinations of the swamp and completely self-absorbed, defining herself with the world of politics.


WASHINGTON – GREENVILLE, S.C. — Nikki Haley cast herself on Tuesday as a steadfast candidate of last resort to Donald Trump, maintaining she won’t drop out “until the American people close the door.”


Delivering what her team billed as a “state of the race speech,” a defiant Haley vowed to remain in the race even as she polls far behind Trump in upcoming primaries across the map. Without offering any electoral strategy for her path forward, Haley described her candidacy as a battle for something “bigger than myself.”


And she cried as she invoked her husband’s military service, describing how he couldn’t be with her because he is deployed, and that America was worth fighting for.


Haley’s speech served as something of a raison d’être for a candidate who lost decisively to Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire and is verging on a blowout loss in South Carolina. She pledged to continue on despite calls from high-level GOP leaders for her to end her presidential bid and support him as the party’s likely nominee. (read more)


CTH has been calling out Nikki Haley for years, all of those notations leading to this moment in 2024 which was entirely predictable. Haley cares about one thing, her own position and power – that’s it. She really is the worst type of politician you can fathom. [SEE RESEARCH HERE]

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.20453121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3149 >>3180 >>3212 >>3226 >>3340 >>3433 >>3443

Michael Lee Accurately Summarizes Nikki Haley and Her Kamikaze Mission

February 21, 2024 | Sundance |


I’m not exactly sure who Michael Lee the political strategist is; however,his essential summary of Nikki Haley in this soundbite is very accurate. WATCH:

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.20453171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3183 >>3190

Anon's did you see this, very plausible

GEROMAN time will tell - 👀 –



Elena Panina, Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies:

The Nordic Times: A British submarine staged a sabotage on the Nord Streams


Journalists of the Scandinavian portal The Nordic Times, together with an analyst with the pseudonym "Mortimer", came to the conclusion that thedirect perpetrators of the sabotage on the Nord Streams in September 2022 were the British Navy.


And the sabotage itself was carried out with the knowledge of Liz Truss during her record-breaking short stay at 10 Downing Street.


The researchers drew attention to the visit of Alec Shelbrooke, then Minister of State for Defense Procurement in the Truss Cabinet, to the Clyde Naval Base in Scotland.


Shelbrooke inspected one particular submarine, HMS Ambush, which returned to port a week after the attacks on Nord Stream—and met with its captain and crew.


The upper part of the submarine was covered with a remarkable tarpaulin. The researchers note that there is a dock for mini-submarines and an exit for combat swimmers. And his "disguise" could indicate their recent use.


In addition,Shelbrooke personally supervised the Royal Naval DTXG Command, a specialized unit of the British Armed Forces Special Boat Service (SBS). DTXG, which stands forDiving & Threat Exploitation Group, is an elite group of diving miners. The group was created in early 2022, just a few months before the attacks on Nord Stream. Shortly after the sabotage, Shelbrooke himself, Liz Truss, her office, and even the head of the Clyde base resigned.


After Russia's official statements about the participation of "British naval specialists" in the attack on pipelines, the British parliament launched an investigation, but it was blocked by Ben Wallace, the then Minister of Defense of the kingdom.


Vladimir Putin recently told Tucker Carlson about who exactly is behind the explosion of gas pipelines. This is the USA. A study by The Nordic Times, therefore, confirmsonly that the British were the direct perpetrators of the sabotageon the gas pipelines, whereas the action itself was announced and sanctioned by Joe Biden.


"So there will be no more Nord Stream 2. We will put an end to this," was the literal phrase of the US president, from which the press service later tried to save him.


As for Liz Truss's cabinet, it has already gone down in history as a government whose sole task was to arrange the largest infrastructure sabotage — and, if anything, take responsibility for it.

8:22 AM · Feb 21, 2024


Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.20453240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3314


He is funny as hell, he knows FOX has been trying to sabotage him from the beginning so they send Laura out, which must have been hard for her, since she supported DeSadist and said it was time for Trump to retire much earlier. KEK

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.20453251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3255 >>3322


still don't trust or like Vivek, the reason, there are so many idolators out there praising his personality. I don't get this shit people fall into. Naivety will be the downfall if they don't snap out of false hero worship

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 2:12 p.m. No.20453310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3340 >>3433 >>3443

Exclusive — Trump Lawyer Alina Habba on NY Ruling: I Will Respond in Appeal and ‘You Can Read It and Weep’

21 Feb 2024


Trump lawyer Alina Habba told Breitbart News Daily that she is going to “thoughtfully” and “methodically” respond to the ruling in New York’s fraud case against former President Donald Trump, stating that it is “going to be on the appeal” and “you can read it and weep.”


Habba spoke about the trial and the aftermath of a New York judge — Judge Arthur Engoron — ordering Trump to pay $355 million over allegations of fraud.


The judge also banned Trump from conducting business in the Empire State for three years.


