>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.
>Morning, Sam.
Mornin, Frenz
>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.
>Pooloo see bagoomba
>translation: "Free the Natives"
>from Gilligans Island]
a classic
>good morning Ralph.
Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected?
Need moar covfefe today than yesterday.
Read these Q drops yesterday morning while looking at 2/22 deltas.
Seeing the Emerald clown tweet this morning tingled the almonds
Check the delta Q805 and Q806. Feb 22, 2018
>clowns will be clowns, cbs is clown central for journos
>his is chilling: After firing acclaimed investigative reporter Catherine Herridge, CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources.
>6:34 AM ·Feb 22, 2024