ALL the Biden dogs are fucked up like this?
Have none of you ever seen 'Cocaine Bear'?
Yeah, let's not expect women to stop being sloppy whores. Just let the dirty bitches keep fuckin every dick that points at them like stray dogs in heat.
Ain't a fuckin one of them, especially the highly educated, with enough brains to figure out a basal thermometer. Attention span of gnats!
All of Biden's dogs are fucked up psycho like this.
Y'all never seen 'Cocaine Bear'?
Why didn't those pussy ass SS agents shoot that fuckin mad dog the FiRST time it drew blood??
And the bullshit will keep coming until the US mainstream media execs, anchors, and dirty little staffers are dragged into the streets and set to swinging from lamp posts.
They will be some confessing mofos as their carcasses are dragged over the concrete on the way to the lamp posts!
Assuming many 'what' lurk here?
I'm sure many more of us haven't been near a McD or Burkerking for 20+ years, at least.
FFS what? I had my first McD Big Mac when the sold number was in the hundred thousands. Not even a million yet. Yeah, that long ago. You got nothin, kid. Not even a relevant topic.
Fish oil is a commercially processed supplement. Worse than a swig of fryer oil.
Pickled herring. Getcha some.