Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.20459492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9495 >>9664 >>9796 >>0128 >>0214 >>0244 >>0253

Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle Moderating CPAC Panel: Biden Belongs in ‘Memory Care Institution, Not the Oval Office’

Hannah Bleau Knudsen22 Feb 2024



President Joe Biden belongs in a “memory care institution, not the Oval Office,” Breitbart News’s Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle said on Thursday, moderating a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which centered around Biden’s future and possible Democrat replacements.


The panel — which featured podcaster Monica Crowley, radio host Larry O’Connor, and senior columnist of Kurt Schlichter — centered around the debate on Biden’s future and the likelihood of former First Lady Michelle Obama — or someone else — stepping up to the plate for Democrats.


“The point here is that we know what’s going to happen on the Republican side. Donald J. Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for president again,” Boyle began.


“We don’t know what’s going to happen on the Democrat side,” he said, explaining that Biden is, technically speaking, leading on the Democrat side right now.


“He just put up a major fundraising number in January, but at the same time, you have a special counsel report that shows what we all know: This guy belongs in a memory care institution, not the Oval Office,” Boyle said.


Crowley was one of the first people to warn that Democrats could parachute Michelle Obama in at their convention, issuing that point about “two years ago.”


“I thought, even at the time, two years ago, there is no way that Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee for president. I mean, he’s always been a corrupt hack, but now he’s a corrupt tack with dementia. So I thought there’s no way that they can put him up in ’24,” she said.


Crowley explained that she believes Michelle Obama covers all the bases, warning the audience, “Don’t buy the nonsense that she is not political. She is totally political,” providing examples:


Her father was a precinct captain in Chicago. So from the time she was a little girl, she was going to precinct meetings with her dad. Her best friend growing up was Jesse Jackson’s daughter. So she was always at Jesse Jackson’s house, et cetera. Look, she is completely political. The Democrats move their convention to Chicago, ok, so you start to put some of the pieces together, and it’s entirely possible that they could make the change out at the convention in August.


They can throw out all the rules because communists do not play by any rules. Democrats just do whatever they want, and they could make the switch, and if they do that, then they can position Michelle as the reluctant candidate who really didn’t want to do this, but she needs to save her party and her country, so she’s been reluctantly recruited.


While Crowley said it sounds “off the wall,” she said it is possible, although she does not know how likely it is and hopes she is wrong…

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.20459495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9664 >>9796 >>0128 >>0214 >>0244 >>0253



Schlichter did not necessarily agree, explaining that he is “not convinced Joe Biden’s planning on leaving the White House,” adding that he does not believe Obama wants to be president. He does, however, believe Vice President Kamala Harris wants to be president,


O’Connor explained how he believes it will play out:


I think that, obviously, if Joe Biden can’t actually stand trial, he can’t be president of the United States. As soon as they get rid of the, you know, messy democratic process — because they’re the Democratic Party, right — they get to the convention. He steps down, not just from the ticket, but he steps down from the White House. Kamala Harris then becomes president of the United States and runs as a historic figure, our first woman president, and she’s running as an incumbent from the convention for those ten weeks. Because I don’t see how they get rid of her.


“The mechanics of this are very difficult because, again, I don’t know how realistic any of this is because they’re not just — they don’t just have to get rid of the president, they have to get rid of the vice president as well,” Crowley chimed in.


Boyle mentioned the divisions between the Bidens and Obamas, and Crowley explained that the Deep State is pulling the strings — the Obamas included.


“There’s an interesting point here that I wanted — that Larry brought up — about the history of this and how Joe Biden became the Democrat nominee in 2020,” Boyle told the panel members:


If you go back even a little bit further, further than that timeframe when the Obamas stepped in and said, “Alright, it’s got to be Joe” in South Carolina. What led up to that was the Jim Clyburn endorsement. The Clyburn endorsement was contingent upon: Joe had to pick a black woman as his vice president. And so, I’m going to hear all these people talking about Gavin Newsom being the candidate in 2024; I’m like, I don’t think so. Good luck to the white man that tries to take it away from the black woman.


Crowley mentioned that she had Trump on her podcast and asked him if he was prepared for a worst-case scenario, such as Michelle Obama being the Democrat nominee.


“And there was a pause, and he said,‘Yes, absolutely. We are prepared for all comers, for anybody,'” she said, as Boyle explained that Trump told him in December that “he is expecting that the Democrats — that Biden will step aside or be pushed aside and that they’ll try at the convention to go with Kamala.”


“He thinks that they’ll fail to get Kamala … then the question is, ‘Who after Kamala,’ right?” Boyle asked.

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.20459567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9659

Senator Vance Rips Foreign Policy Establishment's Push For Endless War In Ukraine


Senator Vance Rips Foreign Policy Establishment's Push For Endless War In Ukraine


"Now those experts have a new crusade, a new thing that American taxpayers must fund and must fund indefinitely. And it is called the conflict in Ukraine."



Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 5:40 p.m. No.20459697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9701 >>9776 >>9931

I have this awful feeling that we are really fucked, if the Republicans don’t out think the democrat Admin. I don’t have much hope.


