>from /RWG/
The traitors in DC fear the Article V Convention of States to amend the US constitution and thats why you probs have no idea how it works if youve even heard of it at all – it can be established by popular petition/referendum to cuck congress, is defacto highest law in the land, and was specifically put into place by T.Jefferson as a legal means for a populist coup for just this situation: the USFG becoming totally compromised
the amendment could be anything, but i would suggest:
a. eliminate corporate money/superpacs in politics, abolish corporate/special interest lobbying of congress,
b. force Fortune 500 to redirect their lobbying funds into a public chest to publicly fund elections/campaigns based on popular support,
c. overhaul election system with opensource blockchain encrypted election systems,
d. and enforce tax code on Fortune 500, private trusts and oligarchs in order to abolish all tax liability for 99% of americans.
e. what am i missing?