>vd is off his meds once again
If he really isn't a bot (nor heavily bot assisted) then he'll go down in the QR HOF as the Highest Ranking Schizo.
Second place is where the real competition exists.
>vd is off his meds once again
If he really isn't a bot (nor heavily bot assisted) then he'll go down in the QR HOF as the Highest Ranking Schizo.
Second place is where the real competition exists.
>Vatican Sandwich Post
When an anon posts something that lands in between 2 Vatican spergspam posts and most non-filterfag anons fly right past it w/o reading it.
It happens to everyone all the time, anon.
I 'member when that used to be the case all the time.
Now it seems to never be the case most of the time.
>demon from hell, dirty judges, Alina Habba memes, MAGA constractors, Vetting process
That anon is not the same as Vatican.
He's an oldfag that's been shitposting (the true meaning of the term) here since forever.
He lives for the amount of pearl clutching yous his "controversial" posts elicit.
>t. Not_Toilet is not the best namefag for him but it'll have to do until a better one comes along.