Why This Record Warm February Has A Direct Tie To El Nino
love me some el niño
Why This Record Warm February Has A Direct Tie To El Nino
love me some el niño
>>20464504 (me)
i see we're back to dead URLs in posts
to satisfy the reeeeeing faggots
tell me again…
if i copy the URL and paste into my browser
'zacky HOW am i any "safer' than if i can click an active link?
inquiring anons WANT TO KNOW
since you simply contradict me, instead of giving a COGENT explanation
the only conclusion is YER A FUCKING SHILL
>Over 40% of adults say they know someone who died from drug overdose
or "know of?"
stats are used to lie
i "know of" several people who ODed
didn't "know" any of them personally
i DID "know" three people who committed suicide
i "knew of" quite a few more…
maybe ask more specific questions to get more meaningful poll results?
>What happens when someone can't pay it, they can't appeal?
logic much?
if they "can't" pay, what's the point of an appeal?
they're already NOT paying it
>Because the world doesn't revolve around money. If I'm found guilty of something I didn't do and fined an amount I can't pay I still have the right to appeal.
do you spend all of your time REEEEEING over hypotheticals?
hypothetically speaking, if you THOUGHT before you spoke or posted, would you seem less retarded to others?
>really? that is logic to you?
been doing it all my life
i get a bill from someone i don't agree with
i don't waste time disputing it
i simply ignore it
it has worked every time
"worked" being defined as: I DIDN'T PAY
> making around 150K a year, with 4 kids we're barely making it.. and we live in a very low-cost of living state.
spouseanon and i live VERY COMFORTABLY on $28k/yr
most we EVER made together was around $40k in one yr
we OWN our own home and two rental properties (no mortgages)
de-clutter your life from USELESS expensive toys, and landfill looking for a place to happen
>If you're wrongfully convicted and fined all you care about is the fine?
so yer finally catching on?
you must be the "smart one" in your family
what people "think" or "believe" about me doesn't hurt me in the least
STEALING from me hurts me
their power over you ends when YOU decide to stop giving it to them
ignore them, and you'll discover just how powerless they are
>you are being fried with ultraviolet radiation daily at levels you cannot imagine
fuckwit detector activated
too absurd to be addressed rigorously
suffice it to say
yer a fuckwit
>Here we go again.