Why is there Hamas propaganda in Notables?
Clown bake?
Why is there Hamas propaganda in Notables?
Clown bake?
You should fuck off putting Hamas propaganda in Notables.
Stahp machine gunning concert crowds
Stahp taking hostages as human shields
Stahp strapping bombs and animals and childrens and sending them to checkpoints
Stahp blowing up public transport
Stahp blowing up cafes
Stahp spending aid money on missiles
Stahp building war tunnels under schools and hospiitals
Stahp beheading civilians you dragged from their beds…
Shall I go on Mustafa?
How do you know who is Jewish you projecting, bigot twat?
However, concluding that you are a moran does not require the thinker to be Jewish. It simply requires they have the ability to read.
Only seems to be one group playing the eternal victim in here.
Only one group wants us to forget what they did and focus on the response to what they did,
And it isn't Israel.
"Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt" -Saul Alinsky.
Also Q never said shit about Jews only that this is not about race or religion.
Do you need me to look up the drops for you, or are you just going to post the Hungarian blood meme again?
But nice try at planting seeds. You might catch out a newfag.
See what happens when you poke the bear.
Well done! Another predictable, colossal defeat and abject failure for the Islamic world.
1967, 1973 and now 2023.
How long before it seems like a good idea again?
Try to be less of a disingenuous cunt.
Glow Moar.