“Let’s just go to common sense, because the order that you’re reading is not common sense. It’s absolutely absurd … and for me to try to explain to you how Judge Engoron got to his ridiculous number would mean I have to go speak about politics and the problem with the dual justice system and election interference right now.


But the numbers are what they are. What bank, whatever, just write a check. So that’s how they feel they had a right to come in under a consumer fraud statute that’s never been used in this way and butt their nose into two private, sophisticated individuals in a contract that has never been breached. No loan defaults, no loss of money, no victims, no damages,” she said, adding that banks had nothing to do with the lawsuit and actually testified that they loved working with the Trump Organization.


“Ms. [Letitia] James is supposed to value properties now? She’s got a bunch of associates under her, giving you what they think the value of Trump Tower is, and that’s the basis of a lawsuit?” Habba continued, pointing to the absurdity of the entire case.


“Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank and Trump have no problems, no lawsuits. No one’s saying they lost money. No one’s saying they were hurt. Everyone’s saying we did our due diligence. Trump’s saying we did our due diligence.


Everybody looks at the values. They put a number on it, they get a deal. They make a contract, and then they’re good on the terms of that contract. Where is the harm? Because Ms. James and Judge Engoron say Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million?” she asked, adding that these people “live in this world where they frankly, have no real knowledge.”


“If you look at Judge Engoron he made a terrible decision that was reversed, hurting landlords and tenants in the state of New York, and he’s known for that. He has said on the record, that even if a jury says something and gets it wrong, he won’t agree with it, and he can use his own powers as a judge to completely disregard what a jury says,” she said. “This is who we are dealing with.”


“So if you want me to make sense of a nonsensical order, I just would assure you that number one, I’m not going to do it today. I’m going to do it thoughtfully, methodically, and it’s going to be on the appeal,” Trump’s lawyer said.


“And you know, you can read it and weep, but that’s where we are at right now,” she added.

Anonymous ID: 342346 Feb. 21, 2024, 2:26 p.m. No.20453364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3433 >>3443

‘Migrantifa’: German Newspaper Notes Emergence of New Hard Left Street Group

Oliver JJ Lane 20 Feb 2024

The violent hard-left Antifa are already well known, but a splinter group in Germany with a laser focus on race has taken to the streets and it is bent on “revolution towards a classless society”, reports a top newspaper.


‘Migrantifa’ — of course a portmanteau neologism of migrant and Antifascist Action — protested in Berlin on Friday night, a demonstration that devolved into scuffles and arrests after police attempted to shut down banned antisemitic chants. Establishment German newspaperDie Welt gives a rundown on the group which has bubbled under the surface for a few years but now gains new prominence.


The report noted the Monday night rally, called on the anniversary of a terror attack against a shisha bar in Germany that killed nine, attracted 3,500 protesters —Migrantifa themselves claimed “over 10,000” attended — and that chants were led and speeches were given. Describing the extremist worldview held by the Migrantifa group as expressed through the words of its speakers, Welt said the group seamlessly blended anger over Gaza with conspiracy theories about German racism against migrants, seeing no political party as representing migrant interests.


„Deutschland finanziert, Israel massakriert” auf der Demo zum Gedenktag des rassistischen Attentats von Hanau auf der Berliner Sonnenallee #b1902 — Jan Alexander Casper (@JanAlexanderCa1) February 19, 2024


“Deadly racism” is present in the full spectrum from the right-populist anti-mass migrationAlternative For Germany (AfD) to the enviro-socialist Greens, said one speaker, who told attendees that at best the political system offered a vote “every four years… between misery with a rainbow flag and misery with a conservative family image”. Even the hard left parties now in government had supplied cash to Israel, they lamented.


The Migrantifa hardliners also “despise ‘diversity’ and anti-racism work-through-workshops rhetoric” — the very basis of the contemporary multicultural state in Germany as elsewhere, and prefer “‘resistance’ and revolution towards a ‘classless society'”, the paper said.


Welt is not the only German newspaper to have noted the Migrantifa rally. Die Tageszeitung also reports on the rhetoric, noting the speeches focussing on popular responses in the country to migrant crime. Noting events like the massive New Year’s Eve unrest in Berlin and the outrage at the behaviour of migrant males towards young women and girls at public swimming pools in recent summers, the protest lashed out at the public’s response to what many would call ‘migrant crime’, describing it instead as “unprecedented agitation against migrants”.


The AfD — clearly an object of hatred for the Migrantifa activists— responded to the emergence of the group, asking rhetorically whether the members might consider leaving Germany, given they have such a low opinion of it. The party said in their sardonic statement: “If Germany is a ‘racist murderer state’… then why don’t you pack your things and go to another country? We would very much welcome it and would be happy to show you the way to the airport!”.


(I wonder if the Scholz party keeps them around to intimidate conservatives? They should have been kicked out years ago)