But I believe in God, we passed the precipice a which ago.


I’ll believe in my faith and see how this ends.Its a nail biter for sure


Any advice or comfort anons? (Only anons, no trolls, shills, bots or low level agents, should reply)

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20459781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not impressed with Byron’s speech, I disagree with his tactic and the war speak, and it sounds propaganderish to me. Usually I consider him a moderately good speaker. But not tonight.


And yes I’m a real anon

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 6:31 p.m. No.20459984   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I absolutely thought that was one of the most meaningful parts of the interview. My analysis going through the entire interview 2-1/2x, Tucker has been CIA since the invite.


Putin says he understands, basically saying I know you have to deny it, afterall I was in the KGB.


It’s true. Tucker is supposed to “Make the CIA Great Again”


That was a direct challenge by Putin and notice Tucker's face drained of all color

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 6:40 p.m. No.20460035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Putin’s taunting look and how he said that was priceless. It was almost like Tucker thought he had tricked Putin into this interview, (he made the whole story of the gov spying on him or partly), so the CIA could interview him. Then Putin says why would I be afraid of being interviewed by the CIA when i know what you are doing. “It’s a serous organization of course”.


Putin’s team watched Tucker for years.

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 6:42 p.m. No.20460049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BTW Putin had a very almost sinister look when he spoke about the CIA and Tucker looked pretty freaked out. Tucker didn’t do his hyena laughing after that

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 7:11 p.m. No.20460154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0168

Perfect explanation of Joe and Hunters relationship; and why Major the dog that Joe fucked daily attacked the SS. Major was special in his own mind so he had to protect Alpha.No wonder Bannon called the family a pack if ferrel dogs

Controversies Surrounding the Alpha Dog Concept

The alpha dog concept has been a subject of debate among dog trainers, behaviorists, and owners for years. This theory stems from the idea that dogs function within a social hierarchy, where one dog, termed the "alpha," holds a superior position through dominant behaviors.


Cesar Millan, a popular dog trainer, has played a significant role in popularizing the alpha dog concept. His approach to dog training often involves asserting dominance over the dog to encourage obedience and good behavior. However, this method has sparked controversy due to its reliance on discipline and intimidation tactics.


Critics argue that such techniques may be harmful to a dog's psychological well-being and suggest alternative approaches that focus on positive reinforcement and offering dogs choices instead. They emphasize understanding the dog's individual character to tailor training methods accordingly.


Another aspect of the controversy surrounding the alpha dog concept is the application of this theory to domestic dogs. Some experts argue that the alpha dog hierarchy is more relevant to wild wolf packs, and transferring this concept to domestic dogs may be inappropriate. The complexity of dog social dynamics and canine-human relationships is such that simplifying them into a simple alpha dog concept might not be helpful or accurate.


Moreover, some incidents involving dog aggression or tragedy might be wrongly attributed to the alpha dog concept. In these cases, it is crucial to consider the context, possible triggers, and the dog's history to understand the cause of the behavior, rather than merely labeling them as "alpha" dogs.


The alpha dog concept remains a subject of ongoing debate. While it may have some relevance in specific situations, relying solely on dominance-based training methods might not always be the most effective or humane approach to understanding and working with our canine companions.


Understanding and Caring for an Alpha Dog

An alpha dog exhibits dominant behaviors and tends to take charge in social situations with other dogs. As a confident and assertive canine, an alpha dog may sometimes display undesirable behaviors. To effectively care for an alpha dog, it is essential to understand their needs and utilize appropriate methods for a harmonious relationship.


One of the key aspects in managing an alpha dog is establishing yourself as the leader. Setting clear boundaries and expectations, while using positive reinforcement through praise and rewards, can go a long way in maintaining a balanced relationship with your dog. Be consistent in your approach to reinforce the desired behaviors and reduce any undesirable ones.


A well-structured daily routine can help meet the needs of an alpha dog. Ensure they get enough physical exercise and mental stimulation through activities such as walking, running, and playing with toys. Challenging toys, like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys, can be beneficial in keeping them engaged both mentally and physically.


In providing a comfortable environment for an alpha dog, consider a designated bed or sleeping area tailored to their preferences. A cozy and accessible bed can offer them a safe space to rest and reinforce their position within the household.


When addressing unwanted behaviors, calmly and assertively correct them without resorting to physical punishment. Focus on rewarding good behaviors with verbal praise and occasional treats to reinforce positive actions. In some cases, seeking assistance from a professional trainer experienced in working with dominant dogs can be a valuable asset in managing undesirable behaviors.


By being attuned to an alpha dog's needs and providing consistent leadership, you can foster a healthy and harmonious relationship with your canine companion. Remember to be patient and vigilant, as a confident and knowledgeable demeanor will go a long way in caring for an alpha dog. (Most this is bullshitmy Alpha dog was attacked by the beta dog when she got cancer and her leg was removed. Same in lion society.)

Anonymous ID: 51f2c6 Feb. 22, 2024, 7:15 p.m. No.20460168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jill is just as sick when the dog is around, she forces him to do things that no male would ever do on the old hag, her attitude is she that wants “revenge” on everyone