do you think you are going to get Q to write a response to a limp dicked cucked faggot like yourself.
and you are a whiny faggot. Ask your questions point out your perceived inconsistancies. Just stop being a fucking nigger about it.
I can call you names till I get bored dick snip.
Nope not really, and If I did get an answer would it be true? Could I trust it, considering that most of the information has to be withheld because muh national security and that is the only shit that matters. So seeing as how I will most likely never know any of that or be told the truth about any of this bullshit, and do not forget disinformation is necessary. Why would any answer be a straight one let alone get an answer that actually is not a reductive answer or a picture of a flag?
one reason is you have people who "did the right thing" suffered and paid their slave debt, who are pissed that this is just getting waived. All it has done, is show what a joke the entire degree idea is and that they really are just pieces of paper.
hyperbolic but more accurate.
no answer has been 100% straight, its always a layer of something around it. Discernment, but that word has baggage and those who claim it never have it. Anons should be smart and scrutinize but that does not happen really much lately either. So if we have Q or not anymore, does not matter. The idea of what was revealed has already reached terminal velocity. Return or not, does not matter. It just is what it is.
saw that movie.
neither which is why it is a good answer.
thanks cory now shut up and start lurking newfag.
bible fags and trannies.
No that channel has the Real Housewives and they should only be summoned in the most dire of emergencies. Lovecraft has nothing on those witches.